
Cephalandra indica

Сахарный и несахарный диабет, злокачественность, желчные жалобы, ядовитые фурункулы, абсцесс и карбункул, жгучие боли по всему телу.

Обильное мочеиспускание, головокружение, дизентерия; головная боль из-за чрезмерного воздействия солнечных лучей; хроническая лихорадка с жжением глаз, лица и других частей тела; водянка, желтуха, возбуждение, кровоизлияние желудка, заражение крови.

Чувствительность к шуму и внешним впечатлениям.

Medicinal Utility:
Cephalandra Indica, the Homoeopathic medicine is an extract of the wild or bitter variety. It aids in the treatment of Diabetes, Blood Urea and Blood Sugar, and is often prescribed along with Syzigium. The leaves, stems and roots are all used for making the medicine along with the bitter fruit. Simple mouth sores are cured by chewing the raw fruit slowly. It also cures ordinary cough and certain rheumatic problems. The crushed leaves are helpful to suppress boils and skin eruptions. The juice of the leaves are useful for Kidney ailments and for the treatment of certain Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Of late the Kundri or Kovai, the edible vegetable variety is found daily in almost all markets and vegetable marts. At last people are appreciating the medicinal utility of ordinary Indian vegetables and wild creepers!

Homoeopathic uses
Diabetes mellitus and inspidus - Has been clinically verified for bilious complainants, boils and carbuncles. Burning pains all over body. Profuse urination, giddiness. Weakness & exhausation after urination. Excessive dryness of mouth with great thirst. Morose, fretful and disinclination to do any work.