Organon §109
I was the first to blaze this trail with a perseverance that could only arise and be maintained by the great truth speeding humanity that the certain cure of human diseases is only possible 152 through the homeopathic use of medicines. 153
152 It is impossible that there can be another true, best method of curing dynamic (i.e. , non-surgical) diseases besides pure homeopathy, just as it is impossible to draw more than one straight line between two points. A person who imagines that there are other modes of curing diseases could not have gotten to the bottom of homeopathy [i.e. , fundamentally understood it] or practiced it with sufficient care, nor could he have seen or read cases of correctly motivated homeopathic cures. Such a person could not have pondered the baselessness of all allopathic modes of treating diseases or inquired about their bad, often frightful, results if with such lax indifference, he places the only true medical art on an equal footing with these detrimental modes of treatment or even passes them off as sisters of homeopathy, which homeopathy could not do without! May my conscientious successors, the genuine, pure homeopaths, with their almost never failing felicitous cures, set them straight.
153 The first fruits of this labor (as ripe as it could be then) were published in the Fragmenta de viribus medicamentorum positivis, sive in sano corpore humano observatis [Fragments on the positive forces of medicines; that is, observed in the healthy human body] (Lipsiae, 1805, pts. I, II, vol. 8, ap. J.A. Barth). The riper fruits were presented in Reine Arzneimittellehre [Materia Medica Pura] (vol. I, 3rd ed.; vol. II, 3rd ed., 1833; vol. III, 2nd ed., 1825; vol. IV, 2nd ed., 1825; vol. V, 2nd ed., 1826; vol. VI, 2nd ed., 1827). [The English translation of Hahnemann's Materia Medica Pura is published in two volumes.] These riper fruits were also presented in the second, third and fourth parts of Die chronischen Krankheiten [The Chronic Diseases] Dresden: Arnold, 1828, 1830 (2nd ed., with a fifth part, Dьsseldorf: Schaub, 1835-1839). [These appear in Part II of the English translation.]