Organon §148

Natural diseases are dynamically engendered by potences that mistune the life force. Medicines cure by dynamically over-tuning the life force with a similar but stronger artificial disease.

Естественные болезни возникают под динамическим влиянием [различных] сил, вызывающих расстройство жизненной силы [организма].

A natural disease is never to be regarded as some noxious matter situated somewhere inside or outside the person (§11-§13). Rather, natural disease is engendered by a spirit-like inimical potence that disturbs, as if by a kind of contagion (fn11), the spirit-like life principle that reigns, with its instinctual governance, in the entire organism. Like an evil spirit, it torments the life principle, forcing it to engender certain sufferings and disorders in the course of its life. These are known as symptoms or diseases.

Естественную болезнь никогда не следует рассматривать как некое вредное материальное вещество, находящееся где-то внутри или снаружи человека (§§ 11-13). Скорее всего, естественная болезнь порождается, некой нематериальной (подобным духовной) враждебной силой, которая нарушает, по типу цепной реакции, нематериальный (подобным духовному) жизненный принцип в организме. [Эта сила] подобно злому духу, мучает жизненный принцип, заставляя его порождать определенные страдания и нарушения в жизненном процессе. Они [нарушения] известны как [болезненные] симптомы или болезни.

If the feeling of the impinging action of the inimical agent that strove to produce and continue this mistunement is again withdrawn from the life principle, that is, if the physician lets an artificial disease potence impinge on the patient against the inimical agent-an artificial disease potence which is able to morbidly mistune the life principle most similarly and which continually exceeds the natural disease in energy (§33, §279) even in the smallest dose-then the life principle loses the sensibility of the original disease agent during the impinging action of this stronger, similar, artificial disease. From then on, the malady exists no more for the life principle. It is annihilated.

Если [1.] ОЩУЩЕНИЕ влияния враждебного агента [фактора], который не только вызвал, но и продолжает это нарушение [т.е. болезнь], ВЫВОДИТСЯ [удаляется] из жизненного принципа, то есть [тогда, когда] [2.] врач позволяет ИСКУССТВЕННОЙ болезнетворной СИЛЕ, ПОВЛИЯТЬ на больного в отношении ВРАЖДЕБНОГО АГЕНТА [на нематериальном уровне] - искусственная болезнетворная сила которая способна расстроить жизненный принцип наиболее подобным образом [точно также как сделал это враждебный агент], которая даже в минимальных дозах постоянно превышает по энергии подобную ей естественную болезнь (§§ 33, 279), то влияние исходного вредного болезненного вещества на жизненный принцип исчезает в течение действия этой более сильной подобной искусственной болезни. Теперь зла для жизненного принципа больше не существует - оно разрушено.

Recent natural diseases pass away quickly with homeopathic treatment. Somewhat older natural diseases require longer treatment.

If, as was said, the fittingly selected homeopathic medicine is properly employed, then the acute natural disease that is to be over-tuned passes away unnoticed; if it arose shortly beforehand, it often passes away in a few hours.

Если, как было сказано, выбранное гомеопатическое средство назначено правильно, то недавно развившаяся острая естественная болезнь, которая должна быть перенастроена, незаметно исчезнет через несколько часов [после приема].

A somewhat older natural disease (likewise along with all traces of indisposition) passes away somewhat later, after application of a few more doses of the same, more highly potentized medicine, or after the careful selection 169 of one or another still more similar homeopathic medicine. Health, recovery (and nothing else) then ensues in unnoticeable, often rapid, transitions. The life principle feels free again and able to continue the life of the organism in health; and vitality is there again.

Более старая, хроническая болезнь отступит несколько позже вместе со всеми следами дискомфорта в результате применения нескольких доз того же самого средства более высокой степени разведения или в результате тщательного подбора  более сходного гомеопатического лекарства. Выздоровление наступает в незаметных, часто быстрых переходах. Жизненный принцип вновь освобожден и способен продолжать жизнь организма в здоровом состоянии, как прежде, и силы возвращаются.


169 The search for the remedy that is homeopathically the most suitable, in all regards, for a given disease state is a laborious, occasionally a very laborious, pursuit. While there are praiseworthy books for facilitating this process [i.e. , repertories and materia medica] it is still necessary to study the sources themselves [i.e. , reports of provings]. Many-sided circumspection and serious consideration is also required. The best reward for this is the awareness of a duty truly fulfilled. How could this laborious, painstaking work (which alone produces the best possible cure of diseases) suit those gentlemen of the new mongrel sect who vaunt the honorable title of homeopath and who, for show, give out medicines that are homeopathic in form and appearance but which they only lay hold of in a perfunctory way (quidquid in buccam venit [whatever comes into the mouth]*)? When the inexact means does not immediately help, they lay the blame for it on homeopathy, instead of on their inexcusable indolence and fecklessness in dealing with the most important and most critical of human affairs. They accuse homeopathy of being very imperfect when, in fact, the problem is that the most appropriate homeopathic remedy for each disease state does not spontaneously fly into their mouths like roasted pigeons, without any effort on their part! Being the adroit people that they are, they know how to quickly console themselves about the inefficacy of their scarcely half-homeopathic means by bringing to bear the allopathic toadies which are more familiar to them (including one or more dozens of leeches placed at the site of suffering, small innocent venesections of eight ounces or so, etc.). These cut a right stately figure. If the patient pulls through in spite of all this, these gentlemen then praise their venesections, leeches etc. "without which the patient would not have been able to be preserved." They give one to understand, in no uncertain terms, that these operations (transmitted, without much brain-racking, from the ruinous routine of the old school) were fundamentally the best element in the treatment. But if the patient dies (as is not seldom the case) they seek to appease the disconsolate relations by saying that "they themselves were witnesses that, after all, everything possible had been done for the dearly departed." Who would do this feckless and harmful brood the honor of calling them, after the very laborious but curative art, homeopathic physicians? May their just reward await them of being treated in the same manner once they fall ill!