Organon §138
During a proving, all ailments, befallments and alterations in the prover's condition should be attributed to the medicine.
For the duration of a medicine's action, all ailments, befallments and alterations in the prover's condition stem solely from this medicine, provided the above conditions for a pure experiment are complied with (§124-§127). All of these must be regarded as belonging peculiarly to this medicine as its symptoms, and recorded as such [in one's proving journal]. This is the case even if the prover perceived similar befallments in himself a considerable time previously. Their reappearance during the proving only indicates that this person, by virtue of his particular bodily constitution, is especially disposed to being aroused to such befallments. In our case, it has been done by the medicine. The symptoms come now (while the ingested efficacious medicine masters the prover's entire condition) not of themselves, rather they stem from the medicine.