
Fax Caelestis Allende (Allende meteorite)

Ключевые симптомы гомеопатического препарата Метеорит Allende.
Другие энергии, универсальные силы, звездные тела

Психические симптомы
Спутанность сознания, дезориентация
Склонность к мятежу
Тревога о здоровье
Хуже от жары

Дополнительные замечания
Метеорит Алленде часто называют Розетским камнем планетологии, поскольку, возникнув из первичной солнечной туманности, он дает нам очень ценную информацию о составе этой туманности, а также об условиях, в которых формировалась наша солнечная система. Содержание криптона, ксенона и азота в микроалмазных включениях метеорита Алленде имеют изотопные соотношения, неизвестные в нашей солнечной системе, что означает, что эти алмазы имеют межзвездное происхождение.

Прувинг гомеопатичсекого препарата Melanie Grimes гомеопатического препарата Метеорит Альенде (в ожидании переводчика).

Слово "дом" встречается в отчетах испытуемых 40 раз, слово "комната" - 45 раз, двоим испытуемым снились паромы, однако по моему мнению это препарат для особенных людей - анунаков, как впрочем и все, попадающее к нам из космоса.

Прувинг гомеопатического препарата Fax Caelestis Allende (Allende meteorite)

by Melanie Grimes

Body feels like it is conserving energy resting/ on "power save" mode
Felt very hungry today in morning. Nervous feeling inside my stomach.
Better cool moist air
Right sided pain
Out in the hot sun, feeling a little tired and heat irritated
Waking rested
Maybe there is a pattern developing with my moods: during the day I'm ok, around end of day, of workday, it drops, plummets. I think it's getting more and more distinct, but when I go to bed I perk up.
Energy is better in the day, dwindles at night.
Feeling tired around 4 PM.
Woke up refreshed.
Woke up early, less tired despite short sleep
Desire ice in water
dehydrated at night
Generalized upper body itchiness.
Body relaxed but jittery.
Healing quickly
Dry body 2
Fatigue 5
Awake despite being tired
Tired 4 pm
Tired at noon
Tired, better napping
Desire ice in water
Desire sweets cookies 3
Desire apple streusel
Craving ice
Desire alcohol 2
Desire cinnamon roll
chocolate pudding and cran-raspberry juice
desire chocolate
desire alcohol, cognac
desire milk
desire hot drinks 2
desire hot ginger drink
amel hot ginger drink
fruit amel
eating new things
craving new things, buffalo burgers,
appetite decreased 3
appetite increased 3
hunger only at 10:30 in the morning
no appetite in evening
appetite increased
desire warm, spicy, aromatic foods
thirst increased 3
thirst on waking
desire cold water
Itch 2
Restlessness, desire to move, especially to music
Reflexes increased
Restless, changing places,
don't want to sit still
moving around agg cough
Pain diffuse
Body felt achy
general soreness
Body feels stiff
Movement agg 2
Feel as if everything is in close contact/in touch with everything.
Feel heavy and tissue seems full/fat all over body. Loose skin with tight underlying feeling. Notable difference.
Increased eye clarity. Feel as if I am closer to things than I actually am.
Feeling dazed throughout morning and early afternoon.
When went camping got slowly worse by the campfire, everyone was
wearing shorts and I was bundled up at night. I was feverish and
chilled around midnight, was cold to the bone, horrible sleep, sweating (no smell). By morning felt better, really wanted to sleep, was very irritated with poor/no sleep. At 5 a.m. got up and went and sat by the fire, lay there for 1 1/2 hours then fell back to sleep, and woke sweating. .
heat 4
cold feels 3
Hot all over, like a fever with no sweat. I don't look flushed in the mirror. Cool wet towel felt good. Better (1) going outside into the cool, misty breeze. I left the door open to sleep.
Heating up again. 8:15 am.
The room has cooled down but not me.
Out in the hot sun, feeling a little tired and heat irritated.
Felt hot most of the day.
I woke up because I was hot and opened the windows.
After the massage, I was steaming hot, but wanted to keep my fleece jacket on. Better when I walked into the cool moist air outside.
In bed, I feel very hot for a while, but don't sweat.
When I wake up this morning, I feel very hot for a momen
Feel very cold. Shaking. Shivers.
I feel cold, I am extremely tired. Mental dullness.
Try to do Reiki but begin to feel very cold.
We went out of town, camping. warm day turned to cool night. I had fever chills, sweats, tossed and turned and was miserable. Cold, but not shaking. There are enough blankets though, I just could not get warm.
Very hot sweating alternating with chill
Fell asleep at 2 am. Woke at 8 am. Tired at 2 PM.
Awake at 5:30 again this morning.
Going to bed earlier tonight (10 PM) but still didn't want to.
Have this evening energy for a change.
Not tired at night. Stayed up until 12:30 and wasn't really tired. No trouble falling asleep. A really hard time waking up in the morning. "I should get up" but then I would doze off again. Not out of bed until 8:30.
Hungry at 10:30 a.m., an unusual thing for me.
2 pm-5 PM
Sleepy at 2-3 PM.
Tired mid-afternoon.
Sleepy after dinner. Went to bed late.
Sleepy mid-morning.
Energy low 2-4 PM.
Feeling anxious. "Butterflies in stomach' combined with hunger around 5
Took a short nap at around 3 PM for about 45 minutes.
Feeling tired around 4 PM.
I fell asleep in afternoon; barely able to do anything. Fell asleep. around 2.30 p.m..
2 pm-5 PM 3 provers
tired in 2
more alert in 2
awake and energetic at 12 pm 3 provers
Ate a healthy dinner but tired afterwards at 8 PM.
Frontal headache at 8:30 PM
Very sleepy after dinner.
Didn't eat dinner. That felt ok. Not so much of an appetite in the evening. Didn't get to bed until 12:30.
Energy is better in the day, dwindles at night.
around end of day, of workday, mood drops, plummets but when I go to bed I perk up.
mentally alert in the evenings.
Woke up at 7:30 am. Took a nap from 6-7:30 PM. Great energy for rest of day.
11 PM midnight
I am still awake and energetic (11 PM).
At 10:30 PM I am all keyed up again, tonight. High energy and mentally very alert.
Not tired at night. Stayed up until 12:30. No trouble falling asleep. A really hard time waking up in the morning.
Didn't get to bed until 12:30.
Awake until midnight very happily
Tired at around 10 PM. Went to sleep at midnight.
1:30 am
Woke up at 1:30 am to go to the bathroom and couldn't go back to sleep
Stayed awake until about 1 am despite being tired.
Was up until about 1:30 am next morning.
2 am -5 am
woke again at 4:30. Woke up thirsty.
I didn't get to sleep until about 3:30 am.
Went to sleep at 2 am.
Waking tired 3
I feel drained and tired when waking.
Tired at wake up.
I'm very tired on waking.
Feeling unrested upon waking. Mentally sharp.
Kept dozing and sleeping in the morning.
waking thirsty 2
Woke up thirsty.
I woke at 4 am to urinate and defecate. Felt dehydrated. Drank some water.
waking urination
Woke up at 1:30 am to go to the bathroom
Woke at 5 am to urinate.
waking agg
Woke today feeling a little anxious. Anxiety due to financial difficulties I'm experiencing.
Despite going to be early, I awoke feeling not well rested.
On waking I have a very stiff neck, worse left side.

waking 2
Woke up with lots of energy. Good energy throughout morning and day.
Full sleep. Only wakened once. No dreams. Awoke with much energy.
Slight difficulty waking up but feeling great 10 minutes later.
Woke up feeling great/energized.
waking less tired
I feel rested, but want more sleep. Dreamy and drowsy.
Woke up early, less tired this morning despite only six hours sleep.
difficult waking 2
Hard time waking up. Finally got up at 9:30 am.
I have a hard time waking up this morning. Had a fairly heavy menstrual bleeding during the night.
waking pain 2
Awoke feeling stiff in joints, slightly congested in nasal, back of eye area.
Heart stuff woke me up. Chest pains.
The coughing took me to the gag reflex point.
It was worse in the morning. Lying down was OK, when I got up and started moving around and that's when I'd start to cough.
Woke up with pains in the uterus/colon again.
Waking me early morning, I had this very annoying sensation in lower throat, the pit, it just made me cough and coughing did not relieve it. What helped was to withhold myself from coughing; stopping myself would finally make it disappear.It woke me up.
I have had, again and again over the past few days, especially mornings, a light tearing feeling in my fingers and arms, more on the left side.
Wake up and have a very stiff neck, especially left side.
bowels on waking
Big satisfying bowel movement upon waking.
Loose bowel movement on waking.
Had second bowel movement of the day after waking from nap.
waking hot 2
I woke up because I was hot and opened the windows.
When I wake up this morning, I feel very hot for a moment
morning amel
Energy low. Feel fuzzy. Slightly feverish as if fighting off a cold.
Body feels like it is conserving energy ( I know I have energy; I just feel like I'm resting/ on "power save" mode. )

Mind Summation
1-Provers felt time disoriented. The remedy seemed to disrupt the sense of time, confusion about time, confusion about when things really happened, or not having enough time Times of day disrupted.
2-Unusual also was a kind of rebelliousness. This was shown by eating foods they were allergic to, to not wanting to write in proving notebooks, followed by feelings of insecurity, and not doing the right thing. Numerous provers took remedies either in rebellion, or without thinking about it.
3-A lot of anxiety about health was present.
4- A desire to be alone and a desire for company were both present.
5- Accidents in three provers!
6- Heat irritated. Evening energy, morning aggravation.

My neighbor got a call about her cat. Someone saw it on the road a block away; it had been hit. I went with her to the street, and she was there. I felt sad for my friend. Cried some tears with her and my son. Aware too that I was not so fond of this cat. 12, 30c, 00:02:00
Motor vehicle accident sudden impact from behind. Whiplash injury. Took Rescue Remedy and Arnica. Presumed Arnica antidoted the proving. - 10, 30c, 66:XX:XX
Both the prover and supervisor had extreme experiences while doing this proving, each one potentially life threatening. - 10, 30c, 66:XX:XX
The fall was bad one. I fell on my low back against edge of sidewalk, a bad fall. Happened last night. Swelling is down now; but I took Arnica 200c. Half-bruising disappeared also. After I took it, I thought, oh! - 06, 12c, 31:XX:XX
I'm really mad at my husband for not checking the messages before coming up to the cabin. I left two messages and paged him. Desperately trying to reach him. Yesterday he didn't check the messages either. He has seemed really inaccessible the last couple of days (ironic since I have felt inaccessible myself). I am angry nonetheless and am feeling like he's not even very remorseful for being inaccessible. He thinks that I am overreacting, and I'm pissed that he thinks he can just dismiss my anger about this. I feel like he doesn't want to be in contact with me, he's not making an effort to be in contact, he's not making any effort in the relationship. The message was for him to bring up my sweatshirt, and I already had it. - 12, 30c, 01:22:00
It takes forever for my husband to come back and we are now almost late, which annoys me, I wanted to arrive right one time and fuss at him. Am not as annoyed as I would normally be, I notice clearly. - 08, 30c,18:XX:XX
In the evening our silly neighbor finds it necessary to mow the grass at 9pm. At last an opportunity to take revenge! We call the police, they come soon afterwards and talk to him. On the one hand I deign him the trouble, on the other hand I find it tuppeny-hapenny to call the police for this reason. Again he has been terrorizing us for months and he hasn't any regard of anything or anyone. The whole neighborhood is grumbling with him. Fear, the anger would come back to us. One should be well behaved, not defending...this is coming to my mind. - 08, 30c, 16:XX:XX
Anxiety about health
One hour after taking the remedy (the second dose) there was a metallic taste in my mouth. I hope it's not dissolving all my fillings. - 10, 30c, 01:01:00
Pain occurred at 4:50 am. Concerned it's my heart. Told myself, "it will go away" and went back to sleep. Another sharp pain woke me up. Went back to sleep and one more sharp pain woke me. It became less and less. - 18, 30c, 02:XX:XX
Palpitations generally constant, accompanied with feelings of anxiety. - 203, 30c, 09:XX:XX
Palpitations accompanied by concern that this may not be associated with the proving. I'm concerned maybe my heart has developed some problems since they do (heart problems, that is) run in my family. - 203, 30c, 13:XX:XX
Went to see a scary movie.("Unbreakable") which usually have no effect on me. At a scary scene, however, my palpitations increased to the point of seriously alarming me! I had to close my eyes and calm down so that I would stop panicking , as my heart rate was seriously erratic. I am not a big fan of what is going on here!! - 203, 30c, 17:XX:XX
As I note the symptoms from yesterday evening, I feel a short strong stitch in my heart, very painful and again accompanied by fear "hope that's not a heart attack". - 08, 30c,00:XX:XX
Exam is coming up and my anxiety levels are getting high. I don't usually panic about exams but I am finding that I can't control my anxiety. I've been staying up until I basically collapse. I couldn't even calm down enough to have lunch with my family without almost crying at the restaurant. I am totally out of control!! This doesn't happen to me. My palpitations are especially bad now. Whenever I feel them, it makes me anxious, and whenever I am anxious I get palpitations. Nice cycle. - 203, 30c, 22-24:XX:XX
I can't stand it anymore. I have taken Gelsemium for anxiety. Approximately six minutes after taking the remedy, I feel completely back to normal. No palpitations, no anxiety. I can finally study and think like a normal person. - 203, 30c, 25:XX:XX
I am getting worried about this sickness - this could be terrible, it could be serious. I'm going downhill. - 12, 30c, 25:XX:XX
I am so pissed at proving organizer tonight, as I struggle to get a breath without hacking out my lungs. It seems so irresponsible to give a remedy like meteor and say "have fun". Have fun almost dying. My husband has been storming around the house for days, angry with me for being so sick, worried about me being so sick, and angry with me for doing this proving. I have been frantically trying to antidote this remedy, trying to pick up the pieces of my body, of my lungs. I think, how can my health be the same after this? It can never be the same. - 12, 30c, 28:XX:XX
In the morning I feel a brief stick in my left ovary, it hurts for just a moment really badly, I feel afraid and think, "I hope that's nothing" the ovary feels full. - 08, 30c,00:XX:XX
I get an email from a friend in Berlin, whose little boy has had a very strong reaction to a vaccination, she signals SOS, I write an email back, then think it would be better to call, so speak on the phone with her for a while. Normally I sit in front of my computer, relaxed, in the morning and read my emails, feeding the children in the meanwhile. I really miss this peace this morning. - 08, 30c,00:XX:XX

Appears lack of focus to put on paper legibly. I was having a hard time focusing. - 18, 30c, 01:00:00
Prover wanted to read her journal to me. She told me she couldn't remember what happened. Interaction was choppy, with information being circuitous. - 18, 30c, 02:XX:XX
Woke at my regular time, 5:30, to swim. Didn't want to get up. Getting tired from staying up so late, I think. Frustrating morning. Forgot my wallet. Forgot some papers. I was running so late I missed a call from my supervisor. Irritable and keyed up all day. Better early evening, working on my deck outside, gardening, washing the deck. - 14, 30c, 04:XX:XX
Feeling dazed throughout morning and early afternoon. - 211, 30c, 00:XX:XX
Company, aversion to
Not feeling extremely social. Was relatively quiet while out with friends. - 211, 30c, 14:XX:XX
Not feeling social, almost depressed around midnight. - 211, 30c, 01:XX:XX
In the evening I feel chilly, am a bit easily annoyed; don't feel like doing anything with the children or partner and choose to read a book. Don't want to be talked to. - 08, 30c,03:XX:XX
Company, desire for
Very craving for attention and affection. A little crabby. - 18, 30c, 01:08:00
Needing attention from D. and the dog. Curling up with them, wanted cuddling attention. - 18, 30c, 03:XX:XX
At a friend's, feeling anti-social. Was enjoying doing a puzzle and noticed the removal behavior. But also cherished the time of puzzle. Escape, mental challenge. - 18, 30c, 05:07:00
Took first dose of remedy. Biting sensation on tongue.
A vision of antlers on what looks to be a deer but the rack is too big to be a deer's rack, more like caribou antlers. - 12, 30c, 00:XX:10
A vision of a large and intimidating mountain, very sharply peaked. The vision is in black and white, as was the previous one. - 12, 30c, 00:XX:20
A vision of water from high above, like a bay, with boats on it. The water is calm, a calm sea. It's in black and white and looks like a picture framed in white. - 12, 30c, 00:XX:21
Visions of knives, stabbing myself in the chest to get rid of it, all this stuff in there that needs to be drained out. A stone in my chest. If I could just stab it (during flu). - 12, 30c, 25:XX:XX
While lying awake, trying to get to sleep, suddenly my right underarm (later also the top of my arm) feels very strange, quite heavy, big, as if stretched out, a little prickly - such a strange sensation that I really can't describe it. Suddenly I see before my inner eyes (in my mind) how my hand changes into an animal's paw with orange-brown fur, the whole arm has become an animal's arm. I wonder, what kind of animal, a lioness. For a moment I am this lioness, somewhere under the hot African sun I lie relaxed in the sand. A pleasant feeling. Think about lion's milk, but that has probably already been proved. Nevertheless, the lioness is for me the synthesis out of the fire, which I glimpsed when I held the remedy for the first time, and the softness, almost motherliness when I took it this afternoon. (A couple of days later I realize that I saw a male lion in this picture! Strange!)
At some point the pictures dissolve and I can fall asleep.
08, 30c,00:XX:XX
Felt despair today emotionally. I'm struggling quite a bit. - 219, 30c, 10:XX:XX
During the proving I felt detached, I wasn't on top of things I would normally be on top of. As if I wasn't here. Not very grounded. I feel like I've been gone for a month. A veil of disconnectedness. - 12, 30c, 33:XX:XX
The proving didn't' change my emotional state. Mostly I was aware of what was physically going on.
Feel more "attached" to self.
222, 30c, 03:XX:XX
Feeling strange driving. It's like I am somehow detached, similar to when I was seeing the visions earlier, almost like I am not there, not fully present on the road. Kind of disconnected, but not worried at all. I feel more like a passenger, with no responsibility for being aware, just watching. It's like watching a game that you're not particularly interested in, just seeing what the players are doing on the field. I have no feeling with it, nothing invested in it. At the same time I am feeling something in my midchest/solar plexus area. At first I thought it was palpitations, but it was too low down. A ball of energy sitting there, behind the base of my sternum. - 12, 30c, 00:06:30

I am still awake and energetic (11 PM). Usually I'll be ready to sleep by 9:30 PM - 14, 30c, 01:12:00
At 10:30 PM I am all keyed up again, tonight. High energy and mentally very alert. I want to keep studying but know I must get some sleep. - 14, 30c, 02:11:30
First day I felt really clear, as soon as I took the remedy I started coughing. It went right to me. - 18, 30c, 90:XX:XX
Woke up at 7:30 am. Took a nap from 6-7:30 PM. Great energy for rest of day. - 211, 30c, 03:XX:XX
Feeling great with lots of energy. - 211, 30c, 04:XX:XX
Exhausted from trip to visit relatives. Lots of late nights. - 12, 30c, 17:XX:XX
Energy low. Sleep was alright. (woke one time) feel like I had crazy dreams, but don't remember them. Feel fuzzy. Slightly feverish as if fighting off a cold.
Body feels like it is conserving energy ( I know I have energy; I just feel like I'm resting/ on "power save" mode. )
222, 30c, 04:XX:XX
I feel cold, I am extremely tired. Mental dullness. - 08, 30c, 14:XX:XX
Water-skiing, hit a huge wave and douched water all over us and the boat. Kind of scary. My thoughts were how lucky we were. - 18, 30c, 03:05:35
Anxious before going to bed. Bottled up nerves/excitement. - 18, 30c, 06:13:50
Getting to the point of wanting to stop writing in journal, writing everything is so. I woke up thinking things about doing stuff that needed to be done. I'm drawing a blank. I want to stop proving, wants to start taking Vit E, can be drying herself out; her great aunt told her about using Vit E. - 18, 30c, 07:00:00
I am a little anxious for all that I need to do today and this week. Should be busy. - 18, 30c, 11:XX:XX
Still dreaming still stuff going on with dream, strange worries. - 18, 30c, 10:00:00
Heart stuff woke me up. Chest pains. I really thought something was wrong with my heart. I wasn't scared of it, more like "what's going on?" - 18, 30c, 90:XX:XX
Feeling anxious today. Exams are approaching. - 219, 30c, 05:XX:XX
Woke today feeling a little anxious. Anxiety due to financial difficulties I'm experiencing. - 219, 30c, 08:XX:XX
Felt very hungry today in morning. Nervous feeling inside my stomach. - 219, 30c, 08:XX:XX
Palpitations generally constant, accompanied with feelings of anxiety. - 203, 30c, 09:XX:XX
Forgetful/concentration difficult
Keep forgetting to write down stuff.Hard to put it down in words, to write down; cannot find the time somehow, always something I need to do. This week has been terrible. I love writing though. - 06. 12c, 13:XX:XX
Forgot to write notes. Not much to tell. happy optimistic feeling (daytime) slowly, gradually faded. - 06. 12c, 14:XX:XX
Weird.I'll be interested to see if others have anything or if it's just me.I have the feeling I'm forgetting something. - 06. 12c, 31:XX:XX
Tired, having a difficult time concentrating on task. - 12, 30c, 00:03:25
Supervisor reports that prover called on time. We joked about this, but every time she has come to see me she is always Always!- at least a half an hour late. (Curative symptom) - 10, 30c, 06:XX:XX
Forgetting phone numbers (this has always been a strength). Supervisor reports: prover called me ."Panic! I drew a blank on your phone number. I had to look it up! I've always considered remembering phone numbers a strength." She was audibly upset about this, and said it had not happened before. (She has known the supervisor's number for years.) - 10, 30c, 10:XX:XX
Drove to pick up some stuff and then back to my office because I couldn't remember if I'd turned off the air conditioning. I had. Unusual for me not to remember if I had done that or not. A long set of errands in the evening in the dark driving around. I wouldn't normally have done them, I would have gotten my husband to do them or gotten us all to do it together. Maybe I just wanted to be alone tonight and worked it so I would be. I suspect I managed to make it happen, though I know I would usually prefer to be home. It's like I'm seeking out more alone time. - 12, 30c, 01:12:30
I got lost when driving. - 215,12c, 02:XX:XX

Insecurity/ Work overwhelms
Driving this morning, I find myself looking at all the houses, noticing bikes and swings and thinking about all the children within. I was amazed and glad that the children are with us. Usually I ignore the houses and people. I notice the gardens in great detail especially now with all the spring flowers. I feel foolish at times writing in my proving notebook. I know intellectually that this process works but on another level, I find myself doubting the relevance of my experience. - 14, 30c, 03:XX:XX
The homeopathic remedy arrived today. My first reaction is: " Oh God! Already!" I had hoped to have still a bit more time. I am not feeling well (total exhaustion, weakness, and very irritated about the children. I am in bed when the Rx comes. I get up and am curious. I am surprised that it comes in an envelope. The children are very interested and want to play with the envelope. The bottle looks quite harmless. I ask myself whether it is good that it is in the house. I think yes. I like it more and more during the day and I get more curious to take the remedy. - 08, 30c, 00:XX:XX
I don't have time to write notes!! - 06. 12c, 03:XX:XX
Left early for home today, feeling much like in my dream: overwhelmed, too many things to do. (Not characteristic of me also I actually have less to do than usual right now.) felt much better working on my deck in the early evening. I liked the cool air, the motion, but most of all the feeling of getting something done. - 14, 30c, 03:XX:XX
I am concerned that I may have antidoted the remedy. I had a massage without thinking about it. It ended with some essential oils applied. At which point, I thought, Oh no". Had a massage today. After the massage, I was steaming hot, but wanted to keep my fleece jacket on. Better when I walked into the cool moist air outside. - 14, 30c, 07:XX:XX
The proving was an excellent experience for me. Very challenging to be so constantly hyper-alert to what was going on with me at all times! It was difficult to get together with my supervisor I think more might have been noticed. Still, I hope this will contribute to the overall picture of the remedy. - 14, 30c, 60:XX:XX
Feel positive and in control of things. Exams are starting to play into some anxiety. Found that I am able to express myself better these days. Feeling of more confidence today. Hopeful about future. - 219, 30c, 06:XX:XX
I cannot find the file in which I wrote down my first thoughts about the remedy. Then it occurs to me that they are noted in another proving protocol (later I remember that I noted a few things in my note book also. Everything is scattered somehow, I am absent-minded). I ask myself in which language I am going to write. English would be simpler, so that I do not have to translate everything afterwards, but I must also send the things to my supervisor, discuss it with him. I feel confusion and fear of double work. Will I have the energy after the end of the proving to translate everything? - 08, 30c, 00:XX:XX
I feel somewhat uninterested in the proving, don't feel like doing this continuous self-observation, noting symptoms. I didn't do it for two days because I scarcely had time for myself, the children are very demanding right now, and I don't even manage to read my E-mails..) - 08, 30c,12:XX:XX
Talking with a patient, I find her a bit tiring, she talks a bit too much, I feel unclear and spent afterwards. - 08, 30c,00:XX:XX
A friend asks me whether I would be interested in joining her practice. We realize that we both had been intending to talk about this for a long time but always forgot. - 08, 30c,02:XX:XX
Got really irritable today. I got lost when driving and then had to wait for almost an hour while applying for a new SIN card. - 215,12c, 02:XX:XX
Snappy - very little patience - today. Felt hopeful about future. - 219, 30c, 04:XX:XX
Friends decided today that I've been very snappy (irritable) recently. I snapped at someone who said, 'It must be the proving'- someone else said, 'oh! That's it! here I've been thinking it's me, that I keep pushing your buttons somehow recently.' They aren't particularly clear about it when I ask (nor am I!) One said I often was arguing with teachers in the class, taking exception to their statements. I was much more impatient...sighing, rolling my eyes, wanting class to get over, restless... not usual behavior for me. - 14, 30c, 15:XX:XX
Feeling irritated with yoga teacher today, like she's incompetent and taking too much time to explain things. I want to get on with it. She would say "right" and I would do left. Pain behind right knee toward the inside, sharp, lasts 30 seconds, while lying quietly in last pose. A lot of pains on my right, whereas my symptoms are usually left-sided. Had a pain in my right hip, an aching pain, came for a short time and went. I don't feel like I am engaging at all with class. A kind of oblivious, I don't care attitude. I would usually be concerned that people won't like me when I'm quiet, I would worry that they would find me aloof. Today I was aloof and didn't care. The instructor made sure to say good bye to me and she never has before. Now that I don't care that I'm aloof, someone is trying to engage me. - 12, 30c, 01:06:30
Really tired, irritable and impatient with my mom. - 12, 30c, 16:XX:XX
Out in the hot sun, feeling a little tired and heat irritated. - 18, 30c, 05:03:00
I am very tired around noon, find the children very tiresome when they are silly. I am very annoyed. - 08, 30c,08:XX:XX
Irritation about my supervisor, we are discussing a theme (proving of a Boa constrictor, he is of the opinion that this remedy were possible for me. I do not agree, and he says, I should show it to my (female) homeopath. I feel as if I am not being taken seriously, overlooked, misunderstood, treated as an inferior. - 08, 30c,09:XX:XX
Lack of emotion
In evening, watering, tearing of eyes to the point of causing runny nose. Felt like allergies or increased sensitivity to dust. No emotional component except felt more calm less exciting while crying. - 222, 30c, 00:07:XX

