Folliculinum (Merphy)
(Ovarian Follicle)
PHARMACY-foil. Folliculinum. Ovarian follicle. Oestron. Estrone. Hormone secreted by the ovaries. Trituration. Historical dose: All potencies.
CLINICAL - Acne. Alopecia. Amenorrhea. Backache. Cystitis. Headaches. Leucorrhea. Mastitis. Metrorrhagia. Migraines. Palpitations. Premenstrual, syndrome. Seborrhea. Tachycardia. Vaginal, pruritus.
HOMEOPATHIC - A female remedy, affecting primarily the female hormonal system. Foil, in a homeopathic dilution could be indicated in premenstrual syndrome, as well as for all the functional symptoms present in a patient. _ Premenstrual syndrome. Weight gain without excessive eating, worse before menses or during ovulation.
Premenstrual migraines. Congestive headaches, either with redness of the face or the opposite with pallor, but still with the sensation of chilliness at the limbs.
Freguent ecchymosis, bruises very easily. Acne on the face and seborrhea of the nostrils. Hypersensitive to heat, noise and contact.
Foil, in low potencies of 3x and 4c is an arouser to be given in cases of amenorrhea and insufficient menstruation. In 7c, it is a regulator.
In 9c, it is a restrainer and a dose should be given either to wards the tenth day of the cycle, when the pains predominate on the 14th day or 5 days before the beginning of menstruation, when the discomforts are predominant before the arrival of menses.
MIND - Alternation of excitability and depression, worse before menses. Irritable and sensitive before the menses. Extreme instability with anguish, worse at nightfall. Sexual hyper-excitability. Fixed ideas of a sexual nature.
ABDOMEN - Abdominal meteorism, worse three or four days before menses. Liver swollen, soft and hypertrophic.
BACK - Lumbar pains, worse during ovulation. Backache before menses.
BLADDER - Recurring cystitis in women.
BREASTS - Breasts enormous, swollen, cannot bear being constricted ortouched. The pain is ameliorated or disappears with menses. Congestive mastitis.
EYES - Swelling with edema of the conjunctiva tissue.
FACE - Acne on the face and seborrhea of the nostrils.
FEMALE - Congestion, uterine, and premenstrual pains. Vaginal, vulvar pruritus, worse before menses. Menses prolonged, blood bright red with clotting. Menses painful for the first few days. Leucorrhea. Yellow or brownish discharge, sometimes blood streaked, between menses, especially during ovulation. Small losses of blood during ovulation. Uterus is fibrous with metrorrhagia.
HEAD - Alopecia in women.
HEART - Tachycardia. Palpitations with faintness. Sensation of constriction around the heart with feeling of a bar in the precordial region, spreading to the left arm.
LUNGS - Need for fresh air, takes large breaths of air and sighs deeply. Fitful cough, worse when in company, with sensation of constriction around the heart.
MODALITIES-Better after the third day of menses. Better with movement. Better fresh air. Worse before menses. Worse during ovulation. Worse from heat and resting.
NOSE-Coryza with headache and profuse discharge. Hayfever.
RECTUM - Feeling of heaviness in the rectum. Chronic constipation, sometimes alternation of constipation and diarrhea.
SKIN - Dry eczema, worse during ovulation, before menses. Dry eruption of the fingers with splitting and chapping of the skin.
STOMACH - Indigestion. Nausea with vomiting. Premenstrual pain in the right hypochondrium.
THROAT - Swallowing of liquids very painful. Cannot bear pressure on the pharynx.
RELATIONS - Compare: (1)The closest remedy is Lach. Like this remedy, it has: Alternating excitability and depression, extreme sensitivity to contact, amelioration by menstrual flow. But, unlike Lachesis, we do not find: Laterality or aggravation from sleep, but, on the contrary, aggravation during ovulation. (2) Sepia, Lac-с., Puls., Kali-c.