Астма (англ)
Antimonium tartaricum
Especially in children and elderly patients. Associated with infection - asthmatic bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Asthma: Asthma with wet lungs. Mucus in the chest with coarse rattling respiration both on inspiration and expiration. Cough which is wet sounding but unproductive, the patient may eventually find the strength to bring up a small amount of sticky, yellow mucus which relieves the dyspnea markedly. Dyspnea worse lying, must lie propped up on pillows. Wheezing worse at night. Dyspnea worse from heat. General: Ameliorated by being fanned. Vomiting with cough. Mental: Irritable and wants to be left alone.
Apis mellifica
Mainly in acute allergic reactions. May be associated with angioneurotic edema, swollen lips, laryngospasm. Tight and painful breath, "as if each breath would be his last." Asthma: Tight, dry wheezing. Worse: Heat. Warm drinks. Suppressed eruptions. Better: Open air. Painful dyspnea. Concomitants: Asthma associated with hives.
Arsenicum album
Acute asthma from either respiratory infections or allergy. Asthma: Tight wheezes. Oppression of chest without wheeze. Wheezing from allergies to cats or dust or smoke. Bronchitis or pneumonia with wheezing and scant expectoration. Worse: 12 to 2 AM or specifically at 1 or 2 AM. Lying; must sit upright or bent forward. Cold air. Cold weather. Motion. Asthma after suppressed eruptions. Better: Warmth. Hot drinks. Sitting bent forward or rocking. General: Very chilly and restless. Thirsty for sips during the crisis. Excess perspiration during dyspnea. Mental: Restless, anxious and fearful with the dyspnea.
Carbo vegetabilis
Severe acute attacks of wheezing with weakness and collapse. Asthma almost always associated with belching and flatus. Wheezing ameliorated by eructation - drinks fizzy drinks to make himself belch. Worse: Lying flat; must be propped up. Eating.
Chamomilla Reactive, over-sensitive patients with "irritable airways." Worse: Anger or vexation. Wind. Dry weather. Better: Bending head backwards. Cough from 9 to 10 AM or PM.
Cuprum metallicum
Sudden, severe spasm of asthma with deep, violent cough. Cyanosis; face turns blue. Symptoms may occur at 3 AM. Cough ameliorated by cold drinks. Asthmatic attacks from anger, fright or other strong emotions. Asthma from suppressed eruptions. Thumbs clenched during attack.
Euphrasia officinalis Allergic crisis associated with hay fever and lacrimation. "Cough asthma." Cough and wheeze worse during day. Symptoms ameliorated at night and upon lying.
Generally associated with acute bronchitis or bronchiolitis. Rattling chest with suffocative cough and cyanosis. Constant cough with gagging and vomiting. Worse: Warm humid weather. Lying. Motion or slight exertion. Better: Open air. Sitting up. Especially a remedy for childhood asthmatic crisis. Bronchiolitis. General: Warm and averse to heat. Hands and feet cold and dripping sweat. Ears cold.
Serious allergic asthma with spasms of throat and chest. Acrid mucus and postnasal drainage which triggers spasm. Laryngospasm. Worse: Heat. During the summer. Exertion. Better: Cold air or cold drinks.
Kalium bichromicum
Asthma associated with acute bronchitis and sticky mucus. Almost always associated with sinusitis and postnasal discharge. Wheezing during sleep without waking the patient (Kali-S). Worse: 1 AM or at midnight. Cold. Lying. Cough worse from eating. Better: Sitting. After expectorating.
Kalium iodatum
Allergic cases with thin, acrid coryza and lacrimation. Infectious with thick, purulent discharge from lungs and sinuses. Worse: Warm room. Late at night 3, 4 or especially 5 AM. Better: Open air.
Kalium sulphuricum
Mainly associated with infection or resulting from lingering infection. Cough producing thick, often yellowish discharge. Worse: Evening or at 2 to 3 AM. Exertion. Eating. Warm room. Better: Cold drinks. Open air. Wheezing and rattling in sleep, loud enough to hear on entering room, especially in children (Kali-Bi for adults).