Happy feeling during the day, especially PM. Not extreme, just a hopeful, optimistic feeling - 06. 12c, 00:XX:XX
Since the first day of the proving I have had this inner joy, I could say, feeling happy for no reason, modestly, not a euphoria, just a very good feeling.
Noticed it during the day - the first and second day. - 06. 12c, 02:XX:XX
I don't know how I am exactly.
Maybe yesterday, started to shift a bit, going down a bit.
I suspect I ... it happened a few months ago until before ovulation, I feel a down; and I'm there. That's maybe what's going on, if lasts more than a day or two.
Feeling a little more crabby, negative; sometimes gets to more emotional, like PMS. A dip then comes back up, like the bottom of the wave. - 06. 12c, 07:XX:XX
Reason I had tuna in the first place, was that I was so up. I felt I could try or test it. An optimism. - 06. 12c, 09:XX:XX
Not this nice happy mood - optimistic - which lasted until Wed or Tues. (day 9-10). Lasted a longtime. - 06. 12c, 13:XX:XX
Today was fairly stressful as exams are approaching. Sad again today. Emotions are at the front of my experience these day. - 219, 30c, 11:XX:XX
Up late but not tired. Felt positive about things before going to bed. - 219, 30c, 08:XX:XX
Didn't have as much embarrassment with compliments as usually do. Also felt more comfortable talking about myself. - 222, 30c, 01:XX:XX
Feeling very relaxed and lightly coughing from deep in my chest.
After I took the remedy, I felt kind of relaxed. - 18, 30c, 00:00:20
Body relaxed but jittery.. Craving a lot of chocolate, but not eating it. I liked how I felt yesterday, not today. - 18, 30c, 01:XX:XX
Feeling more energized.
Body relaxed but a little jittery. - 18, 30c, 01:00:00
Mental clarity. Things seem crisp and clear. Feeling energized and relaxed. - 18, 30c, 00:01: 20
Feeling energized and relaxed. - 18, 30c, 00:01: 20
Woke to my alarm feeling rested, remembering last night's dream. - 14, 30c, 00:17:30
Feel a sense of calm today, emotionally better. Find that I'm searching for answers to a lot of questions these days. - 219, 30c, 13:XX:XX
Sat in different spot in school. Need to move around classroom something new for me. - 222, 30c, 01:XX:XX
Thoughts about running/jumping/frolicking or doing something active (i.e. wrestling). - 222, 30c, 01:XX:XX
Increased energy throughout day. Little desire to sleep. Too excited and don't want to sit still. - 222, 30c, 01:XX:XX
Thoughts of excitement, thrills, speed, etc. - 222, 30c, 01:XX:XX
After taking remedy for second time, I began to notice hyper mobility. Need/want to move, especially with music. Increased reflexes to the point of clumsiness. I reached for spices, glass, books and bumped them because arm moved faster than anticipated. Caught object before it fell in all case. - 222, 30c, 00:XX:XX
Increased mischievousness. Sarcastic, teasing. Need to play with people. - 222, 30c, 01:XX:XX
Late for class so I decided not to go, since I can't stand to be in the class when XXX is teaching.
Went to friend's birthday party even though I was tired and didn't really feel like it. - 211, 30c, 03:XX:XX
Had a couple of sips of expresso when I remembered that I shouldn't. - 12, 30c, 12:XX:XX
Skipped class again today. Feeling anxious/stressed about how far behind I am in my studies. - 211, 30c, 14:XX:XX
At lunchtime, I wanted to relive the positive experience I had when I ate tuna for the first time a few days ago, but know I can't. I go to the same restaurant and order chicken fried rice and two chocolate chip cookies (not a safe choice of foods for me with my allergies). I have such a headache in the afternoon. In the evening, I am 'daring' again. I try organic tofu in stuffed pasta, when I know I am sensitive to tofu. - 06, 12c, 18:02:00
This weekend I am completely turned off the idea of checking my symptoms; maybe the tendency started last week. I'm almost resentful; as if I'm bothered by this, I have too many things to do, when I look at my notes, it's a disaster.
When I'm usually busy I still have this dutiful responsibility, I'm interested in this, et cetera. Not really characteristic.
With the notes I have had problems from the beginning; first finding a pad, no time; always trying to catch up.
Trying to remember but, boy, I have no memory; in the last week 'I'm sick, I don't want to do this.'
I don't want to be bothered, don't bother me with that.
I feel very apologetic, but it's a little too late.
I used to be more of a note taker.
There is shift, but it's hard for me ...
For example, could be I'm tired, sick. But I really did not want to see patient this weekend; one I tried but I couldn't, not in the mood to meet anyone. My first impulse was not to. That has not happened to me in a long time, and even then I wouldn't have cancelled, I would simply not have booked.
I would give myself a break.
Totally disgusted with the idea of I have to go meet people; I'm not in the mood, instinctive reaction.
The same way I don't want to write down notes; don't want to do that.
I don't know if we talked about Friday; tired, only one patient scheduled at end of day, couldn't cancel. Happy to go home; able to do Saturday ok, back on track. - 06, 12c, 23:XX:XX
Every week there's something new.
This remedy is making me think 'What's going on?' - 06, 12c, 31:XX:XX
One funny thing last night, couldn't resist having tuna, sashimi - not canned; couldn't resist, felt like it again. Unusual, I was able to stay away for years, now I've eaten it 2 - 3 times in as many weeks. - 06, 12c, 23:XX:XX
I fell asleep in afternoon; barely able to do anything. Fell asleep. Around 2.30 p.m.. though I needed to get ready. - 06, 12c, 23:XX:XX
I think the initial optimism now feels more like a pervasive carefree attitude. I don't want to take notes/see patients. I spend money in restaurants more freely, without thinking or worrying as much. A feeling of 'laiser aller' letting it ride, who cares, almost. It's not laziness; it's a lack of discipline or rigor. Too permissive? Being aware of it helps me get back on track with work and other duties. - 06, 12c, 24:XX:XX
Ended up taking the day off today. I went to the beach. Mild sunburn on legs and face red. - 06, 12c, 29:XX:XX
This evening, I had the opportunity to try buffalo burger ground buffalo meat for the first time in my life. I did try it, attracted to try it. So this food adventure thing, I don't know why I wanted to try it since I have stopped eating red meat since I was 18.. Somehow I want to try new things, things that might not be so safe for me. I don't know why. - 06, 12c, 44:XX:XX
I rarely feel like having hot drinks but I order a hot chocolate drink (I usually avoid because I'm allergic to milk.) in a restaurant after dinner. - 06, 12c, 45:XX:XX
Bitter about not being able to drink coffee and alcohol (because of the proving). - 203, 30c, 03:02:30
Very tired due to long conference day. Still very irritated that I can't have coffee because of the proving. (I've been off it for three weeks but I have to have something to blame it on!) - 203, 30c, 05:XX:XX
I woke without my alarm at 5:30 but decided to sleep this morning. I feel rested, but want more sleep. Dreamy and drowsy. - 14, 30c, 01:21:00
Decreased feeling of responsibility. May be the key factor behind many symptoms. Feel unconcerned over projects, exams, etc. even more so than usual. - 222, 30c, 02:XX:XX
Skipped class again today. Feeling anxious/stressed about how far behind I am in my studies. - 211, 30c, 14:XX:XX
Reason I had tuna in the first place, was that I was so up. I felt I could try or test it. An optimism. - 06. 12c, 09:XX:XX
Decide to antidote remedy, as ultrasound test showed nothing wrong with pelvic organs. Tried two eucalyptus candies. - 06. 12c, 57:XX:XX

Rebellious taking a remedy during proving
Take an aspirin, one dose Cocculus 12x and go to sleep. I repeat this after some hours, in the evening I'm better. This may be the end of the proving, my old symptoms come back. . Call the supervisor, he said the proving is finished with taking the Cocculus. This is very ok for me. - 08, 30c, 18:XX:XX
The fall was bad one. I fell on my low back against edge of sidewalk, a bad fall. Happened last night. Swelling is down now; but I took Arnica 200c. Half-bruising disappeared also. After I took it, I thought, oh! - 06, 12c, 31:XX:XX
Motor vehicle accident sudden impact from behind. Whiplash injury. Took Rescue Remedy and Arnica. Presumed Arnica antidoted the proving. - 10, 30c, 66:XX:XX
Getting to the point of wanting to stop writing in journal, writing everything is so. I woke up thinking things about doing stuff that needed to be done. I'm drawing a blank. I want to stop proving, wants to start taking Vit E, can be drying herself out, her great aunt told her about using Vit E. - 18, 30c, 07:00:00
I can't stand it anymore. I have taken Gelsemium for anxiety. Approximately six minutes after taking the remedy, I feel completely back to normal. No palpitations, no anxiety. I can finally study and think like a normal person. - 203, 30c, 25:XX:XX
I am concerned that I may have antidoted the remedy. I had a massage without thinking about it. It ended with some essential oils applied. At which point, I thought, Oh no". Had a massage today. After the massage, I was steaming hot, but wanted to keep my fleece jacket on. Better when I walked into the cool moist air outside. - 14, 30c, 07:XX:XX
Used Vicks Vaporub. Still hawk up nasal thick clear mucus. - 06. 12c, 59:XX:XX
Talking about stones
Went home for lunch and talked to M. about stone energy. - 12, 30c, 00:05:30
The woman babysitting the kids today was talking about the energy of stones. - 12, 30c, 00:13:30
TIme of day
Maybe there is a pattern developing with my moods: during the day I'm ok, around end of day, of workday, it drops, plummets. I think it's getting more and more distinct, but when I go to bed I perk up. - 06. 12c, 12:XX:XX
Energy is better in the day, dwindles at night.
That never was my pattern; that's new for me. - 06. 12c, 09:XX:XX
Yesterday I was more PMS, little moods up and down but throughout; it felt hormonal, would be a little early but still it could be. - 06. 12c, 13:XX:XX
Feeling tired around 4 PM. - 211, 30c, 14:XX:XX
Awake until midnight very happily. (I am usually ready to sleep at 9:30.) - 14, 30c, 05:XX:XX
Woke up refreshed. Things better on physical and emotional level. - 219, 30c, 12:XX:XX
Woke up early, less tired this morning despite only six hours sleep. - 14, 30c, 05:XX:XX
My general emotional state is back to normal. More relaxed, not "keyed up", much more patient and less irritable. I again look forward to sleep at the end of the day am not so mentally hyper-alert at night. But I'm still having trouble getting up in the morning tired on waking. This clears within an hour now, though. - 14, 30c, 29:XX:XX
Time, sense of
Confusion of day saying wrong days, then correcting herself. When talking of the sequence of days, she listed the days in an order going forwards - Wednesday, Thursday - when was trying to list them in a direction going backwards - Thursday, Wednesday, Tuesday - or tried again and again to name the right day but only succeeded in doing so by listing them backwards - 06. 12c, 21:XX:XX
I don't have time to write notes!! - 06. 12c, 03:XX:XX
Big race all day. No time for symptoms. - 06. 12c, 23:XX:XX
Very busy all day. No time for symptoms. - 06. 12c, 23:XX:XX
Talking with my supervisor, I realize that I've begun putting ice in my water. I'm not sure when this began. I'm thinking it was day 3-4. Being mentally alert in the evenings continues. - 14, 30c, 10:XX:XX
Work a bit, then suddenly, it is 11:30 and the children wake up and are hungry. I remember now that yesterday was also so confusing. My son didn't want to sleep in the morning and hung around us all the time so I got nothing done.
08, 30c,00:XX:XX
When I awake, it is already 6 PM, I think, I have slept forever, but it is only, as usual, one and a half hours. - 08, 30c,00:02:30
Noticed dripping tap in my office bathroom. It seemed loud to me. I had never noticed that before. - 12, 30c, 00:03:00
The dogs are really howling next door. I haven't heard them in a long time. - 12, 30c, 00:04:30
Immediate regret for not having volunteered as game show contestant. Some envy of contestants. - 222, 30c, 02:XX:XX
I want smooth skin (shave more often than usual, moisturizer used even though I am normally repulsed by greasy feeling). - 222, 30c, 02:XX:XX
Woke up twice in the night. Not great sleep. Energy is great. Feel like SELF!!. Can't explain why. No presence of previous symptoms. Everything feels normal. Thinking back on last couple of days, it seems like a dream, surreal and like it wasn't me. - 222, 30c, 05:XX:XX
Feel normal. Same old sleep patterns, energy, appetite, thirst, mental symptom as before the proving. - 222, 30c, 06:XX:XX
Prover repeatedly used the words "falling apart" and "pulling it together" during the proving. - 12, 30c, 43:XX:XX
The proving didn't' change my emotional state. Mostly I was aware of what was physically going on. I did dream. - 18, 30c, 90:XX:XX
Decide to take the remedy today, take it around 3:30 PM, before I lie down for an afternoon nap. Am surprised how big the globules are, like Love-pearls/beads?, think about my childhood, the colorful, sweet beads, see a little bottle in front of me in which you could buy the beads, also see a doll. The globules are very sweet, don't melt for a long time. I suck around on them. I feel calm, a little sad, think of the sea, my mother, and go to sleep easily and quickly, very pleasant, which is rather unusual. - 08, 30c,00:02:30
While lying awake, trying to get to sleep, suddenly my right underarm (later also the top of my arm) feels very strange, quite heavy, big, as if stretched out, a little prickly - such a strange sensation that I really can't describe it. Suddenly I see before my inner eyes (in my mind) how my hand changes into an animal's paw with orange-brown fur, the whole arm has become an animal's arm. I wonder, what kind of animal, a lioness. For a moment I am this lioness, somewhere under the hot African sun I lie relaxed in the sand. A pleasant feeling. Think about lion's milk, but that has probably already been proved. Nevertheless, the lioness is for me the synthesis out of the fire, which I glimpsed when I held the remedy for the first time, and the softness, almost motherliness when I took it this afternoon. (A couple of days later I realize that I saw a male lion in this picture! Strange!)
At some point the pictures dissolve and I can fall asleep.
08, 30c,00:XX:XX
Ponder over this and that, turn over and over. A definite feeling of not-enough-room in the upper half of my body, heart, chest, neck, a sort of pressure, as if I am in an atmosphere that has a different level of gravity than I. - 08, 30c,02:XX:XX

Woke up this morning room was spinning. Equilibrium off balance, dizzy. Never this kind of blown over feeling, the whole room is spinning, not a normal feeling feels like being drugged, and want to fall over. - 18, 30c, 23:00:00
Feeling very light-headed. Very relaxed except stiff neck and trapezius. Small stool. Then had a short coughing spurt, gag reflex. Feeling a little nauseous and itching in inner right ear.
18, 30c, 3:02:00
I woke very dehydrated and got a glass of water. Very off balance. Equilibrium off. Laying in bed, room spins. Serious spins. Feel drugged, not conscious of having this sensation before. 8 am - 18, 30c, 18:23:00
I am feeling a little more stable, still off, neck popping with self-adjustments. A little tight. - 18, 30c, 19:00:25
Still feeling off no so dizzy but feeling tired. - 18, 30c, 19:02:00
After lunch, started feeling sick. It felt like a mild form of food poisoning. Went out at night but felt horrible: fever, headache, general soreness, dizzy, etc. - 211, 30c, 09:XX:XX
Feel normal except for dizziness - 18, 30c, 23:00:00

I'm losing my voice - it's failing now; yesterday, last night too, it did that a bit, too. - 06. 12c, 21:XX:XX

Dream of being on a ferryboat in another country. My husband, my son and I are all there. The ferry was opened up, not solid - you could see down two floors below through thee metal walkways. The ferry had docked and my husband and son had gotten off. I am trying to get off, but find that I am being blocked by lumber, and other equipment. I go around this railing, where I can see down to the first level, and I go down the stairs. It is still difficult to get off because there is a long line of people, foreigners (native people from this land - South America?) getting off the ferry and lots of workers bringing lumber and other building equipment onto the ferry. I felt frustration about how I was going to get off the ferry and meet my husband and son. I woke up before I panicked. - 12, 30c, 01:22:00
Dream: I have signed up for a class to ride a boat (a ferryboat?). The boat has different levels, it's huge, but I would be the only one on it. At first I am wandering around trying to figure out where to buy the ticket. There are a lot of people milling around, like at a train station. I finally find where to get a ticket and buy one. I thought it was leaving at 1 p.m. but it's leaving in hour at 9:30am. I go to this room to wait. I'm by myself. It's like a waiting room but the doors open and there's water right below me, with a dock with a lot happening. People are trying to sell other aspects of the boat trip. I end up somehow adding on another smaller boat that I am also going to ride. (In the dream it made sense that I could ride both.) Finally, I get impatient, I wonder when we are going, and I jump into the water. Other people are in the water, too, so I say, "Let's get going." and we swim toward the boat. I have a life jacket and all of my clothes on. There are 3 people swimming with me, people who are helping others get ready for the trip. A woman grabs the back of my pants and my head goes under water. She thinks she is being helpful. I'm trying to get them to stop grabbing me, they finally do. I say no, it's just my heavy clothes, I'll be okay. Finally I get to another room that isn't my boat yet, a holding place, a smaller dormitory-type room, to wait again by myself. It has Winnie the Pooh stuff on the shelves that I can buy if I want to, as well as some lanterns or bottles to hold candles. A room next door is set up the same way, and I'm waiting for someone else to arrive. I am still waiting to get my boat. Someone has asked, "Why are we on these big boats by ourselves?" and the answer was, "You'll enjoy the solitude." "You'll like being alone." - 2, 30c, 05:XX:XX
I was working/volunteering at an old folk's home. A lot of seniors and a little pandemonium. I had a similar dream three nights ago or so. - 06. 12c, 53:XX:XX (confusion of days)
I'm been abducted by some "Mafia boss". Type out of the movies. He's going to try to shoot my nipples off with a gun. There are three 'goons' types there are well. I realize they are going to kill me. One will try to crush me with a rock. The other has a sledgehammer. The other is going to jump on me. All crushing. I'm terrified. - 14, 30c, 20:XX:XX
I slept very well again. I'm dreaming every night. - 10, 30c, 04:XX:XX
Slept well, dream on waking. I seldom have a dream that wakes me. - 10, 30c, 11:XX:XX
I am saving a small individual from gasoline fire. It hits me that I have to roll on the ground in order to extinguish flames on my back.
18, 30c, 03:XX:XX
Felt like a "burning block", however, there was always a band (gestured to a width of around 15cm) where there wasn't a burning sensation. - 233, 30c, 01:XX:XX
Last night I dreamed that a Naturopathic doctor I know of was coming to see me for a flight lesson or a flight exam. So: flying again. A person I barely know, I know her name, she is an East Indian woman. No idea why I dreamed about her. - 06. 12c, 02:XX:XX

Another house dream! I can't remember much of it. the kitchen is very, very messy lots of food sitting about, dishes. In a side room, someone has dropped off a TV and some old furniture that belonged to my daughter when she was about 10 (she's 25 now, grown up and gone from home.) and I can imagine what I'm going to do with it all. It all needs cleaning, repainting, and I don't have room for it all. The dining area next to the kitchen has had some kind of sauce splattered and splashed all over the walls. I feel overwhelmed and don't know what to clean up first. - 14, 30c, 02:XX:XX
I see a beautiful mansion or manor hotel, white, with red fixtures, European style (Italy/France?) with balconies, 3x4 (again, rectangular structure from two previous dreams with 3x4 blocks). I wake up before I visit inside. - 06. 12c, 10:XX:XX
Dream of living in an old apartment with my husband. It was like living in some kind of cooperative with a bunch of strangers. Part of the apartment is just ours, but we share a bathroom and other parts. There are people walking through - I couldn't tell what was our space and what was shared space, but it still felt comfortable. There is an old piano and lots of kids who live here too. The neighbors are mad because we are forgetting to lock the front door when we go out. We are told that we need to keep the front door locked so as not to let other people in. - 12, 30c, 01:22:00
Later in the dream I am in a church basement with all these people. On the bulletin board there is a list of names, and under each name a list of all the nice things the person has done. One older lady protested being on the list, saying "These sewing things are from my son." Her son's name is the same as her husband's. It becomes clear that it's not her but her son's wife who does the sewing and purchases the pieces that are donated. I'm in the group and I think, "Isn't that thoughtful for her to have done that." - 12, 30c, 01:22:00
On a porch of a big, white house with someone (man). House looks old/porch and shingles are dirty. We are investigating complaints of abuse from neighbors of this family. Woman comes out on porch and she's 'old' looking for a 40-50 year old - long blond hair, disheveled, old shirt is open (can she that she has flat breasts). She was scared, and looks almost like a witch but there is no sign of meanness, just closed/discrete. Her husband and a girl (real daughter or a young woman in her care?) are not home. As we talk, a snout suddenly comes out of her dirty sweat pants. It looks like a pig snout but longer and it sniffs/smells the person next to me. It reminds me of an anteater's nose. The pants fall a little and I see it is coming from the woman's body! She is a freak of nature! (Note: It looks nothing like a penis but it is located just above where genitals would be located, at the uterus level.) we all go inside. The living room is a wide-open area, with an open staircase and second floor is like a mezzanine. Bedrooms are on the second and the third floor is not part of their living area (attic? Tenant?) The house is messy, a pigsty. The young woman, Rose, comes home. A waif-like brunette (Audrey Hepburn-type without the radiant smile and personality). She looks like a martyr. Her eyes are intense but she's resigned and submissive. She's surprisingly healthy looking, though. She doesn't voice any complaint. The husband arrives: a brute, a rogue, a pig. He is rude, and rough, angry, unpleasant. The two women are scared but well trained and don't show their fear. We know we won't be able to find out anything to help them. I ask Rose to follow me and we go up to the third floor. I ask her to follow me to the window, ask her to trust me. I go out the window and climb down the 30-foot wall (first by hanging on to it, like 'Spiderman', then by jumping off the last ten feet). She looks through the window and decides to follow me and does exactly what I did. We run in the night until we reach the top of a gentle hill. I feel hopeful again, happy that something good may come out of this temporary escape. We hold hands and start running and then we begin to fly. She feels like an angel to me. - 06. 12c, 00:00:00
My cousin and I go to our cousin's place, which looks like a commune or dorm. A lot of girls and beds in one big room but it's pandemonium inside. We want to borrow her car. It's a very old car -(Chevrolet from 50's? beige color) that is falling apart and many parts are missing or replaced by others, with wrong color. Yet it is known to be very safe and reliable, which is why we want to borrow it for our trip. We bring it back later that night and everything went fine. - 06. 12c, 00:XX:XX
I had couple images only: one was like a series of - very strange image - like many cave entrances, many .... gates, not gates but it was like they were joined up like a beehive, although they were ... the distance between them was much greater, not touching each other like in a beehive. All had a fire inside; I could see a fire at the center of these; the walls [of the caves] were black, dark; maybe fifteen openings, a fire - a group, three by five, maybe 20, 4 by 5.
Like open mouths. The symbols in these dreams are very different. - 06. 12c, 04:XX:XX
I had three dreams.
Three guys on motorcycles; they didn't like my best friend, she's outspoken. They were watching us when I was showing her where her room was, we were in small cottages. They were riding by; I had the feeling that they would come back that night.
Third one: I'm engaged, as you know, and I dreamt that he left, I was stuck with my previous partner, nothing amorous; he was taking care of me, like my dad would, but not doing a very good job of it at all.
The other two could come from things that happen during the day. E.g. we went for a ride on the motorbike yesterday, only in summer. (Partner drives motorbike.) - 06. 12c, 06:XX:XX
I am a mathematician working in a big complex (underground). My bed/living quarters is/are in my office space. My office is more like an open, wide, workspace with (glass) windows on most walls and no doors. There is a long corridor with several other work spaces like this one. I don't see many people. All the employees are somewhat isolated, yet, always watched. (Big Brother feeling). We can work alone or together. There is a given set of equations to solve. There is a mystery surrounding these equations. Where do they come from? What are they good for? They are not like any equations we have seen before. there is a feeling they're of alien origin and the owners want to be able to decipher and use them for some shady purpose. We are given a textbook to read. We are forced to read it, but I have a hard time reading textbooks so to make it look like I'm reading it, making progress, I put it under my pillow, slightly visible, for them to see. After a period of time, there's talk that they will give us the answers to some of these equations to help us solve them and speed up the process. I'm wondering why we're working on this if they have the answers. They need to know the solving process to use them. I'm more and more suspicious these were found/stolen from aliens. - 06. 12c, 07:XX:XX

