Organon §268

Use of dry powders in the preparation of medicines

Organon §267

Preparation of medicinal liquid from fresh plants

Organon §265

Physicians should prepare their own medicines and personally give them to their patients.

Organon §263

1. The cravings of the acutely ill patient with regard to edible delectables and drinks is, for the most part, for things that give palliative…

Organon §262

The best regimen for acute illness involves satisfying the patient’s cravings, within moderate bounds, along with avoidance of mental exertion and emotional shocks.

Organon §261

The best regimen for chronic disease includes innocent diversions, exercise in the fresh air and a good diet, in addition to removing obstacles to cure. 

Organon §260

Remove any obstacles to cure, especially in cases of chronic disease. 

Organon §258

By the same token, the medical-art practitioner will not (out of mistrustful weakness) avoid medicines, in his further medical pursuit, that he previously employed with…

Organon §255

Even with such patients, a physician will come to closure on the question of amelioration or aggravation by going through the disease image recorded in…

Organon §254

Changes in the symptom picture will soon confirm whether the patient’s condition is aggravated or ameliorated.

Organon §252

In chronic cases that do not improve with homeopathic treatment, look for an obstacle to cure.