

PHARMACY - jad. Jade. Nephrite. Jadeite. Jade is found in two varieties. Jadeite and Nephrite and comes in a wide range of colors including white, lavender, red, brown, yellow, orange, blue, and green, each color said to relate more specifically to certain ailments or organs. Historical dose: The gem mother tincture diluted can be applied externally and given internally. Four to Eight drops of Jade Essence in a cup of pure water. Repeat as needed.
CLINICAL - Asthma, detoxification. Eye, disorders. Gastric, pains, heartburn. Kidney, disorders. Kidney, stones.

HOMEOPATHIC - The Portuguese, who brought home jade pieces from their settlement in Canton, China, called jade piedre de ilharoa. or stone of the loins, because they believed it to be strong medicine for kidney ailments. Jade objects brought back to Spain from the new world were called by the Spanish version of this phrase piedra de hiiada.

This became the French eiade and then, finally, jade. Jadeite is from the Spanish, piedra de ijada, ״stone of the side,״ because its supposed to cure kidney ailments if applied to the side of the body.

Suggested healing properties common to all colors of Jade include, ability to mellow one's existence, rid negative thoughts and energy, soothe the mind. Thus making tasks seem easier and less complicated. Strengthen the body's filtration and cleansing systems. Develop a greater capacity for love, and assist in the removal of toxins. Also said to be a very protective stone.

Jade was known as the kidney stone, and it was widely employed as a remedy for renal disease. It was worn over this organ to break up kidney stones. Powdered and mixed with gold and silver, jade strengthened the lungs, the vocal organs, and the heart and prolonged life.

Apotion of jade, rice, and dew was employed to harden bones, make muscles more supple, calm the mind, and purify the blood.Taken regularly, this prescription eliminated hunger and thirst as well as sensations ofheatand cold.

Believed to protect the body from decay, jade was used for embalming. When worn around a child's neck jade would guard against infantile disease. It also was worn to relieve gastric pains and heartburn, to calm asthma, and to aid childbirth. Four grains, dissolved in wine, relieved bile.

Suggested healing properties common to all colors of Jade include, ability to mellow one's existence, rid negative thoughts and energy, soothe the mind making tasks seem easier and less complicated, strengthen the body's filtration and cleansing systems, develop a greater capacity for love, and assist in the removal of toxins. Also said to be a very protective stone.

Health, wealth, longevity stone. Ancient Chinese used also for courage, wisdom, justice, mercy, emotional balance, stamina, love, fidelity, humility, generosity, peace, harmony. Lungs, heart, thymus, immune, kidney and blood detoxification, nervous system. A gentle, steady energy.

Increases fertility, longevity. Provides wisdom when evaluating issues or problems. Brings needed energy. Improves concentration. Encourages education. Considered a 'Dream Stone.״ Benefits eye disorders, kidney stones and female discomfort.

COMMENTS - The ancient jade carved in China was what we today call nephrite jade: an amphibolite mineral. In the 19th Century, it was discovered that the material from the new world was not the same mineral as the jade from China. The mineral from Central America, a pyroxene, was called jadeite to distinguish it from the original nephrite.

Because of its smooth even texture, jade has long been a preferred material for carving. The most common shape is the flat donut-shaped disc called a pi, which is commonly worn as a necklace. The Emerald Buddha, the sacred image that is enshrined at Wat Phra Kaeo in Bangkok, Thailand, is actually beautiful green jadeite.

Good fortune, prosperity. A peaceful stone for centuries of primary importance to the people of the Orient (where it is considered to be one of the most importance symbols of purity and serentiy). The Chinese referred to jade as the musical stone, because of the melodic tones it makes when struck.

For centuries, jade was thoughtto be a single gemstone, but in 1863 two types were recognized: jadeite and nephrite. Jade, Venus: Chinese Stone of Heaven. Since at least 2950 BC, jade has been treasured in China as the royal gemstone, yu. The character for jade resembles a capital I with a line across the middle: the top represents the heavens, the bottom the earth, and the center section, mankind.

The word yu is used in Chinese to call something precious, as in English we use gold. Jade was thoughtto preserve the body after death and can be found in emperors’tombs from thousands of years ago. One tomb contained an entire suit made out of jade, to assure the physical immortality of its owner. Forthousands of years, jade was a symbol of love and virtue as well as a status symbol.

RELATIONS - Compare: Aurum Met. Nat. Mur. Rose Quartz