Органон Врачебного Искусства

Organon §49

We would have been able to find many more natural, genuine homeopathic cures of this kind if the attention of observers had been more directed…

Organon §48

Neither in the course of nature, as we see from all the above examples, nor by the physician’s art, can an existing suffering or ill-being…

Organon §47

It is impossible for there to be a more distinct and persuasive instruction for the physician than this, as to what manner of artificial disease…

Organon §45

No! Two diseases, differing as to mode 98 but very similar in their manifestations and actions, in the sufferings and symptoms they cause, always and…

Organon §44

Two similar diseases can neither fend off one another (as was said about dissimilar diseases in point i, §36-§37) nor suspend one another so that…

Organon §42

In some cases, as has been stated [§40], nature itself allows two (or even three) natural diseases to meet in one and the same body.

Organon §41

Complicated diseases occur in nature, however they result much more frequently from protracted allopathic treatment. The natural disease and the artificial medicinal disease pair up…

Organon §40

Sometimes two diseases of equal strength form a complicated disease in which each of the two occupies a different part of the body. 

Organon §39

Aggressive allopathic medical treatments merely suppress and suspend a chronic disease for as long as treatment is kept up, after which the disease always comes…

Organon §38

If the new dissimilar disease is stronger, it will suspend the older disease, but never cure it.

Organon §37

Moderate allopathic treatments do not alter or cure stronger chronic diseases, even if the treatments go on for years. 

Organon §36

If the older disease is the same strength or stronger, it will fend off the new one.

Organon §34

To cure, a medicine must not only be stronger than the disease to be cured, it must be able to produce an artificial disease as…

Organon §33

Experience shows that medicinal energies affect health unconditionally while natural disease energies only affect health under certain conditions.

Organon §32

The power of medicines to affect the health of every human being is absolute and unconditional. A medicine’s effects will be perceptible if the dose…

Organon §31

The power of natural diseases to make us sick depends on our susceptibility and on our exposure to them.