I dreamt we were walking outside, a beautiful sunny day; they were re-paving the street, a lot of rerouting of traffic. An accident site: a big hole in the middle of the street with a black car - a Corvette , I think - slipped over into the middle of hole. Another car was indicated but that was still on the street.
The rest is fading. I was walking with my sister.
Also a dream: looking at a dresser, several small square doors - again that pattern - when I would open the doors I would find toys that were supposed to be childhood toys, in the dream they were supposed to be my childhood toys, and I was pleased that they weren't lost, as I had thought they were. Would look fondly on these. They weren't actually mine but felt like, in dream, that they were.
Several squares, cf the beehive pattern, square pattern: some didn't have doors, I could see little dolls, some grouped in two's, three's, fours. Not big dolls, little things you would put on a mantel, craft things, ribbons...wool strings. They were all hugging, in two or threes or fours; family or group hugs.
The big one would hug the little ones, very cute, warm, nice, - warm like the fires in the other dream.
Strange, I don't understand. Funny that my dreams are so affected. - 06, 12c, 07:XX:XX
Dream Mom was preparing dessert: fruit pies. But she was placing the dough in baking pan like muffin pan, but much larger. The pattern (rectangular with 2x3 set of openings) from previous vision is repeated. She's put a kind of meat pate in the dough. She's planning to add fruit like strawberries, kiwis, etc., which I don't like. She's looking forward to eating the pies but I'm not. From
Funny: the pies were in a muffin rack - muffins you would bake 3 by 4 in a pan: it was like that but larger pies, again this pattern - of a square with centers.
Not baking muffins, so why in this type of pan? - 06. 12c, 09:XX:XX
I was dreaming of a really wonderful house, mansion, I often dream of amazing houses. This one I was trying to remember, - so tall and wide, so many windows, white with red decorations, first time I've had a dream like that but whenever I dream of a house, the house is different, each is a brand new discovery, new for me.
A little castle; a square castle: big square, rectangular, block. Windows. with balconies, 3x4 (again, rectangular structure from two previous dreams with 3x4 blocks). I wake up before I visit inside.
Not that exact pattern but it reminded me - in the dream - of that pattern.
An inside: backyard within, like in Europe a courtyard enclosed, within that huge building. I was entering there, don't know what happened after that.
I often dream of these wonderful buildings.
Usually aware of, say, grandeur, beauty affluence, rich mansions not cheap little...
Always something extravagant, gigantic library, pool in the basement.
Something wonderful, for years and years. I never visited the same house twice, never the same setting at all.
In psychology they say the house is like the self, so I try to learn. I don't have any more insight into it now than years ago, though.
It was like a hotel with the balconies, the only striking feature: square pattern, and building is white brick/cement blocks, and red fixtures. - 06. 12c, 12:XX:XX
Dreams too quick, furtive; none that stuck. - 06. 12c, 13:XX:XX
Funny dreams two nights ago but I don't think it's related.
I was sitting in a restaurant with girlfriend, best friend from high school, and there was a man sitting at table next to us, I had the feeling he was looking at me.
Then she noticed him, and had the feeling she was looking at her.
At the end of the meal he comes to us, turns out he talks to me, I think, and he says he has written a poem, written on parchment paper, green - it rolls up and down; he asked me to read it.
At the start it was the same word repeated - 'mange mange mange' or 'manga manga manga' (French or Italian).
Then very romantic, about the rose on our table, talking about the flower on our table.
Romantic but not a love declaration either.
Often have weird dreams, but I don't see any connection. - 06. 12c, 18:XX:XX
Dream It's morning. I'm with dad, trying to get ready to leave but keep forgetting yet one more thing to do before I go, or one more thing to bring with me. I feel ashamed in front of my father, that I'm so scattered-brained. My dad says: 'You're getting as bad as me and your mum, you'll have to learn to make lists, be better prepared, take everything with you wherever you go.
I was so embarrassed, so sorry: 'I'm such a brainless kid, - person I mean, I was an adult. 'We leave the house, get into the car (both of which are very nice, as if we are rich) and I realize I've forgotten one more thing and must go back into the house. It's my friend, Hugh Grant (!) who's listening to music with earphones and did not notice we had left without him. - 06. 12c, 21:XX:XX
Had dreams, but they escaped me. - 06. 12c, 21:XX:XX
Dream. Star trek dream. (I was a fan for years but never had a dream about it.) the enterprise (name of ship) is involved in a three-way mediation with two alien races who want to deal with the Federation (of human and friendly races) and each other. The first officer is worried, so is the aide of one of the alien's ambassadors. But they cannot find anything wrong with the setting and the people involved. The first officer and his girl friend feel flu-ish but think nothing of it. just before the talks begin, he gives his report and lists all the things he has checked. He was thorough but found nothing wrong. Yet, he still feels something is up. As I see him in the dream, talking, I can see signs of an infection on his face blue veins, red streaks, even a blister that is developing on his forehead. But the characters in the dream notice nothing. He was saying "I've checked this out, and everything's fine, but I still have some feeling something is wrong," and of course there was - it was on his forehead. Then I woke up.

I wake up, knowing the end of the story. No one is plotting to cause trouble during the peace talks. But the contact between the three races has caused a rapid mutation of some virus, which is starting to affect the participants. - 06. 12c, 30:XX:XX
Dream I'm working at my clinic and my patient is a very well known homeopath with many more years' experience than I have. I take her case, knowing that am not doing it the way she probably is but she says nothing. She writes me a check while commenting that I should not undervalue the work we're doing, etc. I reply that I don't want too charge too much so that homeopathy remains accessible to most people. She doesn't have a place to stay for the nigh so she comes to my place. It's my old bedroom in my parent's house where I grew up, except larger. It's quite messy, yet funtional. (I used to be a little messy.) in the morning, the blinds are kept shut so it's still dark in the room while we are getting ready. I'm embarrassed by the clutter yet it worked out. She slept well and is packing her things. All this despite a small room and only one bed. (did I or did she sleep on the floor?) - 06. 12c, 32:XX:XX
Dream. My family and I are preparing dinner but we have to go to another house a couple of blocks away to prepare it. when we arrive, the kitchen needs a good scrub and a few repairs. It's dark. I fix a metal panel from the large stove (industrial size) which was bent and fell out of place while my sister cleans the burners and the others keep busy with the food preparation and the cleaning. But then we have to go back to the same house we came from to cook dinner again (!?) it's night in the street; we're walking quietly. No one else, no cares, no noises. We get home, remove out coats and start cooking again. Then I leave to return to the second house but on my way there on the street, I meet a man pushing/pulling large metal cart with wheels. He's the cook from the other house, bringing the food to our house. - 06. 12c, 35:XX:XX
Still dreaming still stuff going on with dream, strange
worries.. - 18, 30c, 10:00:00
Still dreaming a lot, same type of dreams. - 18, 30c, 14:00:0
Dream that I had colon cancer and was getting all sorts of exams and tests done. Last part of dream was a rectal exam and when I woke up, it felt like I had something stuck in my ass, - 211, 30c, 12:XX:XX
Dreamed about going bald. - 211, 30c, 01:XX:XX
Dream of falling and caught myself. I was afraid I was going to twist my left ankle so I woke myself up. - 10, 30c, 10:XX:XX
Dream about a huge warty growth on my neck. It was on the left, left of the Adam's apple, the size of a quarter and raised. I was picking at it and scratching it. I didn't realize how big it was until I looked in the mirror. I was shocked at how huge it was. - 12, 30c, 03:XX:XX
Had a fairly heavy menstrual bleeding during the night. Very unusual for me, the third night is usually quite light. I had a dream that things were flowing out of me, like the blood really was. - 12, 30c, 05:01:40
I climbed way into this fenced in compound, where there was a work in progress( like our visit yesterday to home depot). Passed a baby through the fence and it scrapped itself. I remember making a project of seeing if they were OK and checking her over. (When I woke in the morning, my dog has a scrape on her left eye, actually where I searched in my dream) D. said it just happened within the hour. He was there. A small family went to guard the door so to keep the area private. I was working and out of nowhere, A. arrives with a big hug and says she's been trying to find me. It's been too long and she's missed me. Her hair is really short and she looks great. We are happy to see each other. I'm basically shocked to see her. - 18, 30c, 05:XX:XX
My mother and I are on a beach. High (30ft) cliffs on one side like the cliffs of Dover but sand colored. The water is very calm and blue. We know we're on Oahu ( my home) but don't know what beach it is. Find out it's "lanikai" (not so) we reach the end of the beach and can't go any father because there is a glass wall.
(Editors note: Meteorites have a fusion crust caused when they fall. It is a glass-like melted covering over each stone.)
Beyond the wall the shore is very rugged no beach, crashing waves. We know this is "sunset beach" (not so) and cry because we are so homesick. - 14, 30c, 15:XX:XX
I was staying in a cliffside house. Visitors are coming. Like S. from New Zealand. He brings a buddy. There are parties everywhere - festive time. Police come to straighten out the parking situation. Some guys are doing drugs - I see it in their eyes. They are being real coy about it but I recognize what they are doing. The group gets separated and it's getting brighter as the morning approaches. The snow is falling and on a sled come four MIAs. I try to take photos of their approach. The boy falls off the sled. They stop and they recover him and begin to laugh. I miss the moment - the camera is too slow. They come inside and I call them "dirty stay outs". They are unfamiliar with the jestful term. - 18, 30c, 08:22:00
A young girl and boy approach me looking for help and assistance. She thinks she is going to get her period. I go and get what she'll need for pain and menstruation and she follows me to a room. She then chews a flower petal potion. I go back and try to get S.'s attention, to draw him away from the group. I'm irritated by lack of luck. - 18, 30c, 08:22:00

Talking with someone outside on a stone wall. Wondering if anything will be stolen. - 18, 30c, 08:XX:XX
Dream I am sitting on the ground on a huge plateau with two women. One offers me some wine, which I refuse, telling her that I'm in a proving at the moment. She says, "Oh, that's alright. Melanie's proving Collinsonia." I say, "No, no, don't tell me!" and feel devastated that I can't continue with the proving because I know the substance too well. Disappointed deeply. Not angry with her, but very dismayed. - 14, 30c, 00:XX:XX
Dream I am at the ocean at the foot of a steep bluff. I'm wet from swimming/kayaking, and have been gone for some time. The tide's coming in and I have to drag everything up the hill to my home. The beach towels are full of water and sand, very heavy. As I drape a towel over my porch railing to dry, I notice that the back door was left wide open. I'm worried that someone has entered and may still be inside. - 14, 30c, 01:XX:XX
Dream I can only remember bits. I'm at the ocean but it's more like looking down from a height onto a river. There are people in cars in the river the cars are spinning out of control and bumping into each other. Everyone is laughing and having a great time. Then I'm down at water level and a house trailer comes spinning towards me, trapping me. The trailer is on fire a wall of flames. I'm not worried or scared it's just happening. - 14, 30c, 03:XX:XX
I'm backing up in a parking lot. Going faster and faster. Breaks are gone and I'm on a slope. I run into a woman in a car behind me. I'm standing on the brakes. Out of control feeling, but I'm still calm. Can't do anything about it. - 14, 30c, 04:XX:XX
I went to a conference and met Robert Redford. Sweet man. We connected. We were talking and cuddling. We were either in a cave or an island hotel. Others were around(not that we cared) and I wondered who he was attached to but did not ask. Then, dressing for a formal event with strange material. Glittery straps that us women were helping each other adorn. Then canal watching. Two people swam by, then a canoe with two , then a woman shouted, "bow jump" or something like that, and she shot up from the water and landed on the edge of the boat in steering position. We were all amazed by her talent, then one of the canoers got on the boat with her. Then in the vast ocean from a high airplane view, I could see surfers and windsurfers . something like an oven gets attached to a life vest and they are struggling to get it off without going under. I'm watching this directing and shouting encouragement then we go over to surf down a sand hill into the water. It's not a formal race but this big wig " official" woman is watching or really near so we try to do our best to get her attention. Then I'm inside this house/cabin. Walk past TV watchers. See people in bedroom, but need to go to bathroom. A guy starts talking to me, follows me in while I am peeing. I wake up out of bed to use the restroom. On waking, still a little sleepy, but feel good. - 18, 30c, 01:XX:XX
I am searching for puppets for a religious classic play, trying to decide on costumes and characters needed. Then I was standing in lines with great crowds with tiny drink umbrellas. Then I was trying to feed miniscule babies, one falling to the ground. Also I was showing others where we got these great deals in the shopping bazaar. N. was trying on a great suede jacket. All the coats are against a metal rail with security hooks. We tell her to buy it. When we reach a boutique at the end, they are almost completely cleared (sold ed) out. I say ,"This is where I found the dress.".
18, 30c, 03:XX:XX
Slept fine, dreamt a lot, In dream I was a spy trying to figure things out. - 18, 30c, 04:00:00
Dreamed about being chased by something. My friend was driving. I was in passenger seat, driving through narrow streets with lots of corners. - 211, 30c, 00:XX:XX
Dream about an inquiry, a group of people I didn't know, an inquiry I don't know what was the problem. We were all being interviewed. Police woman inspector. In a castle, a 'whodunit' type of setting.There was a little boy; she was interviewing him, he was the son of a preacher, 10 year old, quite mature about his answers, but he would wet himself and the floor, every tine he sat down; not from fear, obviously, since he was so adult about his answers. - 06. 12c, 05:XX:XX

I'm looking at polished stones at some kind of vendor stand. It's blue/green, rough on most of the surface, two areas polished. I look through a polished area and find it beautiful. The vendor shows me another way to look into it that shows me an area where he has incised an ornate pattern. - 14, 30c, 15:XX:XX
Dream I am with a male friend, hiking. He keeps throwing down huge rocks that he thinks are about to slide, but hikers beneath us are endangered and getting angry. We finally reach a house where we stay for a while. The room I'm in is very Victorian in style, but everything is in shades of purple. Argument about whether to retrace our route or take a shorter route that will require walking along I-5 (the highway) a lot. I can't find my wallet and keep searching, searching. Lots of anxiety, fear that I won't be able to keep up. - 14, 30c, 11:XX:XX
It's after Christmas and I'm taking down the tree with the family only there are three huge ones in the room covered with fancy ornaments. I can't figure out how I'll put all the decorations away. Some of the boxes are filled with bits of broken ornaments and toys a doll's head, a bit of a fish or bird. I'm trying to get rid of them without my daughter seeing them. Many infants and children in the house. Lots of diapers to change and meals to fix. An old friend of mine is a child in my dream. She wants me to do a "little women" project with her, and is upset because I don't have time. I give her my copy of the book even though I hat to let it go because I feel so badly that I can't take time to work with her. - 14, 30c, 14:XX:XX
Wake up from dream with this vision of a black rock wall in the night, with several cave openings and one large fire inside each cave. The caves are one above and besides one another, in a 3x4 rectangular pattern. This image is totally foreign to me. Doesn't relate to anything. - 06. 12c, 04:XX:XX
I am dreaming but the memory flies immediately when I wake. - 14, 30c, 29:XX:XX
I can't remember my dreams. This is as I was before the proving. - 06. 12c, 25:XX:XX
No dreams again. I miss them. - 14, 30c, 08:XX:XX
Did a lot of dreaming.
So much I'm forgetting some; at least two per night.
Saturday morning, three dreams, couldn't remember third one. - 06. 12c, 37:XX:XX
Odd that I remember my dreams. - 06. 12c, 06:XX:XX
Dream about people I have not had contact with for some time. I feel like I should call them. This is a new symptom for me, as well as the good sleeping. - 10, 30c, 03:XX:XX
Dream with a group of people. My husband is talking about his history, affairs he had. I was getting really mad at him for talking about it, he was being flippant. - 12, 30c, 08:XX:XX
My brother is dead. I'm driving his car looking for my niece. I've got to find her and take care of her. - 14, 30c, 20:XX:XX (home, car)
I'm at the home I grew up in, in the front yard. A black lamb comes scooting through the hedge. I scoop her up into my arms and take her next door to return her. I realize that it's just before dawn and no one is likely to be awake. A door is open and a light is on and I go investigating, wandering through the empty rooms with the lamb in my arms. I go outside again and find my father and neighbor talking. I realize I'm several doors down the street and the lamb can't belong there. I feel very confused and don't know what to do next. - 14, 30c, 21:XX:XX (home, fence)
A group of us, including my daughter, are crowded into a car, trying to get to our property in the country a commune of sorts. We stop at a country store and are told our equipment is ready, stacked by the back door. This turns out to be first nation's (American Indian-ed.) style regalia, including anklets of fur and tiny shells or hooves that jingle as we dance. All the women will spend the next three days dancing. - 14, 30c, 22:XX:XX
My family went to a new spa, different from the one we've been to, to try a new place. The house we got was a dirty mess. The caregiver family was sweet, had two kids, but things seemed a little crazy, like my sister and I set out bicycling to the spa, up the hill, over the ridge. She is recovering from surgery so I told her to take it easy. The bike she's on goes off the path and into the brush. She screams as she struggles into the new territory. We get on the path again and a woman comes flying around the corner on her bicycle, naked, almost sliding down the hill, on her bike, on her belly, ass up in the air. We arrive at the cabin or barracks and put bunk beds near a window, and they darken the room, blinds, no lights and heavy blankets. We rest in deep sleep. Then a woman asks me if I know my story, and reads my chart. She pulls up a colorful knitted blanket of what seems planets and objects and begins to explain it to me. We get interrupted and I am with L., trying to decide to go in the water. I am wearing jeans and know that's a bad idea in water, so I search for an inner tube with leg or swing supports, like for kids and intend to go in with that.
Dream switches to... working in an office where the doctor is checking eyes and making changes to our eyes and glasses. We're looking at people's charts but they have left for a few days. We can't give them what they need. And lastly, with an elderly man, handsome, we're secretly dating, we sit close in an outside waiting area for food or our table inside. We decide to leave and sneak away as the crowd notices us.
Also in my dream, trying to figure out how much this would cost. (seems like wedding planning to me).
I see a chart that shows me 17%.

18, 30c, 02:XX:XX
A father working really hard to get things for this girl and she passes them over to her brother. She's looking out for him. - 18, 30c, 13:XX:XX
I went to visit an elderly woman who was sick. I provided care and had to move her or prepare her that the end/death was coming. I tried to go to a meeting with N and another man. An elevator or transmitter was there - several tiny compartments. I went first. (I think I thought I was a spy with a pharmaceutical genocide happening/ that was the these of last night's move MI-2) I got there first, then N.'s stuff came to be scanned, "x-rayed". Then they arrived. The people we wanted to meet with could not let me in, even though I had contracted there before. I knew most of the workers. It was like I was back at the travel company I worked for. So we tried to go to dinner and we passed this group on a bus and they ignored me (us). I was very irritated and frustrated. We arrived at the bar/restaurant and only a few tables were left. My past co-workers in seat at most of the tables. We took a table in the front, near the window, sort of away from the traitors. Then back to an old woman in this run down, high-rise building. - 18, 30c, 04:XX:XX
Dreams of wedding plans, working on map and certain things needed to be moved (part of daily life concerns). - 18, 30c, 24:00:00
My family, my sister went to a new dirty place. We didn't know where we were. Jumping one thing to the next, about little things. - 18, 30c, 02:XX:XX
My mom, sister, cousin and a friend and I (all women) are cleaning the house. It's daytime then we go to another house and we start cleaning again. We work well, very busy, frenzy of activity, but it starts to be "messy", too much water in large sink, too many people using the water leading to the water spills on the floor and eventually we have a "flood". Six inches of water on the floor. Very noisy activity. - 06. 12c, 36:XX:XX
Second dream I'm going to a demonstration/seminar given at a clinic. It's night. They're presenting a new machine to assess the level of heath of people and to test the remedies prescribed to a patient. They do a demo with one of their patients, a very old lady, all shriveled up and weak in her wheelchair. She's got a shaper tongue but her body is worn out. She's holding the instrument in her hands. It's the size and shape of a big binder, but very light. The electronic parts are under plastic cover and the contact of her hands plus some wires (?) provide the input to the machine. We see little lights as indicators for the 'output'. It's a very simple machine and it costs $132 US. That is so cheap that I decide to by one. I'm thinking about which patients I will test it with first. Then wonder how much I will start charging once I'm used to it. then realize I may not charge anything. Just use it as a confirmation and monitoring instrument, part of the consultation. - 06. 12c, 36:XX:XX
It's like a movie adaptation of an autobiography by French novelist Francoise Sagan. I can hear a woman's voice telling her nostalgic story of what happened during a summer when she was 19-20 years old. She's walking in the country (French countryside is beautiful, sunny, peaceful). She's trying to catch her last commute, a train. She's carrying a small luggage. She arrives to a small valley, the tracks are along the opposite hill. she can see the dark red train station. But she hears the whistle of the train and starts running. The black steam locomotive is approaching, but as she runs towards the station, the station is also moving, away from her (!). She can't reach it before the train does and they both disappear in a turn around the hill. so she walks home (5-10 minutes away). She goes up the hill, using stairs that are there. She's going to her parent's house.
The old lady reminded me a bit of the old lady in the first dream: she represented a very worn out run down body, decrepit, the miracle was she was still alive, curved, in this chair, but still a sharp mind, sharp tongue, but the body totally useless. - 06. 12c, 37:XX:XX
Had a long dream. Lived in my parent's house (not the same house in dream as in real life). One morning I'm alone in the house with my mother and sister. I'm getting ready to leave and I go to my room and open the closet that has two mirror-sliding doors. Inside, it's full of clothes, hanging, or on the floor in a rubble. It's quite a mess and a high pile of clothes. From these clothes, a hand suddenly pops up and waves to attract my attention. I bend down to see my sister hiding under the clothes. She whispers to me to help her escape from the house because she's in danger. (when she was a young kid my sister was not treated fairly by my mother , but she' a young woman in my dream). We sneak out unheard and head for out bicycles to leave for school. - 06. 12c, 44:XX:XX
I was working/volunteering at an old folk's home. A lot of seniors and a little pandemonium. I had a similar dream three nights ago or so. - 06. 12c, 53:XX:XX
Dreams reflected my story, one seemed familiar, a recurring dream,
repetitive, little things remembered parts of it, life related. - 18, 30c, 03:00:00
Dreams seem to be reoccurring.
18, 30c, 03:XX:XX
A repeated dream of reliving how I may have lost my grandmother's opals. This has been two years now and I am hopeful that they may still come back to me. Staying in a group house with pets and we have a room, wandering, I found several bathrooms I did not know about. Extra rooms and more people crashing (staying, sleeping Ed. ) everywhere. - 18, 30c, 07:XX:XX
Dreamt about bathrooms and woke up and had to go. This happened four or five times I think. - 18, 30c, 90:XX:XX
When I finally, after more than one hour, fall asleep. My son wakes me a short time later with a brief cry. I am bathed in sweat, completely somewhere else and was dreaming something about Arnica. Later the same thing happens again, my son cries out, I wake up and again have dreamed about Arnica. - 08, 30c,02:XX:XX
Dreaming during nap, but cannot recall dream. - 211, 30c, 09:XX:XX
Remember dreaming but can't recall dream. - 211, 30c, 11:XX:XX
I also had a few other dreams that I couldn't remember upon waking. - 211, 30c, 12:XX:XX
Cannot remember even one dream, although I have dreamed a lot and felt sure I would remember. - 08, 30c,00:XX:XX
Weirdest dream in a long time; I dream a lot, but don't remember them often; this is weird. - 06. 12c, 00:00:00
Tried VERY hard to remember the dream, feel as if neurologically bothered, can't bring the pictures into words, the pictures slip from me, have to try very hard to remember, although I am just coming out of the dream when it is usually very easy for me to remember. - 08, 30c,06:XX:XX
When I wake up the dream was hard to remember. - 08, 30c,03:XX:XX
Vivid dreams - 18, 30c, 01:XX:XX
Sleeping well, but dreams are not as vivid as at first after taking the remedy. - 10, 30c, 10:XX:XX
Detailed dreams continue. - 14, 30c, 22:XX:XX
Still having vivid dreams. - 10, 30c, 40:XX:XX
I was dancing with a woman to check out the band. I asked what she thought of them. She said,"OK". I had come to see a wedding party that was all dressed in the same location where my party would be, coordinating two things with the same people and noticing with the check-in, that could have done the job for both. Setting up a ladder to a second floor window. Also putting candles in two locations, trying to make it look right. Bright green bus rolling plan for transport of everyone. Who are watching the big waves. Some get this scrapbook wet so I put it in the green bus. Next thing, we are discussing who will drive the green bus. It's a huge hill, down. Most people are worried. People are being rolled down. Elderly with a refrigerator. Feeling them along the way. I go to this room and knock on a closet door, Reddish hair is in the door hinges. No answer. I say "It's me". And they slowly open the door saying "OK". I close the room door and we talk. She's upset. I say "It's not your fault," and she replies, "I was irritated with him and told them they should go that way, and I knew it would be harder. Now look did you see how bad he is?" I flash to someone with white bandages on their face and head. Definitely in bad shape. She says, "It's all my fault." - 18, 30c, 12:XX:XX

