Alternative methods for administering medicines §284-§285 Organon §284

Medicines may be administered by olfaction, inhalation and through the skin.

Besides the tongue, the mouth, 233 and the stomach (which are the places most commonly affected by the ingestion of medicine), medicines may be administered through the nose and respiratory organs which, by means of olfaction and inhalation through the mouth, are especially receptive to the impingement of medicines in liquid form. All the rest of the skin of our body (clothed with its epidermis) is also fit for the impinging action of medicinal solutions, especially when the medicinal solution is rubbed in at the same time that it is ingested.


233 The power of medicines passed on to the nursing infant through the milk of the mother or wet nurse is admirably helpful. Every childhood disease yields to the homeopathic medicine that is correctly chosen for the child and given in very moderate doses to the woman nursing him. In this manner, diseases are eradicated in these new earth citizens far more easily and surely than could ever happen at a later time. Psora is usually communicated through breast milk to most nursing infants, if they do not already possess it by inheritance from the mother. Therefore, nursing infants can be antipsorically protected in the same way-by means of medicinal milk.