Organon §3
To be a genuine practitioner of the medical art, a physician must:
1. clearly realize what is to be cured in diseases, that is, in each single case of disease (discernment of the disease, indicator),
2. clearly realize what is curative in medicines, that is, in each particular medicine (knowledge of medicinal powers),
3. be aware of how to adapt what is curative in medicines to what he has discerned to be undoubtedly diseased in the patient, according to clear principles.
In this way, recovery must result. Adapting what is curative in medicines to what is diseased in patients requires that the physician be able to:
1. adapt the most appropriate medicine, according to its mode of action, to the case before him (selection of the remedy, that which is indicated),
2. prepare the medicine exactly as required,
3. give the medicine in the exact amount required (the right dose),
4. properly time the repetition of doses.
Finally, the physician must know the obstacles to recovery in each case and be aware of how to clear them away so that the restoration of health may be permanent. (If the physician has this insight, discernment, knowledge and awareness) then he understands how to act expediently and thoroughly, and he is a genuine practitioner of the medical art.