I am together with my first real boyfriend (from when I was 17.). I am not well, try to talk to him about it while we walk along but he is not listening, talking about his problems with gold crowns on his teeth. - 08, 30c,07:XX:XX
Dream that I urgently want to have a husband. Am looking for him. Am at home with my mother in her townhouse, my sister is there, too. A man wants to visit us, who looks like Eric Idle from Monty Python. I see him from the street (we are in the yard) and am quite excited about it. He pours some more hot water in his cooler. I am amazed that it has to be hot. Tried VERY hard to remember the dream, feel as if neurologically bothered, can't bring the pictures into words, the pictures slip from me, have to try very hard to remember, although I am just coming out of the dream when it is usually very easy for me to remember. Find the dream strange and think, "I have a husband already." - 08, 30c,06:XX:XX
I went to party with D. at his hairdresser's and met some characters there. Human guards for trunks and valuable items around this house. A band was playing in back, down steps. In one room they were discussing selling food at stations. It was taking forever. We went for a drive the next day in traffic with an accident. A huge 20 by 40 billboard was moving into cars. we were lucky to get around it. At this other great house, the hairdresser cut D.'s hair but did not do a good job. I thought I was scheduled to get my color done but wanted to back out and she acted as if she didn't know what to do. I was relieved. Stick with whom I have, was my message. Second was they have a racket going and third, she does a bad job D. should not go back. On the way home, we discussed his business idea he could pitch to the guys from the night before - a sex stand. But we figured there would be lines, draw attention, and of course, it was illegal and not right, even if it would make us rich. We were checking the space out and decided it was not possible.
We went to leave and he was falling asleep so I finished driving in this old truck, classic-looking barely fitting past other cars and definitely going too fast. I pull over into a muddy trash area with bums sleeping and parked the car/truck just in time. Security behind me. We get out and start walking towards the lights. - 18, 30c, 07:XX:XX
M. was driving drunk. We are checking out the building for lease to see how this could work as an office. Three of us there. All going in different search directions. All there for different business needs. I find this huge warehouse room with a safe or walk-in or exhaust room. I call for people to come and see. We leave, driving along. D is driving with a cop behind us. I ask if he wants anything. (foodwise to sober up) and I give him peanut butter. It is basically coated on him, at his head and he's trying to get it off when the officer arrives. (It's like a bubble or condom to be rolled off.) - 18, 30c, 10:23:00
I dreamt that I got mad at R. because I had asked her to hang on to my school bag. When it came time to write out our pathology exam, I asked for my bag back. She said she didn't have it, that she had put it in "trunk 5". I was mad because it had my wallet, ID, and pencil case in it and I needed it to write my exam. I asked her where "trunk 5" was and she couldn't remember. I had to go to the security guard to find "trunk 5" and my stuff. I was late writing the exam. - 215, 12c, 01:XX:XX
Dream was centered around school and involved people on my floor. I woke up anxious that the dream had taken place as it was negative in many ways. - 219, 30c, 01:XX:XX
Of mushrooms (no further details remembered). After two days I remember how the dream continued, strange, I think now, how I could I forget it?? One of my twin boys hides things in a corner, a lot of things have already accumulated.
I am in a hairdresser salon and let someone wash my feet, I am there together with another woman. It is very pleasant. It concerns cleaning. A man, whom I like very much, who lives with me (?), disappears suddenly. I am in a garden, I hear a voice from far off, which reports on the fact that birds disappear. I look on to a small tree and actually see no more birds. I am surprised. Particularly: I remember relatively many dreams, but not in detail. - 08, 30c, 00:XX:XX
I dream about a friend whose son is three months younger than ours. We are together at a party. I am meeting an old schoolmate. (I haven't thought of her for a hundred years. She had been small, round, she smoked and drank a lot.) I am asking what she's doing now. "Nothing" she says, but tells me later that she is a political candidate for a sort of parliament. I wonder about this discrepancy. The rest of the dream went away. - 08, 30c, 16:XX:XX

Dream about doing sidekicks with kids. I see plants in this place we are practicing in, a tropical kind of a forest with big green leaves on the trees. I wrote down "mom says it's a mystery" after the dream and I don't remember what it means. - 12, 30c, 00:19:10
Dream about Taekwondo and homeopathy. We were being tested for a belt, so depending on your group and color you went to a room. I was going to the yellow room. My son was there in a room a couple doors down. Before going into the room, there was a big group, and they were all homeopathy people. They were going to go in our room for the testing. Everyone had to have a gift to give. The people in the group were holding gifts. I went to find my room. There was a row of small classrooms. Mine had a yellow marker sticking out perpendicular to the door. - 12, 30c, 03:XX:XX
Gardens and plants. I'm in a car at an intersection and my car won't start. A beautiful woman stops her car and moves over into the passenger seat so I can drive her car to this picnic that I'm suppose to be at. There are a lot of people. We see these guys wandering around in skimpy bathing suits. I say, "It's obscene." She says, "No, I don't think it's obscene." There is a ball game I'm supposed to be involved in, but it's over by the time we arrive. Someone walks me to their table. Someone brings me a plate of food but nothing on it looks good, so I decide to get my own. We have to go up to the ninth floor of this building for food. I go there to get some rice and curry, at least that is what I want. After getting food we go down a couple of floors to get wine. I end up buying the $6.50/ glass of wine, the most expensive glass. An old friend of mine is here with me helping me decide which glass to buy. She says that we had had the expensive wine before. She's trying to jog my memory about how it tasted. This floor looks like a casino, a lot of gambling, smoking, and drinking. The food floor looked more like a church picnic.
Then suddenly I'm in another building that looks like a barn. In here there is art. We are talking about a picture. The top part is broken off in two pieces. A guy had bought the picture and brought it back. But he wants to keep the smaller broken piece. The picture is made of wax, and it's an abstract color piece. There was a square of red in the middle with sections of softer color around it. I try to put him off because we want to keep the pieces together and sell the whole thing.
I go into another room, a beautiful room. My friend starts to tear up, "It's so beautiful." It's my upstairs neighbor's room. She hugs my neighbor saying how beautiful . . . it has touched her. I start to tear up too. The neighbor reaches over to wipe away my tears. Everyone is really happy. The room is like a Waldorf classroom, beautiful, colorful pink cloth hanging from the ceiling to the floor. It's looking at the pink wall that makes this woman happy and teary-eyed. - 12, 30c, 06:XX:XX
There are horses and Dobermans outside of a big old house in an old town. Inside the house we are going to dance. There are three people in the house, two girls and one guy. We are waiting for three more girls to come and teach us how to dance, a modern dance. It's fun and we are having a good time. - 12, 30c, 12:22:30
A convoluted dream about Michael Douglas, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Melanie Griffith. Michael Douglas is Arnold Schwarzenegger's dad. Arnold and Melanie are just married. They are going to be put to sleep by eating a nut from a tree to see if they will recognize each other when they wake up. I see her eating a nut from the tree in the backyard. The nut is big and furry on the outside. - 12, 30c, 13:XX:XX
Dream about my old boss in the psychotherapeutic ambulance/emergency room. We are meeting with several women colleagues, want to drive from one spot to another, sort of psychotherapeutic supervisory group. Another participant has brought lots of clippings and lists of texts and very nicely colored graphics which we want to discuss later. I feel very at ease in this group, am pleased by Food for Thought, by the discussions. When I wake up and the dream was hard to remember. - 08, 30c,03:XX:XX