Lachesis mutus
Sudden constriction in chest and throat. Sensation of being choked or suffocated, throws open the windows. Labored breathing, expiration prolonged, face flushed, red eyes seem to bulge out, collars or necklace intolerable. Worse: Night in bed. Morning on wakening. Comes during sleep. Clothing or anything touching or constricting throat, chest or even abdomen. Rips open the clothing. Strong emotions, especially jealousy. Heat. Exertion, especially exerting the arms. Talking. Better: Open air. Cool air. Sitting upright. Discharge or hemorrhage. Expectoration.
Lemna minor
Asthma in cold, damp weather. Nasal obstruction and swelling of turbinates. Lobelia inflata Hysterical asthma: Dyspnea far out of proportion to the wheeze. History of tuberculosis or pleurisy. Sensation of constriction or a lump in the chest. Asthma during labor. Worse: Drafts. Cold or damp. Better: Rapid walking. Slow deep breathing. Excess saliva during asthma.
Lycopodium clavatum
Acute asthmatic bronchitis crisis with rattling chest. Especially in babies, elderly, and nerdy, wimpy boys. Tickling, dry cough. Belching and distension of abdomen with the crisis. Worse: Cold yet needs open air. Swallowing. Lying, especially lying on the back. Better: Warmth and warm drinks. Sitting. Flaring of alae nasi and use of other accessory muscles.
Sudden and violent attacks of asthma with cyanosis and threatened asphyxia. Painful constriction of the chest or larynx. Hysterical asthma. Worse: Cold, damp weather. Anger or excitement. Better: Eructation.
Nux vomica
Allergic asthma; hay asthma. Often attacks come after a period of intense work, loss of sleep and over-indulgence in stimulants or alcohol. Often associated with digestive complaints (Lyc, Carb-V, Sang). Worse: Morning upon wakening. 4 AM (waking patient). Cold or cold, dry weather. Winter. Eating brings on the attack. Indigestion. Intolerant of tight clothes. Better: Warm drinks. Belching.
Every cold goes to the chest causing cough and wheezing. Hoarse during the bronchitis. Tight, tickling, irritative cough. Worse: Morning. Evening at twilight. Night, especially 10 PM. Lying on the left side. Sudden change of temperature. Leaving or entering a warm room. Talking or reading aloud. Laughing. Singing. Deep breathing. Fumes or even perfume or flower odors. Eating. Better: Lying right side.
Pulsatilla pratensis
Has both forms of asthma with slightly different patterns. Allergic asthma: Hay asthma - often with conjunctivitis and itchy eyes and clear, watery discharge from nose or eyes. Worse: Evening (Nat-M, Kali-S). Summer. Heat. Open air. Pollen or ragweed. Cats. Eating. Lying with head low. Better: Cool air or air-conditioning. Cold applications. Sleeping propped up on pillows. Acute infections such as colds or bronchitis: Cough with juicy, green discharge from chest or nose. Worse: At night, disturbing the sleep. Lying. Exertion. Exposure to smoke. Heat. Stuffy room. Better: Open air. Gentle motion. Walking in the open air. Being propped-up in bed. Must sit up during the crisis.
Allergic asthma. Marked sneezing which aggravates or initiates the attack. Itching through nose, palate and even rectum during the attack. Cough causes lacrimation.
Sambucus nigra
Especially in childhood asthma. Severe spasms of lungs and cyanosis. Wakens with frightening suffocation, cough and blue face. Springs up at night with a suffocating sensation (Lach, Sulph, Grind). Acute bronchitis or sinus infection triggering asthma. Worse: Night, especially midnight or 12 to 3 AM. 3AM. Repeated attacks all night. Associated with marked perspiration, especially after waking with the asthmatic crisis.
Sanguinaria canadensis
Allergy with "Rose colds" or "Summer colds." Asthma from odors or perfumes. Cough and wheeze ameliorated by flatus. Asthma with reflux esophagitis and aspiration pneumonitis. Pains in the right side of chest into the right shoulder.
Spongia tosta
Every cough or cold leads to asthma attacks. Especially useful in childhood asthma. Worse: In the sleep. 1 AM. Menses. Lying. Cold drinks. Cold air. Cold wind. Exertion. Dancing. Talking. Better: Bending head forward. Sitting and leaning forward. Eating or drinking. Warm drinks. Sense of obstruction in throat or mouth. As if breathing through a sponge. Dry cough; tickling cough; croupy cough.