

- Feels out of reality; space out; as if soul separated from body; as if in a dream; expanded.
- Different perception of time and space.
- Religious delusions, affections.
- Feels overflowing love for humanity.
- Fear of insanity. Split consciousness.
- Paranoia.
- Alternating moods. Hysterical laughter, singing, alt. with anger.
- Irresolution.
- Absent-minded. Forgetful, of words while speaking; what is going to do.
- Concentration difficult, on studying. Mistakes in writing and speaking; left and right.
- Suicidal disposition, jumping from height, cut wrist.
- Confusion, about (sexual) identity.
- agg. Becoming cold; after sleep.
- amel. Warmth.
- Tendency to take cold.
- Sensation of heat, night, on waking.
- Lassitude, desire to lie down. Weakness amel. mental occupation.
- Pain burning as from pepper.
- Trembling internal and external.
- Wounds, suppurating.
Food and drinks
- Aversion: Spices, hot drinks/food.
- Desires: Cold drinks.
- Numbness of brain.
- Constriction, band, passing behind eyes.
- Heaviness, forehead.
- Crawling like insects.
- Pain amel. bending head backward; small spot; ext. root of nose.
- Pain deep in left brain, ext. forehead; frontal right side, ext. ear; frontal left side.
Pain linear.
- Ecchymosis, inner canthi.
- Lachrymation, agg. right.
- Swelling upper lids.
- Colours: black spots, floating; bright.
- Images too long retained.
- Objects seem to be moving.
- Coldness, as if air blowing on it.
- Noises, ringing.
- Hearing acute.
- Coryza. Sneezing. Catarrh, agg. evening; post-nasal.
- Sensation of lump left nostril.
- Dry lips.
- Eruptions mouth corners.
- Numbness lips, tingling.
- Coldness left side.
- Hair, upper lip, in women.
- Twitching left eye.
- Dry, tongue adheres to roof of mouth.
Throat/external throat
- Dryness.
- Mucous drawn from posterior nares.
- Pain burning, as from pepper.
- Sensation of a hair, splinter, lump.
- Swelling cervical glands.
- Nausea, annual, amel. lying right side, motion, agg. lying on back.
- Wobbly sensation rising upwards and spreading over body.
- Pain hypochondrium, left, ext. inguinal region.
- Retraction, sense. of.
- Sudden urging, forcible stool.
- Flatus/stool offensive, fishy odour; like spoiled eggs.
Male genitalia
- Eruptions penis; cracks.
Female genitalia
- Menses copious, clotted, intermittent.
- Voice hoarse.
- Barking.
- Anxiety, shocks region of heart. Palpitations.
- Swelling mammae.
- Coldness as from draft.
- Pain, tension cervical region, as if cervical tendons too short.
- Awkwardness.
- Coldness. Heat of thigh. One foot hot.
- Sensation of electrical current.
- Heaviness, weakness lower limbs.
- Burning feet at night.
- Restless legs at night.
- Deep.
- Dreams: amorous, busy, rescuing children, of death, high places, journeys, past events.
- Sleepiness, overpowering. Sleeplessness from excitement.
Anac, Anh, Cann-i, Op, Puls, Thuj, Sulph.