Head feels very fuzzy. - 219, 30c, 00:XX:XX
I feel groggy. Eyes are puffy and full of crusty matter.
Have a dull headache, the kind you get without enough sleep! - 12, 30c, 01:00:30
I have very oily hair, which is very unusual. - 08, 30c,13:XX:XX
Head congested, between eyes. At 7:40 am
Back of throat. Neck, shoulders and arms sore from water-skiing yesterday. Light burning at certain key muscles. Belly a little bloated, some gas.
18, 30c, 03:23:00
Body muscles sore. Kink in neck, left occiput. Congested in nose and eyes puff with fluid.
18, 30c, 03:22:50
I got a headache this morning around 9 am, that started as left-sided temporal. It lasted until about 5 PM and had eventually spread to be a frontal headache. - 215, 12c, 01:XX:XX
Frontal headache at 8:30 PM - 219, 30c, 00:XX:XX
Low-grade headache for most of the day. - 219, 30c, 11:XX:XX
A slight dull headache on the right side above eyebrows. Not very pronounce, vague - 233, 30c, 01:XX:XX
Right-sided headache. . - 10, 30c, 01:01:00
Fleeting headache after work. - 10, 30c, 04:XX:XX
On waking I have a headache again. This is the first time in three weeks that my usual headache is back left-sided with the center of the pain in the left sinus and left eye. I feel very bad, tired and have not slept enough. I feel nauseous and don't want to eat anything. - 08, 30c, 18:XX:XX
Headache at night did not go away with sleep. Dull, aching, right-sided over right eye, front to back. Killing me this morning. It started on the right, dull strong ache, began in forehead, over the eye. Pain from front to back. Feels like it is going towards top and back of my head. Dull throb. Much worse movement. - 10, 30c, 05:XX:XX
Headache continues, now more across forehead.
Developed tic in left cheek mid-morning, sporadically throughout day. A couple of occurrences today. It continued after the headache was gone, but it felt like a twitching. I can feel it pulling my cheek.
Headache gone late afternoon after neck and shoulder stretching, exercise and rest. - 10, 30c, 06:XX:XX
After lunch, started feeling sick. It felt like a mild form of food poisoning.
Went out at night but felt horrible: fever, headache, general soreness, dizzy, etc. - 211, 30c, 09:XX:XX
Have a dull headache, the kind you get without enough sleep! - 12, 30c, 01:00:30
A headache that goes up the back of my neck, extending up the back of my head and into my temple, a pulling sensation, tightness, goes down into my shoulder and up into my temple. Also a dull pain across the forehead and in my eyes. - 12, 30c, 25:XX:XX
A headache in the temples, < on the left side, a tension in my head. - 12, 30c, 27:XX:XX Feel very tired, have a light pressure on my head, which later becomes a headache (pressure in fact everywhere but especially in the sinuses under my eyes and the Medulla oblongata. Take an aspirin at noon, and feel better. Usually my headaches don't go away so easily, not even with aspirin. - 08, 30c,05:XX:XX heat Face slightly more pink than usual. Face feels warm (around 11am), feels like burning sensation is about to start. - 233, 30c, 01:XX:XX jaw Aching jaw at 8 PM lasted until went to bed. - 203, 30c, 02:23:00 itch Face also felt itchy, feels like a niacin flush, on both cheeks. Noticed no color change in the mirror The prickling sensation was felt just above eyebrows (both) - 233, 30c, 01:XX:XX pain A dull pain in left forehead above eye. - 12, 30c, 00:XX:10 A dull pain in forehead while having a bowel movement - 12, 30c, 01:10:30 sneezing I think I'm getting a cold. Sneezing a lot tonight and I have a stuffy nose. I think it's related to lack of sleep - I didn't sleep last night because I had to take my husband to the hospital. I'm sneezing ten times in a row, and feel foggy, cloudy, and stuffy in my head. - 2, 30c, 05:XX:XX 7:27. One sneeze now better. Cleared head. Deep breathing is possible. 18, 30c, 02:22:30 Sneeze. Head and sight cleared. 18, 30c, 02:XX:XX tic Developed tic in left cheek mid-morning, sporadically throughout day. A couple of occurrences today. It continued after the headache was gone, but it felt like a twitching. I can feel it pulling my cheek. - 10, 30c, 06:XX:XX Tic continues, not frequent a couple of occurrences today. - 10, 30c, 07:XX:XX Random tic in right cheek, not every day during this week. - 10, 30c, 19:XX:XX Tic reappeared in right cheek again, fleeting, only once. - 10, 30c, 22:XX:XX Occasional tic still in right cheek, twice this week. - 10, 30c, 33:XX:XX Only one occasion of tic in right cheek this week. - 10, 30c, 40:XX:XX One occasion of tic in right cheek this week. - 10, 30c, 47:XX:XX EYES Increased eye clarity. Feel as if I am closer to things than I actually am. - 222, 30c, 01:XX:XX Eyes no longer feel as "open". 222, 30c, 03:XX:XX Eyes are puffy and full of crusty matter. - 12, 30c, 01:00:30 Menses starting. Left eye foggy in morning. Filmy mucousy stuff in my left eye, have to blink a lot to clear it. - 12, 30c, 02:XX:XX A dull pain across the forehead and in my eyes (with headache and flu). - 12, 30c, 25:XX:XX I feel as if my eyes are dilated/sympathetic response as everything feels extremely sharp and close. - 222, 30c, 00:XX:XX In evening, watering, tearing of eyes to the point of causing runny nose. Felt like allergies or increased sensitivity to dust. No emotional component except felt more calm less exciting while crying. - 222, 30c, 00:07:XX dry Eyes are very sore and dry today. - 219, 30c, 00:XX:XX Eyes are dry and my contacts feel filmy, more in the right eye. - 12, 30c, 00:13:30 Didn't think there was anything new today but friends pointed out I haven't been able to wear my contact lenses for two days now. My eyes are very dry and scratchy. But my skin isn't dry, as it usually is, and I don't have the little dry cough I usually have. - 14, 30c, 06:XX:XX I still can't wear my contact lenses. My right eye is especially sore. The eyeball itself feels dry and scratched and sore. - 14, 30c, 07:XX:XX Skin is dryer again (more like usual, but not quite as dry). My eyes remain dry and scratchy. I can wear my lenses but need to use wetting solution four to five times a day to moisten my eyes. - 14, 30c, 29:XX:XX congested Congested eyes. 18, 30c, 02:22:30 Congested between eyes and nasal cavity. 7:15 am 18, 30c, 02:XX:XX Congested in nose and eyes puff with fluid. 18, 30c, 03:22:50 Lots of tossing and turning in my sleep. And feeling congested in nose and itchy eyes. - 18, 30c, 07:17:50 Awoke feeling stiff in joints, slightly congested in nasal, back of eye area. - 18, 30c, 12:23:00 itch Itchy hive on right eyelid at midnight. Generalized upper body itchiness. - 203, 30c, 04: 02:30 Itchy hive on left eyelid at 5 PM. - 203, 30c, 08:20:XX EARS Burning in ears.. Body relaxed but jittery. Urinated, then coughing and gagging deep in chest. Now chilled. Hands and feet cold, coughing, jumpy, having a harder time focusing. - 18, 30c, 01:XX:XX Feeling very light-headed. Very relaxed except stiff neck and trapezius. Small stool. Then had a short coughing spurt, gag reflex. Feeling a little nauseous and itching in inner right ear. 18, 30c, 3:02:00 Ears unplugged - 12, 30c, 00:XX:15 I had an earache (left-sided) in late afternoon/evening. - 215, 12c, 01:XX:XX NOSE Feeling congested in nose and itchy eyes. - 18, 30c, 07:17:50 Nasal congestion. - 18, 30c, 11:23:00 Awoke feeling stiff in joints, slightly congested in nasal, back of eye area. - 18, 30c, 12:23:00 Something nagging me: a nasal congestion; mucus. Unusual for me, behind - in the pharynx, not in nose, behind nose. Very sticky, making me gag a bit, almost, but what's so strange, is I tried to hawk it up, it's hard to hawk it up. I often have nasal congestion/ a discharge, but something stuck behind there is strange: for three days now.It seems to be getting worse. Sticky, gluey, stretchy a bit, frothy. Transparent to white in color. Its scant, there's not much, it's quite annoying, always there. I try to clear throat but I cant, it's above my throat; when I swallow, feel 'what's blocking me?' I feel it behind it behind my nose, that's when I want to gag, but I can't, it's not in my throat. Bland, odorless. I feel it all the time. - 06. 12c, 12:XX:XX Still have stuff in the back of my nose; very sticky, very annoying. - 06. 12c, 14:XX:XX One hour after taking first dose, I experienced nasal congestion. - 219, 30c, 00:XX:XX I think I'm getting a cold. Sneezing a lot tonight and I have a stuffy nose. I think it's related to lack of sleep - I didn't sleep last night because I had to take my husband to the hospital. I'm sneezing ten times in a row, and feel foggy, cloudy, and stuffy in my head. - 2, 30c, 05:XX:XX Nose is runnier than usual today. Last night stuffy, one nostril stuffed more than the other. Sneezing loudly a lot last night. Discharge is bland, clear a little mucousy. - 12, 30c, 14:XX:XX bleeding Some slight bleeding of the nose on blowing it. Mostly clear, thin discharge. Greenish-yellow in the morning but still thin. - 12, 30c, 22:XX:XX A nosebleed from the right nostril at noon. - 12, 30c, 32:05:30 Nosebleed on the right side. - 12, 30c, 39:XX:XX MOUTH My voice is hoarse, low, and gravelly. Drinking cold water feels good, as well as eating. My throat woke me in the middle of the night. I took Tylenol so I could go back to sleep. Excruciating, raw, way at the back, behind where my Adam's apple would be, like irritation from nasal drainage. I am rubbing my tongue on the roof of my mouth as far back as I can. I wish I could get back further. - 12, 30c, 22:XX:XX Stretched tongue. - 18, 30c, 02:22:30 Teeth feel rough. Tongue feels larger. - 222, 30c, 01:XX:XX eruptions Pimple forming on left chin, just below side of mouth. - 18, 30c, 01:14:00 In the evening I get a fever blister (herpes), the third in two weeks, the first before I took Sepia, the second afterwards (when this remedy was already here) and now the third. Very unusual, get a little one every couple of years. This one goes away quicker than the two others, is only there for a couple of hours. - 08, 30c,09:XX:XX Apthae ulcer on inside of lip about .7 cm. White colored center. Sensitive to cold. Slightly eroded. Decrease in intensity of symptoms from previous days, especially skin. 222, 30c, 03:XX:XX Ulcer is present but smaller. (.3cm) - 222, 30c, 04:XX:XX Lip ulcer gone. Very fast healing, even for me. - 222, 30c, 05:XX:XX tooth pain Tooth pain, sharp, fleeting, in one tooth or another, right or left-sided. Felt like an open nerve. Very intense, quick pain. Shooting all within the tooth. (only in teeth with a problem cap or filling). - 10, 30c, 01:01:00 Tooth pain, bilateral, only in teeth with fillings. - 10, 30c, 03:XX:XX Tooth pain, bilateral, only in teeth with fillings. - 10, 30c, 03:XX:XX I fiddle with it with my tongue all the time. - 08, 30c,05:XX:XX metallic taste One hour after taking the remedy (the second dose) there was a metallic taste in my mouth. I hope it's not dissolving all my fillings. - 10, 30c, 01:01:00 Metallic taste continues. - 10, 30c, 03:XX:XX Still has metallic taste in mouth. - 10, 30c, 06:XX:XX Continued metallic taste in mouth, stronger, worse with cold water. It's like biting on aluminum foil. It doesn't bother me but I am aware of it. it's not strong, not overpowering other food. I notice it more if I drink cold water. I wonder if it has to do with the mercury in fillings. It is predominantly in the back of the mouth. - 10, 30c, 09:XX:XX Strong metallic taste last night. - 10, 30c, 10:XX:XX Metallic taste disappears, first time in 10 days. - 10, 30c, 12:XX:XX FACE I feel that a splinter of bone from a tooth extraction in my upper right jaw, which has been lying there for years, is coming out. I feel that a small piece of bone or tooth is sticking out of the jaw a bit. - 08, 30c,03:XX:XX The splinter in my jaw is slowly getting infected and hurts. - 08, 30c,05:XX:XX The splinter in my jaw finally came out this morning. A tiny piece of bone or tooth. - 08, 30c,06:XX:XX THROAT Waking me early morning, I had this very annoying sensation in lower throat, the pit, it just made me cough and coughing did not relieve it. What helped was to withhold myself from coughing; stopping myself would finally make it disappear. It woke me up.Also on falling asleep, last night, the same cough would stop me. - 06. 12c, 02:XX:XX I also had that tickle again in my throat; it causes me to cough, but if I stop and control it I stop coughing. Force myself to not cough and it works. - 06. 12c, 21:XX:XX Going to sleep I feel a tightness in throat and chest again, mild heart racing, do a lot of Reiki and it feels good. - 08, 30c,03:XX:XX Phlegm in throat, nose getting better; coughing a bit. On its way out. - 06. 12c, 03:XX:XX Tickle in back of throat. - 12, 30c, 00:03:25 Sore throat, at back of throat - 12, 30c, 18:XX:XX Hoarseness way in the back of my throat. Hoarseness with cough, I can't cough anything up. Feels really deep in chest. Very tired. - 12, 30c, 19:XX:XX Back of throat is gunky, sticky with mucus, can't get it up or down. Try to swallow it and I can't. Throat is scrapey and raw. >eating and drinking. >cold drinks. > something going down my throat. I am thirstier than usual, desire cold water. Way in the back of my throat there is an itch or tickle, and somewhat also in my chest. Deep down in the middle of my chest there is a tightness. - 12, 30c, 20:XX:XX
Tickle in upper throat. Urinated again (more frequently). - 18, 30c, 01:00:00
Throat feels tight and sore. - 18, 30c, 03:12:25
With the cough I'm not able to get anything up even though I know something is there. I can get it so close to the top of my throat, then I wind up swallowing because I can't get it up. - 12, 30c, 22:XX:XX
Coughed and hacked so much I threw up phlegm with brown streaks in whitish, slightly green mucus. No appetite from having the cough. Horrific pain in my chest, it hurt so much during the night. I can't touch the outside of my throat, hurts so much to touch it, from the pit of the throat to the Adam's apple. Sometimes a sensation as if a lump in my throat. When eating a feeling like the food was stuck there. A headache in the temples, < on the left side, a tension in my head. Slathered myself in Vicks tonight. Spitting out small amounts of mucous as I cough. It's a creamy greenish color. - 12, 30c, 27:XX:XX VOICE My voice is hoarse, low, and gravelly. - 12, 30c, 22:XX:XX My voice is hoarse, low, and gravelly. Drinking cold water feels good, as well as eating. My throat woke me in the middle of the night. I took Tylenol so I could go back to sleep. Excruciating, raw, way at the back, behind where my Adam's apple would be, like irritation from nasal drainage. I am rubbing my tongue on the roof of my mouth as far back as I can. I wish I could get back further. - 12, 30c, 22:XX:XX I'm losing my voice - it's failing now; yesterday, last night too, it did that a bit, too. - 06. 12c, 21:XX:XX COUGH Start of proving Feeling very relaxed and lightly coughing from deep in my chest. After I took the remedy, I felt kind of relaxed. It made me cough a lot in my chest, deep in my chest, for the first twenty minutes. The coughing stopped after an hour and a half. The cough was convulsive, in chest, dry sounding, non-productive, as one cough feeding the next, feeding itself. - 18, 30c, 00:00:20 Starting coughing almost right after taking remedy. Tickle in upper throat. - 18, 30c, 01:00:00 First day I felt really clear, as soon as I took the remedy I started coughing. It went right to me. - 18, 30c, 90:XX:XX dry cough My usual dry cough was ameliorated during the proving (Curative) - 14, 30c, 07:XX:XX I haven't been able to wear my contact lenses for two days now. My eyes are very dry and scratchy. But my skin isn't dry, as it usually is, and I don't have the little dry cough I usually have. - 14, 30c, 06:XX:XX Still have dry raw throat, substantially the same as before the remedy. Evolving in its own right, not being affected. - 06. 12c, 02:XX:XX gagging cough Starting short coughing spurt. Almost gagged. Gagged. Reflex cough from deep in chest. - 18, 30c, 01:01:00 The coughing took me to the gag reflex point. It was worse in the morning. Lying down was OK, when I got up and started moving around and that's when I'd start to cough. Relaxing and breathing through it helped. - 18, 30c, 90:XX:XX Feeling very light-headed. Very relaxed except stiff neck and trapezius. Small stool. Then had a short coughing spurt, gag reflex. Feeling a little nauseous and itching in inner right ear. 18, 30c, 3:02:00 irritating A little bit of coughing at 9:15 for 5 minutes, on and off coughing, irritating chest. Slept fine, dreamt a lot, In dream I was a spy trying to figure things out. - 18, 30c, 04:00:00 Feeling more energized. Coughing from chest, like 20 in a row. Each irritating to cough more. Leaves burning in my ears . Appears lack of focus to put on paper legibly. I was having a hard time focusing. - 18, 30c, 01:00:00 expectoration difficult Very thick phlegm. Difficult to hawk/spit up. Clear color. - 06. 12c, 49:XX:XX Still hawk up nasal thick clear mucus. - 06. 12c, 59:XX:XX tickle I also had that tickle again in my throat; it causes me to cough, but if I stop and control it I stop coughing. Force myself to not cough and it works. - 06. 12c, 21:XX:XX Woke up coughing (tickle/phlegm) at 5 am and 6 PM. - 06. 12c, 47:XX:XX Coughing tickle in upper throat. Urination more frequent. Burning in ears. Twenty coughs. Body relaxed but jittery. Urinated, then coughing and gagging deep in chest. - 18, 30c, 01:XX:XX Starting coughing almost right after taking remedy. Tickle in upper throat. - 18, 30c, 01:00:00 waking At 4 am, this morning I was woken up again by that cough: I stopped myself right away from coughing, and was able to go straight back to sleep. - 06. 12c, 06:XX:XX Waking me early morning, I had this very annoying sensation in lower throat, the pit, it just made me cough and coughing did not relieve it. What helped was to withhold myself from coughing; stopping myself would finally make it disappear. It woke me up. Also on falling asleep, last night, the same cough would stop me. - 06. 12c, 02:XX:XX I traveled from San Francisco to Maryland on an early morning flight. Prior to the flight, in the airport, like 7:30 am. (I would say I was rushing to get there), I had a short coughing fit, almost to gagging point, like my previous symptoms, the first time in a while. It was very short and no more since then. - 18, 30c, 51:XX:XX I got up, coughing, not abrasive, not long. Short spurt of coughing. - 18, 30c, 02:XX:XX Woke up coughing (tickle/phlegm) at 5 am and 6 PM. - 06. 12c, 47:XX:XX Coughing spurts. Not so harsh, abrasive or deep or long in duration as before, but chest coughing. 8:45 am, one hour after waking. 18, 30c, 03:01:00 misc Mental clarity. Things seem crisp and clear. Coughing stopped. - 18, 30c, 00:01: 20 Started coughing tonight. A tight cough. I can't not cough. There's a tickling in my back with the cough like I want someone to scratch it, and a tightness in my chest. Wanted a hot ginger drink; had one and it helped. - 12, 30c, 09:14:30 Chest is tight, a small cough. - 12, 30c, 16:XX:XX Chest tight. Unable to cough anything up. - 12, 30c, 17:XX:XX Hoarseness way in the back of my throat. Hoarseness with cough, I can't cough anything up. Feels really deep in chest. Very tired. - 12, 30c, 19:XX:XX Able to choke up some yellow mucus this morning. Tight cough. Cough woke me up during the night. Voice continues to be hoarse. - 12, 30c, 20:XX:XX With the cough I'm not able to get anything up even though I know something is there. I can get it so close to the top of my throat, then I wind up swallowing because I can't get it up. - 12, 30c, 22:XX:XX Cancelled clients today. Too sick to see anyone. Slept for three hours today. Chest is so sore. There's a stone-like feeling on right side of chest, fairly low down, < coughing. A heavy pain in my chest, like there's pressure on my lungs. Visions of knives, stabbing myself in the chest to get rid of it, all this stuff in there that needs to be drained out. A stone in my chest. If I could just stab it. When I cough there's a sharp pain in the middle of my chest. Air passing into my lungs causes me to cough. When I cough mucus comes up part way but I can't get it all the way up. Every time I cough I'm dribbling urine. This can be a problem for me when I'm sick, but this is constant, seems worse than usual. I'm really sore in my neck and the back of my throat, a pressure, my lymph nodes below and behind the ear are bumpier than usual. When I swallow there's a pain going down into my chest. Increasing hoarseness as the day goes on. I feel like I'm breathing through mucus. I'm having a hard time walking, a hard time catching my breath. Nasal discharge is yellow-green, more so in the morning, can also be clear. - 12, 30c, 25:XX:XX I am so weak today. I'm trying not to breathe too deeply or I'll cough and my lungs are too weak and sore to do that. Laughing < cough. I'm wheezing and rattling and my cough is deep and loose, but I can not cough up anything. It hurts to touch the outside of my neck. The acupuncturist said the cough is due to heat invasion. My sweat stinks and I have foul gas. - 12, 30c, 26:XX:XX I am very tired. Have a bit of cough. The bronchial tubes and the back heart chakra hurt - 08, 30c,17:XX:XX CHEST As I note the symptoms from yesterday evening, I feel a short strong stitch in my heart, very painful and again accompanied by fear "hope that's not a heart attack". - 08, 30c,00:XX:XX My shoulders hurt again from time to time, especially when I have very rapid heartbeats, they feel tense. - 08, 30c,00:XX:XX The rapid heartbeat continues, I still feel it when I begin to rest, esp. when I lie down in the afternoon or at night. Does not seem to be influenced by anything in particular. At night I do a lot of Reiki at the heart chakra, but no change. Try everything to no avail. Feeling of heaviness in the chest, like a weight, and my throat feels quite constricted. - 08, 30c,00:XX:XX Rapid heartbeat continues. Every time I lie down, it starts for real. When I rest. Maybe it's more a matter of noticing it then. It beats and beats and doesn't react to anything I do. I fanaticize it has something to do with the thyroid gland, but I feel more cold. My chest feels as if something were lying on it, a weight. Throat tight, constricted, can't bear to have clothes on. 08, 30c,01:XX:XX When I put my son to bed, I feel very clearly and pleasantly my heart chakra. It is turning quickly, is bigger than usual, and is working more clearly. - 08, 30c,02:XX:XX The pounding of my heart has by the way improved. - 08, 30c,02:XX:XX Ponder over this and that, turn over and over. A definite feeling of not-enough-room in the upper half of my body, heart, chest, neck, a sort of pressure, as if I am in an atmosphere that has a different level of gravity than I. - 08, 30c,02:XX:XX Going to sleep I feel a tightness in throat and chest again, mild heart racing, do a lot of Reiki and it feels good. - 08, 30c,03:XX:XX I have pain this whole time in my back heart chakra, can't lie on my left side at all. My heart is fluttering and hurts, it is very unpleasant and worrisome, I think I have something organic wrong with my heart and it scares me. - 08, 30c,14:XX:XX Feel a pressure in the breast and heart pains in my back during the whole evening. 08, 30c,16:XX:XX STOMACH Feeling very light-headed. Very relaxed except stiff neck and trapezius. Small stool. Then had a short coughing spurt, gag reflex. Feeling a little nauseous and itching in inner right ear. 18, 30c, 3:02:00 Woke at 5 am to urinate. Pressure in lower abdomen. Some cramping. Very light, exhausted from no sleep. Felt poorly from the night sweats and fever, still cold. Sat by fire (we were camping )with a blanket and started to fall asleep. Went back to tent and slept until heat grew in tent from the sun. awake a little nauseous. - 18, 30c, 09:20:00 After lunch, started feeling sick. It felt like a mild form of food poisoning. Went out at night but felt horrible: fever, headache, general soreness, dizzy, - 211, 30c, 09:XX:XX Feeling anxious. "Butterflies in stomach' combined with hunger around 5 PM. - 211, 30c, 01:XX:XX I had hiccups after eating (too much...at a birthday buffet). - 215, 12c, 01:XX:XX I got a headache (dull ache on left side at top of head) due to irritation. It dissipated in late afternoon but returned in early evening because I hadn't eaten in six hours. It went away after I ate. - 215,12c, 02:XX:XX Feeling nausea after eating lunch. - 219, 30c, 00:XX:XX Digestion off a little, no appetite. - 219, 30c, 03XX:XX Digestion off felt really bloated today. - 219, 30c, 04:XX:XX Woke up feeling bloated today. Bowel movement was loose with plenty of gas. - 219, 30c, 05:XX:XX Not hungry in morning. Not hungry throughout day. - 219, 30c, 05:XX:XX A little bloating. - 219, 30c, 06:XX:XX Felt very hungry today in morning. Nervous feeling inside my stomach. - 219, 30c, 08:XX:XX Appetite is low. When eating, I experience epigastric fullness. - 219, 30c, 11:XX:XX Heartburn at 3:30-4:30 PM worse sitting all day. - 203, 30c, 00:18:00 Heartburn at 2:30 PM off-and-on until went to bed. Worse eating. - 203, 30c, 02:16:00 Feeling tired and not a lot of energy for my Tai Kwon Do class. My stomach feels bloated, puffier, sticking out more, like I will be getting my period soon, but it's not due for five days. I usually feel this way two days in advance. - 12, 30c, 00:13:30 ABDOMEN diarrhea Bowel movement in morning at first was formed, then very loose/diarrhea. Two more episodes of diarrhea in the morning. I feel the need for stool all go, and when I do, I pass a little loose stool or two. I was very bloated all week long (for the past 7 days). Only with passing stool and gas today is abdomen starting to look less swollen. - 06. 12c, 55:XX:XX Gas Very gassy, burpy. Loose stool, and moderate odor. - 18, 30c, 00:00:35 Feeling gassy with burps. Burning in chest and zyphoid (OS) - 18, 30c, 00:09:00 Head congested, between eyes. At 7:40 am Back of throat. Neck, shoulders and arms sore from water-skiing yesterday. Light burning at certain key muscles. Belly a little bloated, some gas. 18, 30c, 03:23:00 Went to bed with a full belly and some gas. - 18, 30c, 10:XX:XX Much better sleep. Gassy. Well rested. - 18, 30c, 10:23:00 I was very bloated all week long (for the past 7 days). Only with passing stool and gas today is abdomen starting to look less swollen. - 06. 12c, 55:XX:XX Woke up with pains in the uterus/colon again. Very sharp cramps. Better bowel movement and passing gas. Very bloated again. (This week the bloating has been more from above the pubic bone to epigastrium, along the mid-line). - 06. 12c, 57:XX:XX pain Woke up with pains in the uterus/colon again. Very sharp cramps. Better bowel movement and passing gas. Very bloated again. (This week the bloating has been more from above the pubic bone to epigastrium, along the mid-line). Decide to antidote remedy, as ultrasound test showed nothing wrong with pelvic organs. Tried two eucalyptus candies. - 06. 12c, 57:XX:XX Sometimes I have a little pain, not every time a bowel movement, or gas, but little. Abdomen still feels fragile. Occasional mild pains. - 06. 12c, 58:XX:XX Had another attack of the same pain that began nine days ago. Pain, much worse. - 06, 12c, 59:XX:XX pain cramping Woke at 5 am to urinate. Pressure in lower abdomen. Some cramping. Very light, exhausted from no sleep. Felt poorly from the night sweats and fever, still cold. Sat by fire (we were camping )with a blanket and started to fall asleep. Went back to tent and slept until heat grew in tent from the sun. awake a little nauseous. - 18, 30c, 09:20:00 urge for stool Woke at 3 am with strong urge for bowel movement. Felt like impending diarrhea but in fact there was little stool, and movement felt very incomplete. - 14, 30c, 02:16:00 RECTUM Since the first day of the proving, I have had a bleeding hemorrhoid. I first had hemorrhoids when 14 or 15, then they disappeared; a bit odd.Pain is very, very sharp, very unusual, burning, mostly stinging, sharp.Bleeding: with bowel movement only; very bright blood, thin. - 06. 12c, 10:XX:XX Hemorrhoids: bleeding again today. Weren't bleeding yesterday. - 06. 12c, 11:XX:XX Hemorrhoids. Bloody and stinging with bowel movement. - 06. 12c, 10:XX:XX Hemorrhoids bit itchy again yesterday, out of the blue: early evening. Not getting better. - 06. 12c, 13:XX:XX Pains in morning, the bowel movement pains, these got very bad; spasms. I can't sit up - painful to sit up; I'm on my side right now. No bowel movement yet; no desire for bowel movement. - 06. 12c, 21:XX:XX B.M. a bit slow. Usually I have to help it - I have breakfast or vitamin C. - 06. 12c, 21:XX:XX Still spasms/tenderness in rectum. Full day work but initially wanted to cancel patients. - 06. 12c, 22:XX:XX Rectum still sensitive when sit down, inflamed or in spasm, any pressure, tender.Tenderness, pelvic area. Still feels not quite back to normal. I was back to normal bowel movement, but desire to go 2 - 3 times in day, barely for anything at all. [over the weekend, last two days.] - 06. 12c, 23:XX:XX Constipation today but lots of gas. It feels almost like food poisoning. Cramps in afternoon. I took two caps of activated charcoal. Helpful! - 06. 