Organon §171

Chronic non-venereal diseases may require several antipsoric remedies in succession. 

Organon §170

In every case where an alteration of the disease state has proceeded, the stock of symptoms that still remain must be ascertained anew

Organon §169

Do not make a second prescription without re-examining the case.

Organon §168

In this way, one will more easily find an analogue, from among the known medicines, that corresponds to this new disease image.

Organon §167

If significant new symptoms arise from the first imperfect medicine, do not wait for the medicine to finish its work. Select a second medicine based…

Organon §166

Such a case, however, is very rare due to the recent increase in the number of medicines known according to their pure actions. If such…

Organon §165

A medicine that shares common but not characteristic symptoms with a disease is not homeopathic to the disease.

Organon §164

Even a few symptoms shared by a medicine and a disease can lead directly to a cure if the symptoms are characteristic.

Organon §163

Accessory symptoms emerge when an imperfect medicine is used.

Organon §161

Chronic diseases treated with fifty-millesimal potencies should only have a homeopathic aggravation towards the end of treatment.

Organon §160

Since the dose of a homeopathic remedy can hardly ever be prepared so small that it could not improve,

Organon §159

Smaller doses produce smaller homeopathic aggravations.

Organon §158

A small homeopathic aggravation is a good indication in an acute disease.

Organon §157

A homeopathic aggravation is the medicinal disease, not a worsening of the original disease.

Organon §155

Medicines capable of producing many symptoms cure without significant ailment because the minute doses used are too weak to produce significant symptoms in disease-free parts…

Organon §154

The most fitting medicine for a disease is the one that has in its symptom set, the greatest number of characteristic symptoms with the greatest…

Organon §153

Strange, rare and peculiar symptoms are the most important in the search for a homeopathic remedy. 

Organon §152

Strange, rare and peculiar symptoms §152- §155 Remedies are more easily found for acute diseases with numerous and striking symptoms.