12c, 28:XX:XX No bowel movement today. Tired of this irregularity, since 10 days ago. - 06. 12c, 30:XX:XX Physically: again bothered with constipation, on and off. No hemorrhoids though, just at the beginning. Similar to from years past; worse than recent years. Flared up; at start of proving; rare, usually. - 06. 12c, 38:XX:XX Very thick phlegm. Difficult to hawk/spit up. Clear color. Spotting at end of day, like last month. No PMS at all. I had very loose stools every morning this week. And have diarrhea today in the morning. - 06. 12c, 49:XX:XX Very thick phlegm. Difficult to hawk/spit up. Clear color. Spotting at end of day, like last month. No PMS at all. I had very loose stools every morning this week. And have diarrhea today in the morning. - 06. 12c, 49:XX:XX Bowel movement in morning at first was formed, then very loose/diarrhea. Two more episodes of diarrhea in the morning. I feel the need for stool all go, and when I do, I pass a little loose stool or two. I was very bloated all week long (for the past 7 days). Only with passing stool and gas today is abdomen starting to look less swollen. - 06. 12c, 55:XX:XX Woke up with pains in the uterus/colon again. Very sharp cramps. Better bowel movement and passing gas. Very bloated again. (this week the bloating has been more from above the pubic bone to epigastrium, along the mid-line). Decide to antidote remedy, as ultrasound test showed nothing wrong with pelvic organs. Tried two eucalyptus candies. - 06. 12c, 57:XX:XX Sometimes I have a little pain, not every time a bowel movement, or gas, but little. Abdomen still feels fragile. Occasional mild pains. - 06. 12c, 58:XX:XX Dream that I had colon cancer and was getting all sorts of exams and tests done. Last part of dream was a rectal exam and when I woke up, it felt like I had something stuck in my ass. I also had a few other dreams that I couldn't remember upon waking. - 211, 30c, 12:XX:XX Woke at 7:30 am. Had bowel movement that was not satisfying. Had a sense of constriction. - 211, 30c, 02:XX:XX Bowel movement first part was normal and soft, then greenish diarrhea. Feeling great with lots of energy. - 211, 30c, 04:XX:XX Bad gas all day (both smell and amount). - 211, 30c, 06:XX:XX Really horrible smelling gas all day. And lots of it too. - 211, 30c, 04:XX:XX My sweat stinks and I have foul gas. - 12, 30c, 26:XX:XX STOOL Woke at 3 am with strong urge for bowel movement. Felt like impending diarrhea but in fact there was little stool, and movement felt very incomplete. - 14, 30c, 02:16:00 Very gassy, burpy. Loose stool, and moderate odor. - 18, 30c, 00:00:35 Feeling gassy with burps. Burning in chest and zyphoid (OS) - 18, 30c, 00:09:00 I woke at 4 am to urinate and defecate. Stool was dark black in color. Some straining. Felt dehydrated. Drank some water. - 18, 30c, 07:17:50 Bowel movement this morning, complete. - 14, 30c, 05:XX:XX No bowel movement at all today. I don't like that. Feel full. 14, 30c, 04:XX:XX Smaller bowel movement than usual. I don't have time to write notes!! - 06. 12c, 03:XX:XX Smaller bowel movement than usual.. - 06. 12c, 04:XX:XX Smaller bowel movement than usual. I have very sticky mucus. Naso pharynx, gel-like, must hawk it out. Difficult to do. - 06. 12c, 05:XX:XX Since day three of the proving, I would say that my bowel movements [stools] are smaller, a big change: much smaller, total amount smaller, and the pieces are smaller. Same regularity, once or twice a day. This morning I had normal pains, rectal/sigmoid, so I expected larger stool as usual. Stools also look more pasty. - 06. 12c, 04:XX:XX Felt bowel pains in bed this am. (OS) Stools, in size, more towards normal. - 06. 12c, 06:XX:XX No bowel movement today. - 06. 12c, 07:XX:XX Large stool, large bowel movement. This time color orangy, from tomato in meal. Normal size. - 06. 12c, 06:XX:XX Hemorrhoids: bleeding again today. Weren't bleeding yesterday. - 06. 12c, 11:XX:XX Hemorrhoids. Bloody and stinging with bowel movement. - 06. 12c, 10:XX:XX Pains in morning, the bowel movement pains, these got very bad; spasms. I can't sit up - painful to sit up; I'm on my side right now. No bowel movement yet; no desire for bowel movement. - 06. 12c, 21:XX:XX B.M. a bit slow. Usually I have to help it - I have breakfast or vitamin C. - 06. 12c, 21:XX:XX Rectum still sensitive when sit down, inflamed or in spasm, any pressure, tender. Tenderness, pelvic area. Still feels not quite back to normal. I was back to normal bowel movement, but desire to go 2 - 3 times in day, barely for anything at all. [over the weekend, last two days.] - 06. 12c, 23:XX:XX Constipation today but lots of gas. It feels almost like food poisoning. Cramps in afternoon. I took two caps of activated charcoal. Helpful! - 06. 12c, 28:XX:XX No bowel movement today. Tired of this irregularity, since 10 days ago. - 06. 12c, 30:XX:XX No bowel movement today. - 06. 12c, 33:XX:XX No bowel movement today. - 06. 12c, 35:XX:XX One smaller than usual bowel movement. - 06. 12c, 37:XX:XX Physically: again bothered with constipation, on and off. No hemorrhoids though, just at the beginning. Similar to from years past; worse than recent years. Flared up; at start of proving; rare, usually. - 06. 12c, 38:XX:XX I had very loose stools every morning this week. And have diarrhea today in the morning. - 06. 12c, 49:XX:XX Bowel movement in morning at first was formed, then very loose/diarrhea. Two more episodes of diarrhea in the morning. I feel the need for stool all go, and when I do, I pass a little loose stool or two. I was very bloated all week long (for the past 7 days). Only with passing stool and gas today is abdomen starting to look less swollen. - 06. 12c, 55:XX:XX Usual morning stool was smaller than usual in quantity and quality (like soft rabbit droppings). Color was somewhere between good curry and Vitamin B. (not kidding). "Ripe" odor. Really weird. - 222, 30c, 01:XX:XX Big satisfying bowel movement upon waking - 211, 30c, 07:XX:XX Good appetite this morning. Bowels feel a little loose. - 219, 30c, 01:XX:XX Woke up feeling bloated today. Bowel movement was loose with plenty of gas. - 219, 30c, 05:XX:XX Bowels are soft to loose. - 219, 30c, 07:XX:XX Loose bowel movement on waking. - 219, 30c, 08:XX:XX Loose bowel movement upon waking, usual color. Loose bowel movement at 1:30 PM. - 219, 30c, 09:XX:XX Bowel movement better today. One that was well formed. - 219, 30c, 10:XX:XX Bowel movement better today. Not as loose. - 219, 30c, 11:XX:XX Two bowel movements are well formed, solid. - 219, 30c, 13:XX:XX One loose bowel movement. - 219, 30c, 14:XX:XX A dull pain in forehead while having a bowel movement - 12, 30c, 01:10:30 Have had bowel movements three times a day for the last two days and they feel somehow more complete than they usually would considering I am having three. - 12, 30c, 01:12:30 URINE Urination more frequent. Burning in ears. Twenty coughs. Body relaxed but jittery. Urinated, then coughing and gagging deep in chest. Now chilled. Hands and feet cold, coughing, jumpy, having a harder time focusing. Vivid dreams. Urinated twice in the night. Went to bed at 10, woke to urinate at 12:25, and 7:30 am. - 18, 30c, 01:XX:XX Urinated again (more frequently). - 18, 30c, 01:00:00 Woke at 12:15 am to urinate. - 18, 30c, 03:XX:XX I woke at 4 am to urinate and defecate. Stool was dark black in color. Some straining. Felt dehydrated. Drank some water. - 18, 30c, 07:17:50 Woke at 5 am to urinate. Pressure in lower abdomen. Some cramping. Very light, exhausted from no sleep. Felt poorly from the night sweats and fever, still cold. Sat by fire (we were camping )with a blanket and started to fall asleep. Went back to tent and slept until heat grew in tent from the sun. awake a little nauseous. - 18, 30c, 09:20:00 Increased urination. Slightly more yellow than usual. - 222, 30c, 00:XX:XX Urination very clear, large amounts. - 222, 30c, 04:XX:XX Has to urinate once around 3-4am. Attributed to drinking water before bed because felt dehydrated - 233, 30c, 01:XX:XX I woke to pee at 1:48 a.m. and was awake for the rest of the night. - 12, 30c, 00:19:10 Every time I cough I'm dribbling urine. This can be a problem for me when I'm sick, but this is constant, seems worse than usual - 12, 30c, 25:XX:XX FEMALE Vaginal irritation - 18, 30c, 00:09:00 Vaginal burn. Mild but present. - 18, 30c, 00:14:00 Light cramping in uterus area. (should be that time soon). Very mild cramps. 4:30 PM - 18, 30c, 06:07:40 7:05 am period started. - 18, 30c, 08:23:00 Gets period one or two days earlier than usual. - 08, 30c,10:XX:XX Spotting at end of day, like last month. No PMS at all. - 06. 12c, 49:XX:XX Woke up with pains in the uterus/colon again. Very sharp cramps. Better bowel movement and passing gas. Very bloated again. (this week the bloating has been more from above the pubic bone to epigastrium, along the mid-line). Decide to antidote remedy, as ultrasound test showed nothing wrong with pelvic organs. Tried two eucalyptus candies. - 06. 12c, 57:XX:XX Increased libido first and second day of proving. - 222, 30c, 00:XX:XX Libido decreased from last couple of days high. - 222, 30c, 03:XX:XX My stomach feels bloated, puffier, sticking out more, like I will be getting my period soon, but it's not due for five days. I usually feel this way two days in advance. - 12, 30c, 00:13:30 Menses starting. Left eye foggy in morning. Filmy mucousy stuff in my left eye, have to blink a lot to clear it. - 12, 30c, 02:XX:XX Burning warm spot on the back of my right thigh in the mid-afternoon. Cramping from period as day goes on. - 12, 30c, 02:XX:XX Menses are still heavy on the third night of my period - unusual. - 12, 30c, 04:XX:XX I have a hard time waking up this morning. Had a fairly heavy menstrual bleeding during the night. Very unusual for me, the third night is usually quite light. I had a dream that things were flowing out of me, like the blood really was. - 12, 30c, 05:01:40 At ovulation I was more mucusy than usual, like tan-colored egg white. - 12, 30c, 20:XX:XX Around 9 PM I have sudden strong hot flashes and sweat - after drinking hot cocoa. They last for about an hour. When I go to bed, they return for a short while. - 08, 30c,07:XX:XX BACK Noticing sacrum and coccyx tight and a little sore. - 18, 30c, 01:00:00 Have strong back pains while still in bed in the sacrum which improve on movement. - 08, 30c,09:XX:XX Low back tender T12/L1/L2 - 18, 30c, 00:13:00 I received a massage today. Areas of holding shoulders, neck, arms, forearms, sacrum, right hip and pelvis, also I felt release in the chest area. - 18, 30c, 07:XX:XX I am feeling a little more stable, still off, neck popping with self-adjustments. A little tight. - 18, 30c, 19:00:25 Very sore neck muscles. - 219, 30c, 00:XX:XX Body feels stiff today. Sore back muscles. Exhibiting sciatic symptoms today after sitting for long period of time. - 219, 30c, 03XX:XX On waking I have a very stiff neck, worse left side. Wonder if I got a draft last night. Gets better during the day but a little bit remains. - 08, 30c, 15:XX:XX I am trembling due to my exhaustion, extends up to the neck, but not absolutely unpleasant. - 08, 30c, 17:XX:XX Deeper ache in back, better by not moving and with heat (after lengthy stay at ER due to husband's broken leg). Muscle spasm in back. Across shoulder blades. Worse in the center, radiating in both directions. Felt like my spine needed to be cracked. Worse movement. Pain was a strong, deep ache. Not stabbing, not fleeting. It abated to a noticeable ache when she was not moving. Better not moving. Better heat. Better sitting in a recliner. Better deep breathing, walking. - 10, 30c, 05:XX:XX A headache that goes up the back of my neck, extending up the back of my head and into my temple, a pulling sensation, tightness, goes down into my shoulder and up into my temple. Also a dull pain across the forehead and in my eyes. - 12, 30c, 25:XX:XX I'm trying not to breathe too deeply or I'll cough and my lungs are too weak and sore to do that. Laughing < cough. I'm wheezing and rattling and my cough is deep and loose, but I can not cough up anything. It hurts to touch the outside of my neck. - 12, 30c, 26:XX:XX Have a mild flurry of headaches because of stress. Tension in the shoulders and back of neck. - 08, 30c,03:XX:XX Wake up and have a very stiff neck, especially left side. Wonder whether I slept in a draft. Improves during the day, but a tiny bit remains. - 08, 30c,16:XX:XX EXTREMITIES aching Body feels achy especially extremities (left hand). - 219, 30c, 00:XX:XX Legs feel achy again today. - 219, 30c, 11:XX:XX burning Neck, shoulders and arms sore from water-skiing yesterday. Light burning at certain key muscles. Belly a little bloated, some gas. 18, 30c, 03:23:00 itch Itchy hive on shoulder at 10:45 PM Upper body itchy. - 203, 30c, 01:13:00 An extremely itchy right middle finger, on the palm side, from the base of the finger to the last knuckle. Lasted 15 minutes. Felt better from scratching. - 12, 30c, 04:10:30 A rash developed behind both knees and spreading down legs, and inside forearms. Worse with warmth. Can feel more than see the eruptions. Is it a reaction to new laundry soap? New foods? Worse end of day, warmth, scratching, better cool. - 10, 30c, 54:XX:XX Rash gone after 10 days. - 10, 30c, 64:XX:XX Itchy hive on shoulder, same place as yesterday at midnight exactly. Lasted for ten minutes. - 203, 30c, 03:02:30 Legs aching today, esp. right hamstring. - 12, 30c, 16:XX:XX Pain right bottom of heel closer to the inside this morning on rising. Okay when sitting, < walking, < pressure. - 12, 30c, 25:XX:XX Heat My hands are very warm, starting 30 minutes after taking the remedy Not sweaty, just a sensation of heat emanating from my hands, from the palms. Things feel very cool to the touch: the paper, my desk. This lasts for four hours. - 14, 30c, 00:00:30 My hands have cooled off some. - 14, 30c, 00:04:00 Palms are hot again. Just my palms. So warm, I feel like I could heal with them. - 14, 30c, 00:08:30 Whew. Hot all over now, like a fever with no sweat. I don't look flushed in the mirror. Hands still the hottest. Cool wet towel felt good. Better (1) going outside into the cool, misty breeze. I left the door open to sleep. - 14, 30c, 00:010:30 On going to sleep, I feel a very strong warmth in my right ankle, lots of energy is streaming into the ankle. - 08, 30c,05:XX:XX Lump At 2 PM, I noticed tender lumpy area on tendon at right popliteal-lateral.. - 14, 30c, 04:XX:XX stiff/tight I received a massage today. Areas of holding shoulders, neck, arms, forearms, sacrum, right hip and pelvis, also I felt release in the chest area. - 18, 30c, 07:XX:XX Feeling very light-headed. Very relaxed except stiff neck and trapezius. 18, 30c, 3:02:00 Body feels stiff today. Sore back muscles. Exhibiting sciatic symptoms today after sitting for long period of time. - 219, 30c, 03XX:XX In the morning I have very stiff foot joints and feet, when I take my first steps, but gets better on movement. - 08, 30c,03:XX:XX My ankles are very stiff when I get up, especially when I go down stairs. When I get to the living room I suddenly have a sharp piercing shooting pain in left ankle, it really hurts. I don't know how to hold my foot. It feels as if I had just badly sprained it. Then the pain suddenly stops, but one tendon still hurts in certain positions. No pain when walking. At first this makes no sense to me, until I remember that in theater training, ten years or more ago, I hurt this ankle mildly. I had it examined and was treated for a few days with ultrasound. Shortly after that they found a cyst on my ovary. Later I learned that the place on my foot was the reflex point [in reflexology] for the ovary! - 08, 30c,07:XX:XX The pain in the ankle is drawing lightly into my left kneecap. 08, 30c,07:XX:XX Feet and legs and ankles are quite stiff when I first move around. - 08, 30c,09:XX:XX pain A small pain in right wrist. - 12, 30c, 00:XX:30 A pull in right shoulder/trapezius. - 12, 30c, 00:01:00 I'm noticing fleeting pains in old injuries that I haven't felt in ages, i.e., in my left hand where I sprained three fingers, and where I pulled my right hamstring. The pains don't last long. - 12, 30c, 00:02:30 I have had, again and again over the past few days, especially mornings, a light tearing feeling in my fingers and arms, more on the left side. - 08, 30c,13:XX:XX A pain on top of my right foot during my class this afternoon, a sharp pain on occasion when moving about. It is over the arch, midway between the ankle and toes. - 12, 30c, 00:13:30 I have a pain on top of my right foot again. Noticed it driving to work. It's a sharp pain, closer to inside arch of foot. Lasted about one minute and then went away. - 12, 30c, 01:02:30 A small pain in bottom of right foot, lasts 30 sec. - 12, 30c, 01:09:30 A sharp pain on top of right foot, lasts 30 sec. - 12, 30c, 01:10:15 A sharp pain on top of right foot. - 12, 30c, 01:11:00 Burning warm spot on the back of my right thigh in the mid-afternoon. Cramping from period as day goes on. - 12, 30c, 02:XX:XX A sharp pain on the top of the right foot when walking as if I landed on it wrong. Went away quickly. Happened several more times over the next couple of days, a brief sharp pain. Feels like it's in the tendon or muscle, not the bone. Several days later it became fainter and fainter, didn't last as long, and wasn't as intense. After that it recurred with a sharp pain again. - 2, 30c, 05:XX:XX Some pain in my right hamstring while driving. Site of an old injury. When stepped on foot this morning there was some sharp pain. It happened two times. - 12, 30c, 12:XX:XX Yesterday, I hurt my right ankle, when I picked up a child while I was kneeling and my weight was on the ankle. It hurt really badly for a moment, then went away. (around 6 PM) When I was running with the children in the yard today, the pain came back (also at 6 PM). It is a sticking/pulling pain on the right side of the ankle. Years ago I really sprained that same ankle, but that felt different. - 08, 30c,02:XX:XX For several days (about three) pains in the ball of my left foot, near the big toe. Feels a bit infected, tender to the touch. Hurts when I walk. - 08, 30c,02:XX:XX swelling Noticed a swollen area on my left anticubital fossa medial portion. (inner arm), extending proximally 5-6 inches. It's tender with a central area that is mostly firm, about one inch in diameter. No redness. The other arm has similar swelling, but less. My axillary glands are not swollen or tender. Nothing noted in the polical fossa. - 14, 30c, 02:03:00 Woke refreshed at 5:30 as usual. Swelling still there on both arms, maybe slightly diminished. On left side there are most distinct areas like swollen lymph nodes, while yesterday it was more one amorphous, spongy-thick, edematous mass. Still tender, not red or bruised. - 14, 30c, 02:18:30 Swelling in arm remains. - 14, 30c, 02:06:30 Arm still swollen but less so. - 14, 30c, 04:XX:XX Arms still swollen and tender. Ditto right knee area. - 14, 30c, 06:XX:XX Knee no longer swollen. Arms still swollen 14, 30c, 08:XX:XX Arm still swollen. - 14, 30c, 05:XX:XX Right leg still sore with lumpy spot behind lateral knee along tendon. - 14, 30c, 05:XX:XX Tried again this morning. Sweet and ice water cravings continue. Arms still swollen, but nothing reduced. - 14, 30c,12:XX:XX Arms still slightly swollen. - 14, 30c, 20:XX:XX Left arm still has rounded lump, slightly painful on palpation. Right arm is OK, now. - 14, 30c, 29:XX:XX The only symptom remaining: the slight rounded swelling, tender on palpation, persists on my left arm. - 14, 30c, 60:XX:XX weakness My left ankle hurts off and on all day long. Especially when I put weight on it, it suddenly feels very weak, as if it would give way on me. - 08, 30c,16:XX:XX misc Legs fell asleep when sitting for extended periods of time. - 219, 30c, 04:XX:XX Still experiencing some sciatica. - 219, 30c, 06:XX:XX Sciatic pain mid-afternoon. - 219, 30c, 09:XX:XX I feel ill, as if a virus is sticking in my bones. Aching in my extremities, twitching and pinching here and there in my body. - 08, 30c, 14:XX:XX Right-sided headache. Lots of shoulder pain (after long drive the previous 24 hours). - 10, 30c, 01:01:00 SLEEP When went camping got slowly worse by the campfire, everyone waswearing shorts and I was bundled up at night. I was feverish andchilled around midnight, was cold to the bone, horrible sleep, sweating (nosmell). By morning felt better, really wanted to sleep, was very irritatedwith poor/no sleep. At 5 a.m. got up and went and sat by the fire, laythere for 1 1/2 hours then fell back to sleep, and woke sweating. I had something similar when I had malaria, and since, the malaria when I getrun down, I was fine by Sunday a.m. dreaming a lot, same type of dreams. - 18, 30c, 14:00:00 My general emotional state is back to normal. More relaxed, not "keyed up", much more patient and less irritable. I again look forward to sleep at the end of the day am not so mentally hyper-alert at night. But I'm still having trouble getting up in the morning tired on waking. This clears within an hour now, though. - 14, 30c, 29:XX:XX Increased energy throughout day. Little desire to sleep. Too excited and don't want to sit still. - 222, 30c, 01:XX:XX Sleep was alright. (woke one time) feel like I had crazy dreams, but don't remember them. 222, 30c, 04:XX:X Woke up twice in the night. Not great sleep. Energy is great. Feel like SELF!!. (return to pre-proving symptoms) - 222, 30c, 05:XX:XX Took 1 1/2 hour nap mid-afternoon. - 211, 30c, 00:XX:XX Slept in class during afternoon (about 3:30 PM). Felt hot most of the day. - 211, 30c, 02:XX:XX Stayed awake until about 1 am despite being tired. - 211, 30c, 04:XX:XX Took a short nap at around 3 PM for about 45 minutes. - 211, 30c, 12:XX:XX anxious Anxious before going to bed. Bottled up nerves/excitement. - 18, 30c, 06:13:50 Lots of tossing and turning in my sleep. And feeling congested in nose and itchy eyes. - 18, 30c, 07:17:50 deep I slept like a log last night. - 10, 30c, 01:01:00 Sleeping well which is unusual. A deep, deep sleep. - 10, 30c, 02:XX:XX I slept very well again. I'm dreaming every night. - 10, 30c, 04:XX:XX Sleep is still excellent. Dreaming has waned from initial reaction. - 10, 30c, 22:XX:XX Sleep again a very long time in the afternoon, almost two hours. Don't remember any dreams again, sleep like the dead, with a short interruption. - 08, 30c,01:XX:XX I feel wiped out and tired, although I slept enough, did wake up a couple of times which is not typical as I normally sleep through the night. - 08, 30c,00:XX:XX difficulty Some difficulty falling asleep. - 219, 30c, 07:XX:XX I lie awake, can't go to sleep, turn over time after time. - 08, 30c,00:XX:XX While lying awake, trying to get to sleep, suddenly my right underarm (later also the top of my arm) feels very strange, quite heavy, big, as if stretched out, a little prickly - such a strange sensation that I really can't describe it. Suddenly I see before my inner eyes (in my mind) how my hand changes into an animal's paw with orange-brown fur, the whole arm has become an animal's arm. I wonder, what kind of animal, a lioness. For a moment I am this lioness, somewhere under the hot African sun I lie relaxed in the sand. A pleasant feeling. Think about lion's milk, but that has probably already been proved. Nevertheless, the lioness is for me the synthesis out of the fire which I glimpsed when I held the remedy for the first time, and the softness, almost motherliness when I took it this afternoon. (A couple of days later I realize that I saw a male lion in this picture! Strange!) At some point the pictures dissolve and I can fall asleep. - 08, 30c,00:XX:XX disturbed I woke to pee at 1:48 a.m. and was awake for the rest of the night. Tossing and turning at 5 am, getting really frustrated. Not thinking or dreaming about anything, just want to get some sleep and it seems impossible. Awake until about 5:15. - 12, 30c, 00:19:10 I would normally get tired at 9:30 or 10. Even though very little sleep the night before, I was wide awake. I had some wine. Stayed up until midnight. I fell right asleep, and then woke again at 4:30. Woke up thirsty. - 12, 30c, 01:22:00 Not tired at night. Stayed up until 12:30 (I usually like to be in bed by 10-10:30p.m.) and wasn't really tired. No trouble falling asleep. A really hard time waking up in the morning. "I should get up" but then I would doze off again. Not out of bed until 8:30. Continued to stay up later than usual until Day 11. - 12, 30c, 03:XX:XX When I finally, after more than one hour, fall asleep. My son wakes me a short time later with a brief cry. I am bathed in sweat, completely somewhere else and was dreaming something about Arnica. Later the same thing happens again, my son cries out, I wake up and again have dreamed about Arnica. - 08, 30c,02:XX:XX Have this morning the feeling of not slept enough at all, although I slept long enough. Feel rather low, wonder whether it is because of the red wine I drank rather late in the evening. - 08, 30c,09:XX:XX good Much better sleep. Gassy. Well rested. - 18, 30c, 10:23:00 Slept fine, dreamt a lot, - 18, 30c, 03:12:25 Full sleep. Only wakened once. No dreams. Awoke with much energy. - 222, 30c, 00:07:XX Slept in. nice deep sleep. Woke up feeling energized - 211, 30c, 07:XX:XX Excellent deep sleep. Slept in until about 11 am. Was up until about 1:30 am next morning. - 211, 30c, 05:XX:XX Woke up feeling great/energized. Still a bit of a headache. Feeling 100% by evening. Tired at around 10 PM. Went to sleep at midnight. - 211, 30c, 10:XX:XX lacking We went out of town, camping. warm day turned to cool night. I had fevery chills, sweats, tossed and turned and was miserable. Very little sleep. Cold, but not shaking. Temperature was 30 degrees. There was enough blankest though, jut could not get warm. - 18, 30c, 09:00 restless My night was very restless. My son cried out in his sleep several times, turned over and over, and I could not get to sleep at first.I am sweating a lot and am also very restless, myself. - 08, 30c,14:XX:XX My sleep is very restless. - 08, 30c, 17:XX:XX uninterrupted Excellent, uninterrupted sleep. No dreams. Awoke to alarm (unusual) energetic. - 222, 30c, 02:XX:XX Sleep still uninterrupted and I don't regret going to sleep as much. Hyperexcitement and hypersensitivity are still increased. - 222, 30c, 02:XX:XX Sleep was uninterrupted. Woke up and got up immediately. (excited to move rather than lie down. Woke up in abnormal position leg hanging off bed, lying on back, arms over chest. - 222, 30c, 03:XX:XX unrefreshed I feel drained and tired when waking. - 18, 30c, 02:XX:XX I'm very tired on waking. Can't lie in bed thinking or I fall back asleep. Have to force myself up and out. - 14, 30c, 16-19:XX:XX waking Woke at 12:15 am to urinate. - 18, 30c, 03:XX:XX I woke very dehydrated and got a glass of water. Very off balance. Equilibrium off. Laying in bed, room spins. Serious spins. Feel drugged, not conscious of having this sensation before. 8 am - 18, 30c, 18:23:00 Slight difficulty waking up but feeling great 10 minutes later. - 211, 30c, 09:XX:XX FEVER Very chilled. Shaking. Shivers. 5-6:30 PM. - 18, 30c, 01:02:00 Eating dinner outdoors, I was a little chilly as the sun set. - 18, 30c, 03:11:30 We went out of town, camping. warm day turned to cool night. I had fevery chills, sweats, tossed and turned and was miserable. Very little sleep. Cold, but not shaking. Temperature was 30 degrees. There was enough blankest though, jut could not get warm. - 18, 30c, 09:00 Woke at 5 am to urinate. Pressure in lower abdomen. Some cramping. Very light, exhausted from no sleep. Felt poorly from the night sweats and fever, still cold. Sat by fire (we were camping )with a blanket and started to fall asleep. Went back to tent and slept until heat grew in tent from the sun. awake a little nauseous. - 18, 30c, 09:20:00 When went camping got slowly worse by the campfire, everyone was wearing shorts and I was bundled up at night. I was feverish and chilled around midnight, was cold to the bone, horrible sleep, sweating (no smell). By morning felt better, really wanted to sleep, was very irritated with poor/no sleep. At 5 a.m. got up and went and sat by the fire, lay there for 1 1/2 hours then fell back to sleep, and woke sweating. I had something similar when I had malaria, and since, the malaria when I get run down, I was fine by Sunday a.m. - 18, 30c, 14:00:00 Palms are hot again. Just my palms. So warm, I feel like I could heal with them. - 14, 30c, 00:08:30 Whew. Hot all over now, like a fever with no sweat. I don't look flushed in the mirror. Hands still the hottest. Cool wet towel felt good. Better (1) going outside into the cool, misty breeze. I left the door open to sleep. - 14, 30c, 00:010:30 Heating up again. 8:15 am. - 14, 30c, 00:20:45 Still hot. Wanted apple streusel for lunch (I never crave sweets!) - 14, 30c, 01:00:15 Still warm. Wanted a cookie at break (not potato chips per usual) - 14, 30c, 01:03:25 I am back to my usual chilly. 4:15 PM - 14, 30c, 01:05:15 The room has cooled down but not me. This temperature thing really surprises me. Very noticeable. - 14, 30c, 01:08:00 After lunch, started feeling sick. It felt like a mild form of food poisoning. Went out at night but felt horrible: fever, headache, general soreness, dizzy, etc. - 211, 30c, 09:XX:XX When I finally, after more than one hour, fall asleep. My son wakes me a short time later with a brief cry. I am bathed in sweat, completely somewhere else and was dreaming something about Arnica. Later the same thing happens again, my son cries out, I wake up and again have dreamed about Arnica. - 08, 30c,02:XX:XX In the evening I feel chilly, am a bit easily annoyed don't feel like doing anything with the children or partner and choose to read a book. Don't want to be talked to. - 08, 30c,03:XX:XX Around 9 PM I have sudden strong hot flashes and sweat - after drinking hot cocoa. They last for about an hour. When I go to bed, they return for a short while. - 08, 30c,07:XX:XX SKIN Ended up taking the day off today. I went to the beach. Mild sunburn on legs and face red. - 06. 12c, 29:XX:XX Feel heavy and tissue seems full/fat all over body. Loose skin with tight underlying feeling. Notable difference. - 222, 30c, 01:XX:XX dry My skin isn't nearly as dry as usual, and I don't itch at all. - 14, 30c, 01:22:00 Awake at 5:30 again this morning. By afternoon I could hardly stay awake. Going to bed earlier tonight (10 PM) but still didn't want to. Have this evening energy for a change. Arms still swollen and tender. Ditto right knee area. Didn't think there was anything new today but friends pointed out I haven't been able to wear my contact lenses for two days now. My eyes are very dry and scratchy. But my skin isn't dry, as it usually is, and I don't have the little dry cough I usually have. - 14, 30c, 06:XX:XX Skin is dryer again (more like usual, but not quite as dry). My eyes remain dry and scratchy. I can wear my lenses but need to use wetting solution four to five times a day to moisten my eyes. - 14, 30c, 29:XX:XX My customary salt craving and very dry skin are back. - 14, 30c, 60:XX:XX eruption Pimple forming on left chin, just below side of mouth. - 18, 30c, 01:14:00 EXPECTORATION Congestion Congested between eyes and nasal cavity. 7:15 am - 18, 30c, 02:XX:XX Sneeze. Head and sight cleared. Still feeling jabs in heart with deep breathing. 7:27 am 18, 30c, 02:XX:XX Head congested, between eyes. At 7:40 am Back of throat. Neck, shoulders and arms sore from water-skiing yesterday. Light burning at certain key muscles. Belly a little bloated, some gas. 18, 30c, 03:23:00 Body muscles sore. Kink in neck, left occiput. Congested in nose and eyes puff with fluid. 18, 30c, 03:22:50 No real congestion or any more chest symptoms - 18, 30c, 05:00:10 Body appears dry and scratchy. Some nasal congestion. - 18, 30c, 11:23:00 Phlegm in throat, nose getting better; coughing a bit. On its way out. - 06. 12c, 03:XX:XX sticky I have very sticky mucus. Naso pharynx, gel-like, must hawk it out. Difficult to do. - 06. 12c, 05:XX:XX Something nagging me: a nasal congestion; mucus. Unusual for me, behind - in the pharynx, not in nose, behind nose. Very sticky, making me gag a bit, almost, but what's so strange, is I tried to hawk it up, it's hard to hawk it up. I often have nasal congestion/ a discharge, but something stuck behind there is strange: for 3 days now. It seems to be getting worse. Sticky, gluey, stretchy a bit, frothy. Transparent to white in color. Its scant, there's not much, it's quite annoying, always there. I try to clear throat but I cant, it's above my throat; when I swallow, feel 'what's blocking me?' I feel it behind it behind my nose, that's when I want to gag, but I can't, it's not in my throat. Bland, odorless. I feel it all the time. - 06. 12c, 12:XX:XX Still have stuff in the back of my nose; very sticky, very annoying. - 06. 12c, 14:XX:XX Phlegm, a little still. Still spitting gooey, jelly goo yesterday. - 06. 12c, 17:XX:XX Phlegm went away for a day; but felt it again this am, very sticky jelly-like mucus. - 06. 12c, 18:XX:XX Bad stomach cramps later in day. Flu better though still some phlegm (thick white to clear, sticky). - 06. 12c, 46:XX:XX Stomach cramps for most of day and evening. Woke up coughing (tickle/phlegm) at 5 am and 6 PM. - 06. 12c, 47:XX:XX Sticky very thick phlegm but more scant. - 06. 12c, 48:XX:XX Very thick phlegm. Difficult to hawk/spit up. Clear color. Spotting at end of day, like last month. No PMS at all. I had very loose stools every morning this week. And have diarrhea today in the morning. - 06. 12c, 49:XX:XX Very thick phlegm. Difficult to hawk/spit up. Clear color. Spotting at end of day, like last month. No PMS at all. I had very loose stools every morning this week. And have diarrhea today in the morning. - 06. 12c, 49:XX:XX Used Vicks Vaporub. Still hawk up nasal thick clear mucus. - 06. 12c, 59:XX:XX Nose is runnier than usual today. Last night stuffy, one nostril stuffed more than the other. Sneezing loudly a lot last night. Discharge is bland, clear a little mucousy. - 12, 30c, 14:XX:XX Back of throat is gunky, sticky with mucus, can't get it up or down. Try to swallow it and I can't. Throat is scrapey and raw. >eating and drinking. >cold drinks. > something going down my throat. I am thirstier than usual, desire cold water. Way in the back of my throat there is an itch or tickle, and somewhat also in my chest. Deep down in the middle of my chest there is a tightness. - 12, 30c, 20:XX:XX
Some slight bleeding of the nose on blowing it. Mostly clear, thin discharge. Greenish-yellow in the morning but still thin. - 12, 30c, 22:XX:XX
When I cough mucus comes up part way but I can't get it all the way up. I feel like I'm breathing through mucus. I'm having a hard time walking, a hard time catching my breath. Nasal discharge is yellow-green, more so in the morning, can also be clear. - 12, 30c, 25:XX:XX
Coughed and hacked so much I threw up phlegm with brown streaks in whitish, slightly green mucus. No appetite from having the cough. Horrific pain in my chest, it hurt so much during the night. I can't touch the outside of my throat, hurts so much to touch it, from the pit of the throat to the Adam's apple. Sometimes a sensation as if a lump in my throat. When eating a feeling like the food was stuck there. A headache in the temples, < on the left side, a tension in my head. Slathered myself in Vicks tonight. Spitting out small amounts of mucous as I cough. It's a creamy greenish color. - 12, 30c, 27:XX:XX I am somewhat mucous-y in the morning, mucous like egg white in back of mouth and nose. - 08, 30c,03:XX:XX PERSPIRATION My sweat stinks and I have foul gas. - 12, 30c, 26:XX:XX In bed, I feel very hot for a while, but don't sweat. - 08, 30c,08:XX:XX My night was very restless. My son cried out in his sleep several times, turned over and over, and I could not get to sleep at first. I am sweating a lot and am also very restless, myself. - 08, 30c,14:XX:XX GENERALITIES Dry Body appears dry and scratchy. Some nasal congestion. - 18, 30c, 11:23:00 My customary salt craving and very dry skin are back. (Return of old symptom, proving ending) - 14, 30c, 60:XX:XX Fatigue Tired all day. - 203, 30c, 02:XX:XX Very exhausted and tired. - 18, 30c, 03:12:25 Still feeling off no so dizzy but feeling tired. - 18, 30c, 19:02:00 Stayed awake until about 1 am despite being tired. - 211, 30c, 04:XX:XX Feeling tired around 4 PM. - 211, 30c, 14:XX:XX Tired but much better after nap. - 203, 30c, 06:XX:XX Exhausted from trip to visit relatives. Lots of late nights. - 12, 30c, 17:XX:XX I am very tired around noon, find the children very tiresome when they are silly. I am very annoyed. - 08, 30c,08:XX:XX Food ice I realize that I've begun putting ice in my water. I'm not sure when this began. I'm thinking it was day 3-4. - 14, 30c, 10:XX:XX Strong desire for ice and ice water. Tired at wake up. - 14, 30c, 11:XX:XX sweets Still warm. Wanted a cookie at break (not potato chips per usual) - 14, 30c, 01:03:25 Still hot. Wanted apple streusel for lunch. (I never crave sweets!) - 14, 30c, 01:00:15 Still warm. Wanted a cookie at break (not potato chips per usual). - 14, 30c, 01:03:25 Desire for sweets remains. - 14, 30c, 02:06:30 Sweet craving is gone. Ice craving continues (even when it's cold and rainy outside). - 14, 30c, 29:XX:XX Big, brown cinnamon roll for breakfast. (Yech! Why do I keep wanting these sweets! They don't taste that great.) - 14, 30c, 11:XX:XX Sweet and ice water cravings continue. - 14, 30c,12:XX:XX Cravings continue. Ice and sweets. - 14, 30c, 20:XX:XX Craving a lot of chocolate, but not eating it. - 18, 30c, 01:XX:XX Ate chocolate pudding and cran-raspberry juice. - 18, 30c, 01:02:00 Feeling like I want to eat cookies or other junk, but I don't. I ate dinner an hour and a half ago. - 12, 30c, 00:12:30 alcohol Had two glasses of red wine with dinner. - 18, 30c, 07:XX:XX No appetite, but desire for a cognac. - 08, 30c, 14:XX:XX For several days I have really wanted strong alcoholic drinks, Cognac, Egg Liqueur, which I have in the evenings with hot milk, which I also am fond of right now. - 08, 30c,08:XX:XX milk Want to drink milk; I drink two or three glasses today. - 08, 30c,05:XX:XX For several days I have really wanted strong alcoholic drinks, Cognac, Egg Liqueur, which I have in the evenings with hot milk, which I also am fond of right now. - 08, 30c,08:XX:XX hot Wanted a hot ginger drink; had one and it helped (cough). - 12, 30c, 09:14:30 I rarely feel like having hot drinks but I order a hot chocolate( drink I usually avoid because I'm allergic to milk.). in a restaurant after dinner. - 06. 12c, 45:XX:XX fruit Feel much better, till noon, drank a lot of water and ate a lot of fruit, which ameliorated. - 18, 30c, 24:00:00 eating new things Last night, couldn't resist having tuna, sashimi - not canned; couldn't resist, felt like it again. I was able to stay away for years, now I've eaten it 2 - 3 times in as many weeks. - 06. 12c, 23:XX:XX This evening, I had the opportunity to try buffalo burger - ground buffalo meat - for the first time in my life. I did try it, attracted to try it. So this food adventure thing, I don't know why I wanted to try it since I have stopped eating red meat since I was 18.. Somehow I want to try new things, things that might not be so safe for me. - 06. 12c, 44:XX:XX At lunchtime, I wanted to relive the positive experience I had when I ate tuna for the first time a few days ago, but know I can't. I go to the same restaurant and order chicken fried rice and two chocolate chip cookies (not a safe choice of foods for me with my allergies). I have such a headache in the afternoon. In the evening, I am 'daring' again. I try organic tofu in stuffed pasta, when I know I am sensitive to tofu. - 06. 12c, 18:02:00 Reason I had tuna in the first place, was that I was so up. I felt I could try or test it. An optimism. - 06. 12c, 09:XX:XX appetite decreased Decreased need and want for food throughout day. No desire to eat. - 222, 30c, 01:XX:XX No appetite. - 219, 30c, 03XX:XX Appetite is low. When eating, I experience epigastric fullness. - 219, 30c, 11:XX:XX Not hungry today at all. - 219, 30c, 14:XX:XX Was not hungry for lunch or dinner. I'm only hungry at 10:30 in the morning. For the duration of the proving I continued to get hungry at that time. - 12, 30c, 01:12:30 Didn't eat dinner. That felt ok. Not so much of an appetite in the evening. Didn't get to bed until 12:30. - 12, 30c, 04:XX:XX increased Good appetite this morning. Bowels feel a little loose. - 219, 30c, 01:XX:XX Hunger/appetite is increased, especially for warm, spicy, aromatic foods. - 222, 30c, 04:XX:XX Hungry at 10:30 a.m., an unusual thing for me. - 12, 30c, 00:04:00 Feeling like I want to eat cookies or other junk, but I don't. I ate dinner an hour and a half ago. - 12, 30c, 00:12:30 Hungry! at 10:15 again. - 12, 30c, 01:03:15 thirst Woke up thirsty. - 12, 30c, 01:22:00 Felt dehydrated. Drank some water. - 18, 30c, 07:17:50 I woke very dehydrated and got a glass of water. - 18, 30c, 18:23:00 I am thirstier than usual; desire cold water. - 12, 30c, 20:XX:XX I have in general been having more thirst than usual. - 08, 30c,08:XX:XX Feel much better, till noon, drank a lot of water and ate a lot of fruit, which ameliorated. - 18, 30c, 24:00:00 Itch Itchiness. - 222, 30c, 02:XX:XX Itchy hive on shoulder at 10:45 PM Upper body itchy. - 203, 30c, 01:13:00 Upper body itchiness. - 203, 30c, 05:XX:XX Itchy hive on right eyelid @midnight. Generalized upper body itchiness. - 203, 30c, 04: 02:30 Movement/Restless Need/want to move, especially with music. Increased reflexes to the point of clumsiness. I reached for spices, glass, books and bumped them because arm moved faster than anticipated. Caught object before it fell in all case. - 222, 30c, 00:XX:XX Increased reflexes to the point of clumsiness. I reached for spices, glass, books and bumped them because arm moved faster than anticipated. Caught object before it fell in all case. - 222, 30c, 00:XX:XX Hypermobility, need to move, be active, are increased. Also increased by music. - 222, 30c, 01:XX:XX Sat in different spot in school. Need to move around classroom something new for me. - 222, 30c, 01:XX:XX Thoughts about running/jumping/frolicking or doing something active (i.e. wrestling). - 222, 30c, 01:XX:XX Increased energy throughout day. Little desire to sleep. Too excited and don't want to sit still. - 222, 30c, 01:XX:XX Hyperexcitement and hypersensitivity are still increased. - 222, 30c, 02:XX:XX Movement agg. Energy low. Sleep was alright. (woke one time) feel like I had crazy dreams, but don't remember them. Feel fuzzy. Slightly feverish as if fighting off a cold. Body feels like it is conserving energy ( I know I have energy; I just feel like I'm resting/ on "power save" mode. ) - 222, 30c, 04:XX:XX The coughing took me to the gag reflex point. It was worse in the morning. Lying down was OK, when I got up and started moving around and that's when I'd start to cough. Relaxing and breathing through it helped. - 18, 30c, 90:XX:XX Pain A few diffuse pains - 06. 12c, 18:XX:XX pain ache Body felt achy today. - 219, 30c, 07:XX:XX I feel ill, as if a virus is sticking in my bones. Aching in my extremities, twitching and pinching here and there in my body. - 08, 30c, 14:XX:XX pain sore Went out at night but felt horrible: fever, headache, general soreness, dizzy, etc. - 211, 30c, 09:XX:XX pain stiff Body feels stiff today. Sore back muscles. Exhibiting sciatic symptoms today after sitting for long period of time. - 219, 30c, 03XX:XX Sensation Feel as if everything is in close contact/in touch with everything. - 222, 30c, 00:XX:XX Feel heavy and tissue seems full/fat all over body. Loose skin with tight underlying feeling. Notable difference. - 222, 30c, 01:XX:XX Increased eye clarity. Feel as if I am closer to things than I actually am. - 222, 30c, 01:XX:XX Feeling dazed throughout morning and early afternoon. - 211, 30c, 00:XX:XX Temperature Heat When went camping got slowly worse by the campfire, everyone was wearing shorts and I was bundled up at night. I was feverish and chilled around midnight, was cold to the bone, horrible sleep, sweating (no smell). By morning felt better, really wanted to sleep, was very irritated with poor/no sleep. At 5 a.m. got up and went and sat by the fire, lay there for 1 1/2 hours then fell back to sleep, and woke sweating. . - 18, 30c, 14:00:00 My hands are very warm, starting 30 minutes after taking the remedy Not sweaty, just a sensation of heat emanating from my hands, from the palms. Things feel very cool to the touch: the paper, my desk. This lasts for four hours. - 14, 30c, 00:00:30 My hands have cooled off some. - 14, 30c, 00:04:00 Palms are hot again. Just my palms. So warm, I feel like I could heal with them. - 14, 30c, 00:08:30 Whew. Hot all over now, like a fever with no sweat. I don't look flushed in the mirror. Hands still the hottest. Cool wet towel felt good. Better (1) going outside into the cool, misty breeze. I left the door open to sleep. - 14, 30c, 00:010:30 Heating up again. 8:15 am. - 14, 30c, 00:20:45 Still hot. Wanted apple streusel for lunch (I never crave sweets!) - 14, 30c, 01:00:15 Still warm. Wanted a cookie at break (not potato chips per usual) - 14, 30c, 01:03:25 The room has cooled down but not me. This temperature thing really surprises me. Very noticeable. - 14, 30c, 01:08:00 Out in the hot sun, feeling a little tired and heat irritated. - 18, 30c, 05:03:00 Felt hot most of the day. - 211, 30c, 02:XX:XX I woke up because I was hot and opened the windows. - 215, 12c, 01:XX:XX I had a massage today. After the massage, I was steaming hot, but wanted to keep my fleece jacket on. Better when I walked into the cool moist air outside. - 14, 30c, 07:XX:XX No more of heat feeling, but not my usual chilly. - 14, 30c, 05:XX:XX In bed, I feel very hot for a while, but don't sweat. - 08, 30c,08:XX:XX When I wake up this morning, I feel very hot for a moment - felt that way yesterday, as well, - 08, 30c,13:XX:XX Cold/chill Now chilled. Hands and feet cold, coughing, jumpy, having a harder time focusing. - 18, 30c, 01:XX:XX Toes cold. Body relaxed but a little jittery. - 18, 30c, 01:00:00 Hands and feet cold at 9:45 - 18, 30c, 01:01:45 Feel very cold. Shaking. Shivers. - 18, 30c, 01:02:00 I am back to my usual chilly. 4:15 PM - 14, 30c, 01:05:15 I feel cold, I am extremely tired. Mental dullness. - 08, 30c, 14:XX:XX Would prefer to lie down. Try to do Reiki but begin to feel very cold. 08, 30c,13:XX:XX hot/cold We went out of town, camping. warm day turned to cool night. I had fever chills, sweats, tossed and turned and was miserable. Very little sleep. Cold, but not shaking. Temperature was 30 degrees. There are enough blankets though, I just could not get warm. - 18, 30c, 09:00 Very hot sweating alternating with chill Feeling anxious pressure on chest. Increased rate of breathing. - 203, 30c, 08:20:XX Times Fell asleep at 2 am. Woke at 8 am. Tired at 2 PM. Took a 1/1/2 hour nap. - 211, 30c, 01:XX:XX Awake at 5:30 again this morning. By afternoon I could hardly stay awake. Going to bed earlier tonight (10 PM) but still didn't want to. Have this evening energy for a change. - 14, 30c, 06:XX:XX Not tired at night. Stayed up until 12:30 (I usually like to be in bed by 10-10:30p.m.) and wasn't really tired. No trouble falling asleep. A really hard time waking up in the morning. "I should get up" but then I would doze off again. Not out of bed until 8:30. Continued to stay up later than usual until Day 11. - 12, 30c, 03:XX:XX 5:50 am Woke at my regular time, 5:30, to swim. Didn't want to get up. Getting tired from staying up so late, I think. - 14, 30c, 04:XX:XX 10 am Hungry at 10:30 a.m., an unusual thing for me. - 12, 30c, 00:04:00 2 pm-5 PM Sleepy at 2-3 PM. - 219, 30c, 04:XX:XX Tired mid-afternoon. - 219, 30c, 06:XX:XX Sleepy after dinner. Went to bed late. - 219, 30c, 11:XX:XX Sleepy mid-morning. - 219, 30c, 14:XX:XX Energy low 2-4 PM. - 219, 30c, 14:XX:XX Feeling anxious. "Butterflies in stomach' combined with hunger around 5 PM. - 211, 30c, 01:XX:XX Took a short nap at around 3 PM for about 45 minutes. - 211, 30c, 12:XX:XX Feeling tired around 4 PM. - 211, 30c, 14:XX:XX Feeling tired around 4 PM. - 211, 30c, 14:XX:XX Energy low 2-4 PM, ameliorated after dinner. Sleepy by 9 PM. - 219, 30c, 13:XX:XX I fell asleep in afternoon; barely able to do anything. Fell asleep. around 2.30 p.m.. though I needed to get ready. - 06. 12c, 23:XX:XX evening Ate a healthy dinner but tired afterwards at 8 PM. Frontal headache at 8:30 PM - 219, 30c, 00:XX:XX Very sleepy after dinner. Went to bed early. - 219, 30c, 09:XX:XX Didn't eat dinner. That felt ok. Not so much of an appetite in the evening. Didn't get to bed until 12:30. - 12, 30c, 04:XX:XX Energy is better in the day, dwindles at night. That never was my pattern; that's new for me. - 06. 12c, 09:XX:XX Maybe there is a pattern developing with my moods: during the day I'm ok, around end of day, of workday, it drops, plummets. I think it's getting more and more distinct, but when I go to bed I perk up. - 06. 12c, 12:XX:XX I realize that I've begun putting ice in my water. I'm not sure when this began. I'm thinking it was day 3-4. Being mentally alert in the evenings continues. - 14, 30c, 10:XX:XX Woke up at 7:30 am. Took a nap from 6-7:30 PM. Great energy for rest of day. - 211, 30c, 03:XX:XX 11 PM midnight I am still awake and energetic (11 PM). Usually I'll be ready to sleep by 9:30 PM - 14, 30c, 01:12:00 At 10:30 PM I am all keyed up again, tonight. High energy and mentally very alert. I want to keep studying but know I must get some sleep. - 14, 30c, 02:11:30 Not tired at night. Stayed up until 12:30 (I usually like to be in bed by 10-10:30p.m.) and wasn't really tired. No trouble falling asleep. A really hard time waking up in the morning. "I should get up" but then I would doze off again. Not out of bed until 8:30. Continued to stay up later than usual until Day 11. - 12, 30c, 03:XX:XX Didn't get to bed until 12:30. - 12, 30c, 04:XX:XX Awake until midnight very happily. (I am usually ready to sleep at 9:30.) - 14, 30c, 05:XX:XX Tired at around 10 PM. Went to sleep at midnight. - 211, 30c, 10:XX:XX 1:30 am Woke up at 1:30 am to go to the bathroom and couldn't go back to sleep immediately, so I read for about half an hour! - 215, 12c, 01:XX:XX Stayed awake until about 1 am despite being tired. - 211, 30c, 04:XX:XX Excellent deep sleep. Slept in until about 11 am. Was up until about 1:30 am next morning. - 211, 30c, 05:XX:XX 2 am -5 am I would normally get tired at 9:30 or 10. Even though very little sleep the night before, I was wide awake. I had some wine. Stayed up until midnight. I fell right asleep, and then woke again at 4:30. Woke up thirsty. - 12, 30c, 01:22:00 Woke up at 7:00 am after a late night. (I didn't get to sleep until about 3:30 am.) - 12, 30c, 04:XX:XX Had coffee at 7 PM to keep me awake. Went to sleep at 2 am. - 211, 30c, 11:XX:XX Waking Waking tired I feel drained and tired when waking. - 18, 30c, 02:XX:XX Strong desire for ice and ice water. Tired at wake up. - 14, 30c, 11:XX:XX Tired again this morning. - 14, 30c,12:XX:XX I'm very tired on waking. Can't lie in bed thinking or I fall back asleep. Have to force myself up and out. - 14, 30c, 16-19:XX:XX Feeling unrested upon waking. Mentally sharp. - 219, 30c, 04:XX:XX Kept dozing and sleeping in the morning. - 215, 12c, 00:XX:XX waking thirsty Woke up thirsty. - 12, 30c, 01:22:00 I woke at 4 am to urinate and defecate. Felt dehydrated. Drank some water. - 18, 30c, 07:17:50 waking urination Woke up at 1:30 am to go to the bathroom and couldn't go back to sleep immediately, so I read for about half an hour! - 215, 12c, 01:XX:XX Woke at 5 am to urinate. - 18, 30c, 09:20:00 waking agg Woke today feeling a little anxious. Anxiety due to financial difficulties I'm experiencing. - 219, 30c, 08:XX:XX Despite going to be early, I awoke feeling not well rested. - 219, 30c, 10:XX:XX On waking I have a very stiff neck, worse left side. Wonder if I got a draft last night. Gets better during the day but a little bit remains. - 08, 30c, 15:XX:XX waking amel Woke up with lots of energy. Good energy throughout morning and day. - 211, 30c, 01:XX:XX Full sleep. Only wakened once. No dreams. Awoke with much energy. - 222, 30c, 00:07:XX Slight difficulty waking up but feeling great 10 minutes later. - 211, 30c, 09:XX:XX Woke up feeling great/energized. Still a bit of a headache. Feeling 100% by evening. Tired at around 10 PM. Went to sleep at midnight. - 211, 30c, 10:XX:XX waking less tired I woke without my alarm at 5:30 but decided to sleep this morning. I feel rested, but want more sleep. Dreamy and drowsy. - 14, 30c, 01:21:00 Woke up early, less tired this morning despite only six hours sleep. - 14, 30c, 05:XX:XX difficult waking Hard time waking up. Finally got up at 9:30 am. - 211, 30c, 12:XX:XX I have a hard time waking up this morning. Had a fairly heavy menstrual bleeding during the night. Very unusual for me, the third night is usually quite light. I had a dream that things were flowing out of me, like the blood really was. - 12, 30c, 05:01:40 waking pain Awoke feeling stiff in joints, slightly congested in nasal, back of eye area. - 18, 30c, 12:23:00 Heart stuff woke me up. Chest pains. - 18, 30c, 90:XX:XX The coughing took me to the gag reflex point. It was worse in the morning. Lying down was OK, when I got up and started moving around and that's when I'd start to cough. Relaxing and breathing through it helped. - 18, 30c, 90:XX:XX Woke up with pains in the uterus/colon again. Very sharp cramps. Better bowel movement and passing gas. Very bloated again. - 06. 12c, 57:XX:XX Waking me early morning, I had this very annoying sensation in lower throat, the pit, it just made me cough and coughing did not relieve it. What helped was to withhold myself from coughing; stopping myself would finally make it disappear. It woke me up. Also on falling asleep, last night, the same cough would stop me. - 06. 12c, 02:XX:XX I have had, again and again over the past few days, especially mornings, a light tearing feeling in my fingers and arms, more on the left side. - 08, 30c,13:XX:XX Wake up and have a very stiff neck, especially left side. Wonder whether I slept in a draft. Improves during the day, but a tiny bit remains. - 08, 30c,16:XX:XX bowels on waking Big satisfying bowel movement upon waking. - 211, 30c, 07:XX:XX Loose bowel movement on waking. - 219, 30c, 08:XX:XX Had second bowel movement of the day after waking from nap. - 211, 30c, 01:XX:XX waking hot I woke up because I was hot and opened the windows. - 215, 12c, 01:XX:XX When I wake up this morning, I feel very hot for a moment - felt that way yesterday, as well, - 08, 30c,13:XX:XX morning amel Good appetite this morning. Bowels feel a little loose. - 219, 30c, 01:XX:XX Misc. Energy low. Sleep was alright. (woke one time) feel like I had crazy dreams, but don't remember them. Feel fuzzy. Slightly feverish as if fighting off a cold. Body feels like it is conserving energy ( I know I have energy; I just feel like I'm resting/ on "power save" mode. ) 222, 30c, 04:XX:XX Mind Confusion, time 3 Car accident from behind 3 Falling Anger at husband 2 Metalic taste in mouth Anxiety about health, with palpitations Anxiety about health, heart Anxiety about health, 4 Fear of heart attack Anxiety, approaching exams Anxiety with palpitations Anticipation anxiety 3 Forgetful 4 Better working, early evening, washing, outside Dazed in morning. Company averse 2 Depressed, midnight Don't want to be talked to Annoyed, chilly Attention. affection, desire for Cuddling Detached 2 Mind, vision, caribou antlers on a deer, in black and white Mind vision,large and intimidating mountain, very sharply peaked, in black and white vision of water from high above, a bay, with boats on it. calm water,calm sea. in black and white like a picture framed in white. Vision, knives, stabbing myself in the chest to get rid all this stuff in there that needs to be drained out. A stone in my chest. If I could just stab it Sensation right underarm (later also the top of my arm) heavy, big, as if stretched out, a little prickly Delusion, lioness under the hot African sun relaxing in the sand Delusion hand changes into an lioness' paw with orange-brown fur, the whole arm has become an lioness' arm. Motherliness - the lioness is for me the synthesis out of the fire, which I glimpsed when I held the remedy for the first time Despair Detached, not grounded Disconnected As if gone for a month Driving, sensation detached while, as if she was a passenger while Detached, disconnected, with sensation in midchest/solar plexus area of a ball of energy, behind the base of my sternum Energetic Fuzzy feeling Mental dullness, fatigue and cold Anxiety before sleep. Bottled up nerves/excitement Anxiety about work Anxiety about heart Anxiety about approaching exams Anxiety, financial Nervous, with anxiety in stomach and hunger in morning Sensation, forgetting something Forgetting to write things down Forgetting numbers (phone) Lost when driving Alone, desire to be Physical Work amel, also Cool air, amel, motion amel Work overwhelms 4 Irritable 5 Impatient, restless Aloof Tired, impatient, irritable with mother Annoyed at silly children, at noon Feel I am not being taken seriously, overlooked, misunderstood, treated as an inferior. In evening, watering, tearing of eyes to the point of causing runny nose. Felt like allergies or increased sensitivity to dust. No emotional component except felt more calm less exciting while crying. Optimistic, hopeful during the day Inner joy, during the day Feeling a little more crabby, negative; sometimes gets to more emotional, like PMS. A dip then comes back up, like the bottom of the wave. Optimism, causing desire to try new things, foods Alternating moods, happy, sad Didn't have as much embarrassment with compliments as usually do. Also felt more comfortable talking about myself. Relaxed and coughing Relaxed Jittery Mental clarity, crisp and clean and relaxed Energized Questioning Restless, need for new phyical location Movement, desire for running/jumping/frolicking or doing something active (i.e. wrestling). Increased energy, too excited to sleep or sit still Thoughts of excitement, thrills, speed, hyper mobility. desire to move, especially with music. Increased reflexes to the point of clumsiness. I reached for spices, glass, books and bumped them because arm moved faster than anticipated. Caught object before it fell in all case. mischievousness. Sarcastic, teasing. Need to play with people skipping school cutting classes resentful about work memory lacking for what she is to do Totally disgusted with the idea of I have to go meet people; I'm not in the mood, instinctive reaction This remedy is making me think 'What's going on?' pervasive carefree attitude initial optimism now feels more like a pervasive carefree attitude. I don't want to take notes/see patients. I spend money in restaurants more freely, without thinking or worrying as much. A feeling of 'laiser aller' letting it ride, who cares, almost. It's not laziness; it's a lack of discipline or rigor. taking the day off today trying new foods Dreamy and drowsy, though well rested, desire for more sleep, though well rested Decreased feeling of responsibility talking about the energy of stones mentally hyper-alert at night Confusion of day I don't have time to write notes Not enough time. dripping tap seems loud notice dogs howling envy game show contestants desire for smooth skin (shave more often than usual, moisturizer falling apart" and "pulling it together" I feel calm, sad, think of the sea, my mother, and sleep easily and quickly, feeling of not-enough-room in the upper half of my body, heart, chest, neck, a sort of pressure, as if I am in an atmosphere that has a different level of gravity than I. Desire to try new things, things that might not be so safe for me. Disobey, desire to Sensation, room is spinning Sensation, blown over, feels like being drugged, and want to fall over. Very relaxed except stiff neck and trapezius. Sensation, as if drugged Sensation, room spinning Fuzzy, groggy Optimistic 3 Relaxed 3 Rebellious 7 Confusion about time 3 DREAMS Ferryboat, trying to get off but blocked by lumber Ferryboat, waiting for a Ferry boats 2 Garden 2 Swimming Nursing home, many seniors and pandemonium Mafia, abducted by mafia boss Killed, About to be crushed by mafia person with a rock, and a sledgehammer Crushing, being Dreaming frequent 2 Fire 2 Fire, saving someone from, by rolling on ground Flying, taking a flight lesson House 6 The word house appeared 40 times in the dream section Cliffs 2 Health 3 Falling, 3 crashing 2 Of Numbers 2 Relatives 3 House, needs cleaning House, mansion, rectangular, white cement with red fixtures House, living in coop apartment with lots of people passing through and no locks on doors House, big white, on porch, investigating abuse Pig snout, like an anteater nose, comes out of a woman's pants House with many floors Winnie the pooh, Jumping out window, climbing down a wall, running in the night, and then flying. Commune, or Dorm, lots of girls inside, pandemonium borrow old car with parts missing cave doors gates joined like a beehive cave entrances, gates joined like a beehive, fire at the center; the walls [of the caves] were black, dark; with fifteen openings, a fire - a group, three by five, maybe 20, 4 by 5. Like open mouths. Three dreams A mathemetician working underground complex My office workspace has (glass) windows on walls and no doors. T a long corridor with several other work spaces. few people and they were being watched. There is a given set of equations to solve. There is a mystery surrounding these equations. suspicious these were found/stolen from aliens. Car, black, slipped into a hole in street in an accident site Doors, small, square, revealing children's toys dolls, grouped in patterns of two's, three's, fours rectangles 2 squares 2 geometric shapes 3 beehives walls 4 glass, office, rock, stone, wall of flames, black rock, cave kitchen 2 metal 3 accidents 3x4 rectangles preparing fruit pies in rectangular pans 3x4 windows with balconies 3x4 cars, expensive being scatterbrained star trek space ship is involved in a three-way mediation with two alien races signs of an infection on his face blue veins, red streaks, a blister on his forehead. contact between the three races has caused a rapid mutation of some virus, which is starting to affect the participants. Dream of a sensation that something is wrong Dinner, cooking, in a dirty, dark house, a few blocks away at night on metal stove Worries Anxiety about health, colon cancer, Going bald Falling and twisting left ankle. Wart on left side of neck Things flowing out of me (during menses) Heights 2 Cars 4 Doors 5 Ocean 2 Cliffs 2 Water 4 Doors 5 Room 6 the word room appeared 45 times in the dream section. Beaches, high cliffs, with Cliff, on a high cliff Beach, Glass wall at the end Cliff, living on Snow, sledding Falling off sled Stone wall Dismayed Plateau Speed moving fast 2 Stones 3 detective 3 Ocean, at foot of bluff wet from swimming/kayakingThe tide's coming in and I have to drag everything up the hill to my home. The beach towels are full of water and sand, very heavy. the back door was left wide open. I'm worried that someone has entered and may still be inside. Anxiety about others trespassing Ocean, looking down at it from a height or airplane Cars in the ocean House Trailer on fire in the ocean Driving, backwards without brakes on a slope Out of control but calm Robert redford, hugh grant Michael Douglas, Arnold Schwarzenegger Melanie Griffith. Michael Douglas Movie stars Island, cave Canal, people swimming, canoeing Surfing down sand hill into water Religious class play Spy 3 Babies, feeding Chased Chased, car chase Inquiry, being investigated Stones Stones for sale, blue/green, rough on most of the surface, two areas polished rocks, thowing rocks down that are about to slide money, wallet, lost,searching house, many shades of purple, victorian style broken christmas ornaments, putting away wall, black rock, in the night remembered old friends old lovers, talking about brother, dead, driving his car. Lamb, black, at dawn Driving, to a commune with daughter Dancing for 3 days at Native regatta with anklets of fur and tiny shells or hooves that jingle House, dirty Biking uphill, into brush, off the path and afraid Bike, naked woman on, sliding downhill Planets, knitted blanket of Eyes, dr. checking Money, calculating much would a wedding cost 17% traitors old woman in run down, high-rise building wedding plans maps dirty places cleaning house water, flood, spilling train, trying to catch, but station moves away woman, old, worn out body, with sharp mind, tongue house, parent's escape from danger in parents house repeated dreams recurring dreams group house with pets, many people, many bathrooms bathrooms 2 dream about arnica waking from dream in a sweat unremembered vivid 2 detailed weddings bus, green, driving downhill watching waves downhill, rolling fault, it's all my husband, desire to have (in a married woman) music bands truck, driving, old, classic, too fast, park in muddy area and walk towards lights three people searching for office space driving drunk lost wallet mushrooms going bald school cleaning mystery, mom says it's a gardens and plants car won't start numbers in dreams and prices rooms rooms with pink walls yellow rooms horses outside an old house where we go to learn how to dance vivid 3 children 4 health 3 warty growth on neck colon cancer going bald caves 2 Vertigo Sensation, room is spinning Woke up this morning room was spinning. Equilibrium off balance, dizzy. Never this kind of blown over feeling, the whole room is spinning, not a normal feeling feels like being drugged, and want to fall over. Feeling very light-headed.' Vertigo lying in bed, room spins Dizziness Head Fuzzy. Groggy 3 Hair oily Head congested, between eyes. Kink in neck, left occiput Developed tic in left cheek mid-morning, sporadically throughout day. A couple of occurrences today. It continued after the headache was gone, but it felt like a twitching. I can feel it pulling my cheek. Face pink .feels warm (around 11am), burning sensation Aching jaw at 8 PM lasted until went to bed tic right cheek Face itchy, like a niacin flush, both cheeks. no color change prickling sensation just above eyebrows (both) Sneezing Homeopathy Head pain Dull Headache 7headache morning 9 am, started as left-sided temporal. lasted until 5 PM and spread to a frontal headache. Frontal headache at 8:30 PM dull headache right side above eyebrow Right-sided headache 2 Left sided 2 Headache on waking Headache at night did not go away with sleep. Dull, aching, right-sided over right eye, front to back. Killing me this morning. started on right, dull strong ache, in forehead, over eye. Pain from front to back. going towards top and back of my head. Dull throb. Much worse movement. Fleeting headache after work. Headache across forehead headache goes up back of neck, extending up back of head and into temple, pulling sensation, tightness, goes down into shoulder and up into temple. Also a dull pain across forehead and eyes. headache in temples, < left side, tension in head. light pressure on head, which later becomes headache (pressure in the sinuses under my eyes and Medulla oblongata dull pain in left forehead above eye dull pain in forehead while having a bowel movement sneezing 2 Eyes Eyes are puffy and full of crusty matter. eye clarity. Feel as if I am closer to things than I actually am. Left eye foggy in morning. Filmy mucousy stuff in left eye, blink a lot to clear it. dull pain across forehead and in eyes (with headache and flu). eyes are dilated/sympathetic response as everything feels extremely sharp and close evening, watering, tearing of eyes to the point of causing runny nose. Eyes very sore and dry 3 Eyes dry and contacts feel filmy, more in right eye I haven't been able to wear my contact lenses for two days now. My eyes are very dry and scratchy. But my skin isn't dry I still can't wear my contact lenses. My right eye is especially sore. The eyeball itself dry and scratched and sore. Congested eyes. Congested between eyes and nasal cavity Itchy hive on right eyelid at midnight Ears Burning in ear short coughing spurt, gag reflex. Feeling a little nauseous and itching in inner right ear. I had an earache (left-sided) in late afternoon/evening. Nose Feeling congested in nose and itchy eyes Awoke feeling stiff in joints, slightly congested in nasal, back of eye area. nasal congestion; mucus.in the pharynx, behind nose. Very sticky, making me gag a bit, it's hard to hawk it up: for three days now. Sticky, gluey, stretchy a bit, frothy. Transparent to white in color. Its scant, Bland, odorless. nasal congestion 4 Nose is runnier one nostril stuffed more than the other. Sneezing loudly a lot last night. Discharge is bland, clear a little mucousy. bleeding of the nose on blowing clear, thin discharge. Greenish-yellow in the morning but still thin A nosebleed from the right nostril at noon Face splinter of bone from a tooth extraction in my upper right jaw, which has been lying there for years, is coming out. feel that a small piece of bone or tooth is sticking out of the jaw The splinter in my jaw finally came out this morning. A tiny piece of bone or tooth. Mouth voice is hoarse, low, and gravelly. cold water feels good, as well as eating. My throat woke me in the middle of the night Excruciating, raw, way at the back, behind where my Adam's apple would be, like irritation from nasal drainage. I am rubbing my tongue on the roof of my mouth as far back as I can. Stretched tongue. Teeth feel rough. Tongue feels larger. Pimple forming on left chin, just below side of mouth. fever blister (herpes), gone in a few hours Apthae ulcer on inside of lip about .7 cm. White colored center. Sensitive to cold. Slightly eroded, healed quickly Tooth pain, sharp, fleeting, in one tooth or another, right or left-sided. Felt like an open nerve. Very intense, quick pain. Shooting all within the tooth. (only in teeth with a problem cap or filling). Tooth pain, bilateral, only in teeth with fillings metallic taste in mouth metallic taste in mouth, stronger, worse with cold water. in the back of the mouth. Ulcer/apthae 2 Throat sensation in lower throat, the pit, it just made me cough and coughing did not relieve it Tickle 3 tightness in throat and chest again, mild heart racing, on going to sleep Phlegm in throat Sore throat, at back of throat Back of throat is gunky, sticky with mucus, can't get it up or down. Try to swallow it and I can't. Throat is scrapey and raw. >eating and drinking. >cold drinks. > something going down my throat. I am thirstier than usual, desire cold water. Way in the back of my throat there is an itch or tickle, and somewhat also in my chest. Deep down in the middle of my chest there is a tightness.
Tight 2
Tickle in upper throat.
With the cough I'm not able to get anything up even though I know something is there. I can get it so close to the top of my throat, then I wind up swallowing because I can't get it up
Coughed and hacked so much I threw up phlegm with brown streaks in whitish, slightly green mucus. No appetite from having the cough.
I can't touch the outside of my throat, hurts so much to touch it, from the pit of the throat to the Adam's apple. Sometimes a sensation as if a lump in my throat. When eating a feeling like the food was stuck there Coughed and hacked so much I threw up phlegm with brown streaks in whitish, slightly green mucus. No appetite from having the cough. Horrific pain in my chest, it hurt so much during the night. I can't touch the outside of my throat, hurts so much to touch it, from the pit of the throat to the Adam's apple. Sometimes a sensation as if a lump in my throat. When eating a feeling like the food was stuck there. A headache in the temples, < on the left side, a tension in my head. Slathered myself in Vicks tonight. Spitting out small amounts of mucous as I cough. It's a creamy greenish color. Stomach nauseous and itching in inner right ear After lunch, feeling sick like a mild form of food poisoning. With fever, headache, general soreness, dizzy, nauseous and itching in inner right ear. Pressure in lower abdomen. Some cramping. bloating above the pubic bone to epigastrium, along the mid-line Feeling anxious. "Butterflies in stomach' combined with hunger around 5 PM. hiccups after overeating nausea after eating lunch Digestion off a little, no appetite Bloated Woke up feeling bloated today. Bowel movement loose with gas. very bloated passing stool and gas amel. Not hungry in morning. Not hungry throughout day Appetite is low. When eating, I experience epigastric fullness. Heartburn at 2:30 PM off-and-on until went to bed. Worse eating. My stomach feels bloated, puffier, sticking out more, like I will be getting my period soon, but it's not due for five days. Felt very hungry today in morning. Nervous feeling inside my stomach. Heartburn at 3:30-4:30 PM worse sitting all day Abdomen Bowel movement in morning at first was formed, then very loose/diarrhea. Two more episodes of diarrhea in the morning. I feel the need for stool all go, and when I do, I pass a little loose stool or two. Very gassy, burpy. Loose stool, and moderate odor Went to bed with a full belly and some gas. Woke up with pains in the uterus/colon again. Very sharp cramps. Better bowel movement and passing gas. pain, not every time a bowel movement, or gas, but little. Abdomen still feels fragile. Pressure in lower abdomen. Some cramping. awake a little nauseous. Gas 4 Woke at 3 am with strong urge for bowel movement. Felt like impending diarrhea but in fact there was little stool, and movement felt very incomplete. Rectum bleeding hemorrhoid. Pain is very, very sharp, very unusual, burning, mostly stinging, sharp.Bleeding: with bowel movement only; very bright blood, thin. Hemorrhoids. Bloody and stinging with bowel movement. Hemorrhoids itchy bowel movement pains, these got very bad; spasms. I can't sit up - painful to sit up; I'm on my side right now. No bowel movement yet; no desire for bowel movement. In morning B.M. a bit slow spasms/tenderness in rectum Rectum sensitive when sit down, inflamed or in spasm, any pressure, tender.Tenderness, pelvic area. desire to go 2 - 3 times in day, bowel pains in bed this am Stool irregularity No bowel movement Constipation loose stools morning diahrea, morning Very gassy, burpy. Loose stool, and moderate odor. Feeling gassy with burps. Stool was dark black in color. Some straining. Stool at 4 am Smaller bowel movement Since day three of the proving, I would say that my bowel movements [stools] are smaller, a big change: much smaller, total amount smaller, and the pieces are smaller.Same regularity, once or twice a day. Stools also look more pasty. Constipation today but lots of gas loose stools Bowels are soft to loose Big satisfying bowel movement upon waking A dull pain in forehead while having a bowel movement Urine Frequent 3 Woke at 12:15 am to urinate. Urinated, then coughing and gagging deep in chest. Increased urination. Slightly more yellow than usual. Urination very clear, large amounts. Every time I cough I'm dribbling urine. Female Sticking pain ovaries Ovaries, sensation fullness pains in the uterus/colon again Very sharp cramps. Better bowel movement and passing gas. Very bloated again Vaginal irritation Vaginal burn. Light cramping in uterus area Menses early Spotting at end of day Increased libido Menses are still heavy on the third night of my peri heavy menstrual bleeding during the night. At ovulation I was more mucusy than usual, like tan-colored egg white 9 PM I have sudden strong hot flashes and sweat - after drinking hot cocoa. Cough cough in chest, deep in chest, for twenty minutes. convulsive, dry sounding, non-productive, one cough feeding the next, coughing from deep in my chest. Tickle upper throat. dry cough short coughing spurt. Gagged. Reflex cough from deep in chest. The coughing took me to the gag reflex point. worse in the morning. Lying down was OK, when I got up and started moving around and that's when I'd start to cough. Relaxing and breathing through it helped. Dry 2 Cough on waking 2 Coughing from chest, 20 in a row. Each irritating to cough more. Leaves burning in my ears . Very thick phlegm. Difficult to hawk/spit up. Clear color Still hawk up nasal thick clear mucus Woke up coughing (tickle/phlegm) Coughing tickle in upper throat woken up again by that cough Waking me early morning, annoying sensation in lower throat pit made me cough which did not relieve. on falling asleep, last night, the same cough would stop me from sleeping short coughing fit, almost to gagging point coughing tonight. tight cough. I can't not cough. a tickling in my back with the cough like I want someone to scratch it, and a tightness in my chest. Wanted a hot ginger drink; had one and it helped. Coughing spurts. Not so harsh, abrasive or deep or long in duration as before, but chest coughing. 8:45 am, one hour after waking. Hoarseness with cough, I can't cough anything up. Feels really deep in chest. choke up some yellow mucus this morning. Tight cough. Cough woke me up during the night. There's a stone-like feeling on right side of chest, fairly low down,< coughing. When I cough there's a sharp pain in the middle of my chest. Air passing into my lungs causes me to cough. I'm trying not to breathe too deeply or I'll cough and my lungs are too weak and sore to do that. Laughing < cough. I'm wheezing and rattling and my cough is deep and loose, but I can not cough up anything. It hurts to touch the outside of my neck. The acupuncturist said the cough is due to heat invasion. My sweat stinks and I have foul gas. bit of cough. The bronchial tubes hurt Hacking coughing Relaxed and coughing hawk up nasal thick clear mucus. Then had a short coughing spurt, gag reflex. Burning in ears.. Body relaxed but jittery. Urinated, then coughing and gagging deep in chest. Now chilled. Hands and feet cold, coughing, jumpy, having a harder time focusing. Expectoration Congestion between eyes and nasal cavity Congested in nose and eyes puff with fluid sticky mucus. Naso pharynx, gel-like nasal congestion; mucus hard to hawk it up Sticky, gluey, stretchy a bit, frothy. Transparent to white in color. Its scant Bland, odorless Sticky 2 sticky jelly-like mucus thick white to clear, sticky Very thick phlegm. Difficult to hawk/spit up. Clear color nasal thick clear mucus Discharge is bland, clear a little mucousy sticky with mucus hard to cough up bleeding of the nose on blowing Greenish-yellow in the morning but still thin Nasal discharge is yellow-green, more so in the morning, can also be clear. phlegm with brown streaks in whitish, slightly green mucus sensation as if a lump in my throat Spitting out small amounts of mucous as I cough. It's a creamy greenish color Speech and voice losing my voice hoarse hoarse, low, and gravell Chest shoulders hurt with very rapid heartbeats, rapid heartbeat continues when begin to rest, esp. lying down afternoon or at night. heaviness in the chest, like a weight, and throat constricted. Rapid heartbeat. Every time I lie down,. When I rest. It beats and beats and doesn't react to anything I do. I feel more cold. My chest feels as if something were lying on it, a weight. Palpitations Visions of knives, stabbing myself in the chest to get rid of it, all this stuff in there that needs to be drained out. A stone in my chest. If I could just stab it (during flu). Palpitations, constant, accompanied with feelings of anxiety. Chest pains on waking. Anxiety about heart I really thought something was wrong with my heart. I wasn't scared of it, more like "what's going on?" feeling of not-enough-room in the upper half of my body, heart, chest, neck, a sort of pressure, as if I am in an atmosphere that has a different level of gravity than I. Feel a pressure in the breast and heart pains in my back during the whole evening. Burning in chest and zyphoid Chest tight 2 Back sacrum and coccyx tight and a little sore. Sacrum pain 2 Have strong back pains while still in bed in the sacrum better on movement. Low back tender T12/L1/L2 neck popping with self-adjustments. A little tight On waking I have a very stiff neck, worse left side. Sore back muscles. sciatic symptoms today after sitting for long period of time trembling due to my exhaustion, extends up to the neck, but not absolutely unpleasant. Deeper ache in back, better by not moving and with heat Muscle spasm in back. Across shoulder blades. Worse in the center, radiating in both directions. Felt like my spine needed to be cracked. Worse movement. Pain was a strong, deep ache. Not stabbing, not fleeting. It abated to a noticeable ache when she was not moving. Better not moving. Better heat. Better sitting in a recliner. Better deep breathing, walking. A headache that goes up the back of my neck, extending up the back of my head and into my temple, a pulling sensation, tightness, goes down into my shoulder and up into my temple. It hurts to touch the outside of my neck. Tension in the shoulders and back of neck. Wake up and have a very stiff neck, especially left side. Neck pain sore 3 Stiff 2 Extremities Itch 3 Heat 2 Stiff 3 Foot pain 2 Sharp pain on top of right foot 2 Sensation right underarm (later also the top of my arm) feels heavy, big, as if stretched out, a little prickly Pain behind right knee toward the inside, sharp, lasts 30 seconds, while lying quietly Body feels achy especially extremities (left hand). Legs feel achy again today. Neck, shoulders and arms sore Light burning Itchy hive on shoulder An extremely itchy right middle finger, on the palm side, from the base of the finger to the last knuckle. Lasted 15 minutes. Felt better from scratching. rash behind both knees and spreading down legs, and inside forearms. Worse with warmth. Can feel more than see the eruptions. Worse end of day, warmth, scratching, better cool. Itchy hive on shoulder, same place as yesterday at midnight exactly. Lasted for ten minutes Pain right bottom of heel closer to the inside this morning on rising. Okay when sitting, < walking, < pressure. hands are very warm Not sweaty, just a sensation of heat emanating from my hands, from the palms. Things feel very cool to the touch Palms are hot again. Just my palms. So warm, I feel like I could heal with them. Hands still the hottest. Cool wet towel amel. Better outside into the cool, misty breeze On going to sleep, I feel a very strong warmth in my right ankle, lots of energy is streaming into the ankle. Lump tender lumpy area on tendon at right popliteal-lateral.. Tight shoulders, neck, arms, forearms, sacrum, right hip and pelvis stiff neck and trapezius. sore back muscles. Exhibiting sciatic symptoms today after sitting for long period of time. stiff foot joints and feet, when I take my first steps, but gets better on movement in morning ankles are very stiff on waking especially going down stairs. sharp piercing shooting pain in left ankle feels as if I had just badly sprained it. the pain suddenly stops, but one tendon still hurts in certain positions The pain in the ankle is drawing lightly into my left kneecap Feet and legs and ankles are quite stiff on waking Pain right wrist. pull in right shoulder/trapezius fleeting pains in old injuries and sprains tearing feeling in my fingers and arms, more on the left side morning sharp pain on top of my right foot when moving. over the arch, midway between the ankle and toes. pain on top of my right foot while driving. sharp, closer to inside arch of foot. Lasted about one minute pain in bottom of right foot for 30 sec. sharp pain on top of right foot Burning warm spot on the back of my right thigh in the mid-afternoon sharp pain on the top of the right foot when walking as if I landed on it wrong. Went away quickly Feels like it's in the tendon or muscle, not the bone pain in my right hamstring while driving sharp pain. In foot on waking pains in the ball of my left foot, near the big toe. Feels infected, tender to touch. Hurts when I walk. Swelling on my left anticubital fossa medial portion. (inner arm), extending proximally 5-6 inches. tender with a central area that is mostly firm, about one inch in diameter. The other arm has similar swelling, but less. My axillary glands are not swollen or tender. Nothing noted in the polical fossa Swelling on both arms,. left side has distinct areas like swollen lymph nodes, while yesterday it was more one amorphous, spongy-thick, edematous mass. tender, not red or bruised. Arms still swollen and tender. Ditto right knee area Swelling Right leg still sore with lumpy spot behind lateral knee along tendon Left arm still has rounded lump, slightly painful on palpation Swelling rounded swelling, tender on palpation, on my left arm Legs fell asleep when sitting for extended periods of time Sciatic pain mid-afternoon I feel ill, as if a virus is sticking in my bones. Aching in my extremities, twitching and pinching here and there in my body. shoulder pain (after long drive Sleep horrible sleep, sweating (nosmell). By morning felt better, really wanted to sleep, was very irritated with poor/no sleep. tired on waking unrefreshed 2 Increased energy throughout day. Little desire to sleep. Too excited and don't want to sit still Woke up twice in the night Stayed awake until about 1 am despite being tired Nap 3 pm Deep 5 Anxious before going to bed tossing and turning in my sleep frequent waking 2 difficulty falling asleep 3 lying awake, trying to get to sleep, suddenly my right underarm (later also the top of my arm) feels very strange, quite heavy, big, as if stretched out, a little prickly - such a strange sensation that I really can't describe it. Suddenly I see before my inner eyes (in my mind) how my hand changes into an animal's paw with orange-brown fur, the whole arm has become an animal's arm. I wonder, what kind of animal, a lioness. For a moment I am this lioness, somewhere under the hot African sun I lie relaxed in the sand At some point the pictures dissolve and I can fall asleep disturbed wake to urinate Tossing and turning Waking with thirst feeling of not slept enough at all, although I slept long enough. I could not get to sleep at first.I am sweating a lot and am also very restless, Uninterrupted Woke up in abnormal position leg hanging off bed, lying on back, arms over chest. Unrefreshed Tired when waking Can't lie in bed thinking or I fall back asleep. Have to force myself up and out Waking dehydrated difficulty waking exhausted from no sleep. Felt poorly from the night sweats and fever, still c I left the door open to sleep. Fever Very chilled. Shaking. Shivers. 5-6:30 PM chilly as the sun set could not get warm cold. 2 cold to the bone, horrible sleep every chills, sweats, tossed and turned night sweats and fever, still cold. feverish and chilled around midnight, was cold to the bone, horrible sleep, sweating (no smell). Hot all over now, like a fever with no sweat Cool wet towel felt good. Better (1) going outside into the cool, misty breeze The room has cooled down but not me bathed in sweat when waking chilly in evening 2 9 PM I have sudden strong hot flashes and sweat - after drinking hot cocoa Perspiration sweat stinks hot for a while, but don't sweat Skin Feel heavy and tissue seems full/fat all over body. Loose skin with tight underlying feeling Dry eruption Pimple forming on left chin, just below side of mouth Body appears dry and scratchy